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(the camp for kids with asthma!)
Great Year!!
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Katie's Homepage

Chatty Chassity
Chatty Chassity
Jeaneane, aka "G"
Jeaneane, aka "G"
Boy Crazy (Well, Ryan-crazy) Alicia
Boy Crazy (Well, Ryan-crazy) Alicia
Aww, how cute are my campers in their PJ's?
Aww, how cute are my campers in their PJ's?
So cute I had to take 2 PJ pictures
So cute I had to take 2 PJ pictures
Look at that beautiful hairdo?? (I braided it for her)
Look at that beautiful hairdo?? (I braided it for her)
Chassity, chilling out
Chassity, chilling out
G, laying on one of our many empty beds
G, laying on one of our many empty beds
Why is Alicia smiling at me like that?
Why is Alicia smiling at me like that?
My faithful LIT, Kekee ("the cat ;-)")
My faithful LIT, Kekee ("the cat ;-)")
My NUTTY campers, "recharging" glow in the dark stars on the wall
My NUTTY campers, "recharging" glow in the dark stars on the wall
Alicia (this was her idea), working hard
Alicia (this was her idea), working hard
Aww, here are my cuties again--wearing the 4 leaf clovers that I found them (yeah, Chass, I know they don't match your outfit)
Aww, here are my cuties again--wearing the 4 leaf clovers that I found them (yeah, Chass, I know they don't match your outfit)
Cabin G8 Comes to visit (and 10 minutes later gets sent home)
Cabin G8 Comes to visit (and 10 minutes later gets sent home)
Aww, home from the carnival, with duckie shirt & teddy bear in tow
Aww, home from the carnival, with duckie shirt & teddy bear in tow
Guess I just thought these two were cute?
Guess I just thought these two were cute?
She looks like she's trying to tell someone's future or something?
She looks like she's trying to tell someone's future or something?
Poor G, we never let her nap as long as she wanted to
Poor G, we never let her nap as long as she wanted to
Chassity, dancing to the radio
Chassity, dancing to the radio
Our Cabin, as seen from my bed. (hmm, now I see WHY we never won the clean cabin award!)
Our Cabin, as seen from my bed. (hmm, now I see WHY we never won the clean cabin award!)
Alicia, going through my stuff
Alicia, going through my stuff
Nasty Bruise I got on my arm (from archery, no less!)
Nasty Bruise I got on my arm (from archery, no less!)
Gee, they all look thrilled?
Gee, they all look thrilled?
Alicia tried to give bunny ears in like EVERY damn picture!
Alicia tried to give bunny ears in like EVERY damn picture!
Alicia, wearing a bandaid on her forehead (don't ask)
Alicia, wearing a bandaid on her forehead (don't ask)
Our cabin/ Chass braiding G's hair
Our cabin/ Chass braiding G's hair
I braid better than Chassity ;-)  (No, she just got tired, so here's my second set of cornrows of the week...)
I braid better than Chassity ;-) (No, she just got tired, so here's my second set of cornrows of the week...)
The braided quintet! (my campers, LIT, and Emily (far right), favorite former camper)
The braided quintet! (my campers, LIT, and Emily (far right), favorite former camper)
All dressed up & ready for the dance! (Alicia & emily)
All dressed up & ready for the dance! (Alicia & emily)
Aww, so beautiful! (watch those boys!!)
Aww, so beautiful! (watch those boys!!)
Did I NOT say I was counting to 3?)
Did I NOT say I was counting to 3?)
Try again...
Try again...
Prite (asst. director), Christ (Mandy's boyfriend), and Mandy (friend since like what, 1989?)
Prite (asst. director), Christ (Mandy's boyfriend), and Mandy (friend since like what, 1989?)
Dylan & his cabinmates.  Too cute! Love B2!
Dylan & his cabinmates. Too cute! Love B2!
Let's try this again, kiddos...
Let's try this again, kiddos...
The two lovely boys who invented the game of "Splash the Lifeguard"
The two lovely boys who invented the game of "Splash the Lifeguard"
What did you guys take? (Ryan & Heather)
What did you guys take? (Ryan & Heather)
Katie # 2 and her camper cuties
Katie # 2 and her camper cuties
Aww, how cute are the dressed up girls?
Aww, how cute are the dressed up girls?
Michelle and Kristen (very cool counselor who'se like 34, she SO does not look it)
Michelle and Kristen (very cool counselor who'se like 34, she SO does not look it)
Alicia & Emily & G1 girl
Alicia & Emily & G1 girl
Poor kiddos, crowned Prom King & Queen, who refuse to dance together
Poor kiddos, crowned Prom King & Queen, who refuse to dance together
Sarah, prom queen, and Matt Pino (don't EVEN get me started!! Eww!!)
Sarah, prom queen, and Matt Pino (don't EVEN get me started!! Eww!!)
Poor traumatized Prom queen and Aleck
Poor traumatized Prom queen and Aleck
Sarah (former LIT of mine when I was a counselor), and Ivy (former camper)
Sarah (former LIT of mine when I was a counselor), and Ivy (former camper)
Dreamland!! (Alicia, having just arrived home from the dance, complete with first kiss, first boyfriend, etc.)
Dreamland!! (Alicia, having just arrived home from the dance, complete with first kiss, first boyfriend, etc.)
My beautiful girls...Friday, the last day of camp, sniff!
My beautiful girls...Friday, the last day of camp, sniff!
OK, so Alicia made a fork at Arts & Crafts...OK...
OK, so Alicia made a fork at Arts & Crafts...OK...
1st try...
1st try...
Our lovely banner & campers, outside the cabin.
Our lovely banner & campers, outside the cabin.
Alicia in the two-piece bathing suit that wasn't allowed (but that she wore anyway!)
Alicia in the two-piece bathing suit that wasn't allowed (but that she wore anyway!)
Alicia & random G-1 girl, and Dylan
Alicia & random G-1 girl, and Dylan
Dylan's lovely cabin-mates
Dylan's lovely cabin-mates
My Dylan!! My favorite 8 year old at camp--asked me to the dance & gave me a teddy bear.  Aww!
My Dylan!! My favorite 8 year old at camp--asked me to the dance & gave me a teddy bear. Aww!
The Infirmary on your left, the dining hall on your right
The Infirmary on your left, the dining hall on your right
My beautiful girls under the sign on the Arts & Crafts building
My beautiful girls under the sign on the Arts & Crafts building
Um, OK Kekee?
Um, OK Kekee?
The grass with the flagpole!! Where I was standing the first time I ever kissed a boy!
The grass with the flagpole!! Where I was standing the first time I ever kissed a boy!
Forgotten articles of clothing at the pool
Forgotten articles of clothing at the pool
Doodle & my lovely campers & LIT
Doodle & my lovely campers & LIT
Doodle & Kekee
Doodle & Kekee
The pool! (with the gym in the background)
The pool! (with the gym in the background)
Where I spent quite a few hours each day (I was CBE's lifeguard)
Where I spent quite a few hours each day (I was CBE's lifeguard)
Doodle painting Alicia
Doodle painting Alicia
Doodle painting Jeanene
Doodle painting Jeanene
Doodle the Clown painted us like crazy!
Doodle the Clown painted us like crazy!
Dinnertime! (complete with Mandy (we used to be campers together!) and Prite (assisstant camp director)
Dinnertime! (complete with Mandy (we used to be campers together!) and Prite (assisstant camp director)
Guys, aren't you used to me taking pictures by now. Smile!
Guys, aren't you used to me taking pictures by now. Smile!
We've been Doodled!!
We've been Doodled!!
Aww, beautiful Arti--former camper of mine who's now an LIT
Aww, beautiful Arti--former camper of mine who's now an LIT
Time to go home... so sad!
Time to go home... so sad!