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Southern California Local C.A.D.H.H. Chapter


Coalition Against The Destruction Of Hip Hop Main Page
CADHH Message Board
Northern California Local CADHH Chapter

Mission Statement _______________________________________________________________________________________________ The Coalition Against The destruction Of Hip Hop (C.A.D.H.H.) This is a coalition formed by people that believe in the true art form of hip hop and rap . The poetic heart felt side of the art. The main goals of the coalition are to bring back the art form into the publics eye. Give those artists with talent that before never had a chance of being heard to have a chance to be heard. There are millions of hip hop lovers out there just like the members of the C.A.D.H.H. that know that there must be something done now to preserve that art before it is lost forever. We must work towards putting the divsion between the pop and the real hip hop. In the music industry as it stands now there is no divsion. It is all being treated as one in the same. We know better. We know that there is a major difference between pop- hip hop and rap - hip hop. We will work very hard to spread the word about our goals to as many people as possible. We will contact all Major Record Labels and TV/Radio stations.We will let them Know the intentions of the Coalition and we will not stop until we are heard. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In order to accomplish our goals we must have people willing to become members and put in the effort to help stop the destruction. I am working on building this Local Chapter and recruiting as many members as possible. The More members we have nationwide the better, I've said it before and I will say it again "Power in Numbers". So to all true hip hop fans that believe that there must be something done, help us get the word out to the Record Labels, Radio Stations and Tv Stations. We must let them know that our voice will be heard and that we do matter! Together we will combat this problem, but we must be educated and orginized. Feel Free to e-mail me anytime I will always respond to people interrested in the cause. We need you. Step up to the plate it is your chance now to become a part of something great!!!