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Tuesday, 2 January 2007

Mood:  spacey


Today seemed like things resumed some 'semblance of normal for a weekday...Ryan went back to school, winter soccer games are being scheduled, holiday decorations are slowly being taken down, Karl went back to work and Morgan slept in. This is where the normalcy ends....for she and I hung out at home all day. Yesterday, she was a hurting unit so her nurse made a late evening house call and we "upped" her pain meds yet again (by another 33%). She soooo needed the extra pain relief....Thanks Donna!!

I find it absolutely incredible that she can interact as well as she does considering the magnitude of the meds and the extent of the cancer. Today, however, was a little different. I think the increase in meds (this time anyway) caused her to be groggy all day. We did have visitors, but she was in and out. Some of this grogginess may also be due to a very low red cell count. I must tell you though, that every time she got a spurt of energy...she wanted to walk or eat. If anyone has any question of the power of one's will and spirit....have them look Morgan up! I see it each and every day. One will leave a true believer in things greater than science.

Every now and again, I have mentioned her pup, Izzy. She is a total love...but now I can add another word to describe dog. Izzy is with Morgan 24/7, right by her side. If anyone is pestering Morgan, Izzy expresses her dismay through body actions and her own bark/whine/growl. Many of us humans have lost our 6th sense that most animals have and that scares me a bit because it makes me wonder if Izzy knows of something more eminent than I do. To put a positive spin on it though, I know that someone who loves Morgan is with her every second - even when we need to step out of the room.

We'll see what the next couple of days bring. She has a couple visitors scheduled and possibly a road trip to visit a friend's new arts and crafts room tomorrow. Car? Road? Bumps? If this trip does come to be, she will persevere because the spirit seems to be in control right now.

Thanks for checking in, the prayers and all your positive energies.

Take care and God Bless,

OH....a couple folks have asked how our friend Caroline is doing. To the best of my knowledge (I haven't talked to mom since before Christmas) they are doing well. Everyone was home for Christmas. They went ahead with chemo despite the new tumor before the holidays. All tests showed that the chemo was indeed working with the exception of this one new growth. I believe that they are heading to CHOPs sometime this month to try a new treatment that involves MIBG (a neuroblastoma specific radioactive agent) and radiation. Good luck....I'll be saying my prayers for a good response to the new treatment :) !

Posted by super2/missmorgan at 10:10 PM EST
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Wednesday, 3 January 2007 - 11:48 AM EST

Name: Kim
Home Page:

Hi Lisa,

I'm not sure if my notes get to you, but I'm hoping that they do :-).

It may not be a bad idea to keep a small dish of treats nearby Morgan’s bed to let Izzy know that the people helping Morgan are good. If they treat her, she will be a little less protective, which may help Izzy once Morgan is not with her any longer.

I just wanted you all to know that you, Izzy and Morgan are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Give those 2 little girls a great big hug from us in NH!

Thursday, 4 January 2007 - 11:06 AM EST

Name: Judy
Home Page:

You are an amazing strong mom. My heart goes out to all of you. Children are an amazing thing. My prayers and thoughts are with you. Best Wihes Judy

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