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Friday, 20 October 2006

Mood:  cool


We are home, we are home, we are home.

What a week! I can say though, that as of right now, that she has successfully completed another round of chemo (without getting sick) and does indeed have her medi-port in. Yeah! Her counts are going up and down with no solid reasoning behind it, so I'm glad that she got the port in. Due to her platelets being at the minimal level for the port procedure, she has quite a bruise around the insertion site (on the left side of her chest). Outside of that, tiredness and soreness, she is doing pretty well.

Tomorrow, we start the injection series to bring her white count back and pray that she doesn't spike a fever when her white count is very low. This will buy her another admission ticket into the hospital. In the meantime, I am hoping for some sleep and "normal activities". Her Dr. is fully expecting to see us back sometime next week for a transfusion (or two).

Thanks to EVERYONE for their help these past couple of weeks....for wonderful dinners, quilts, offers to clean, cards etc. You all have been marvelous. I feel a tad guilty about all this effort and energy, partly because we have no clue what even tomorrow will bring - let alone the distant future. Despite the guilt, I truly do appreciate it for it has indeed made life a bit easier!!

That is about it, for now. I am also eternally grateful for the prayers and positive energies that keep us plugging along!!

Good night and God Bless,

Posted by super2/missmorgan at 7:29 PM EDT
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