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Welcome to *~*Baby Neopet Lovers*~* Guild Home Page! I am having a little trouble with this page, but i will update it soon. (yes it's ok- IT SUCKS! lol!)The rest of the links are pretty much ready to go,and the pages look better than this page,but I will make then more advanced html soon! Yeah and also, I will try and change the links cuz they look weird, but i don't think it will be this week :)
10/15 The current mood of at I haven't done much today- I am just creating banners for contests:)
10/14 The current mood of at Working on website. Added new tagboard. Kinda kewl- almost like a message board.
Added Best Pages yet! Include: Halloween fun,Interact (really cool), and a few other ones. Even more coming tomorrow! Also, Added forms to the contests pages and wishing well to make things easier!
I just finished the front of the website and most of the links! Yea! The pages may not look the best, but i am trying so hard to make them look good! PLease remember to read the messages every day, vote in the guild poll, and DONATE! all this info is in the links! have fun!

Contests Baby PointsDonations Guild JobsSOTM Guild Mall THCAdoptions Wishing Well Advertise us! Halloween Fun! Interact! Fun Adoptables Mystery Pic

Images by Flaming