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You Mean Everything To Me

I've been on the road too long
And I've been stuck inside a song
And you know our love has been through rougher weather
But our passion's like a rose
The seasons tell it how it grows
And not much compares to the times we've shared together
'Cause love heals everything
We're no exception to the rule
You mean everything to me
So if there is anything at all
All you've got to do is call
And you know that I would
Drive 10,000 miles
Just to show you that I care
Just to kiss your honey hair
And pull you close and hold you like a child
Love heals everything
We're no exception to that rule
You mean everything
You mean everything
You mean everything to me


O Girlfriend

I miss you
And I wonder how you feel about me too
Do you miss the way we would play
And waste our time away?
Suddenly, we're apart
And I can't see you every night
Though we'd fight I loved you so much
Now I can't feel your touch

Oh girlfriend
That's the end
And I'm lost without your love
Oh love

In your arms
I was happy as a little boy could be
Taking pills and mellowing out
Now I just want to shout
For your love
'Cause I'm drifting further from you everyday
Driving by your place every night
I used to feel alright

Oh girlfriend
That's the end
And I'm lost without your love
Oh love

Feeling fancies every night
When I dreamed to be alright
Oh love
Oh love

Oh girlfriend
That's the end
And I'm lost without your love
Oh love

In your arms
I was happy as a little boy could be
Taking pills and mellowing out
Now I just want to shout

Now I just want to shout
Now I just want to shout

I Wanna Be With You

I try but I can't seem to get myself to think of anything but you
Your breath on my face your warm, gentle kiss I taste the truth, I taste the truth
We know what I came here for
So I won't ask for more

I wanna be with you
If only for a night
To be the on who's in your arms to hold you tight
I wanna be with you
There's nothing more to say
There's nothing else I want more than to feel this way
I wanna be with you

So I'll hold you tonight like I would if you were mine to hold forevermore
And I'll savor each touch that I've wanted so much to feel before, to feel before
How beautiful it is
Just to be like this


Oh, baby
I can't fight this feeling anymore(anymore)
Drives me crazy when I try to
So call my name and take my hand
Can you make my wish, baby, your command(command)?


Oh yeah
I wanna be with you
Wanna be with you, ooo, yeah
I wanna be, I wanna be


A Puro Dolor


Perdona si te estoy

llamando en este moment

Pero me hacia falta

Escuchar denuevo

Aunque sea un instante

Tu respiracion


Disculpa se que estoy

Violando nuestro juramente

Se que estas con alguien

Que no es el momento

Pero hay algo urgente

Que decirte hoy


Estoy muriendo

Muriendo por verte


Muy lento y muy fuerte



Devuelveme mis fantasias

Mis ganas de vivir la vida

Devuelve me el aire


Carino mio

Sin ti me siento basio

Las tardes son un laberinto

Y las noches me saben

A puro dolor


Quisiera decirte

Que hoy estoy de maravillas

Que no me afectado lo de tu partida

Pero con un dedo no se tapa el sol


Estoy muriendo

Muriendo por verte

Agonizando muy lento y muy fuerte



Devuelveme mis fantasias

Mis ganas de vivir la vida

Devuelve me el aire


Carino mio

Sin ti me siento basio

Las tardes son un laberinto

Y las noches me saben

A puro dolor


Mi vida

Devuelve mis fantasias

Mis ganas de vivir la vida

Devuelveme el aire


Carino mio

Sin ti me siento basio

Las tardes son un laberinto

Y las noches me saben

A puro dolor



Devuelveme mis fantasias

Mis ganas de vivir la vida

Devuelve me el aire


Perdona si te estoy

llamando en este moment

Pero me hacia falta

Escuchar denuevo

Aunque sea un instante

Tu respiracion



Purest of Pain


I’m sorry that I’m calling

You right now

But I missed

Hearing again

Even if it’s for a moment

Your breathing


Sorry that I’m

Breaking our promises

I know that you’re with someone

It’s not the time

But there’s something urgent

I have to say today


I’m dying

Dying to see you


Hard and Slowly


My love

Give me back my fantasies

Mi will to live

Give me back the air


My love

Without you I feel empty

The afternoon is a labyrinth

And the nights taste

Of the purest of pain


I want to tell you

That I’m doing great

That the break up hasn’t affected me

But you can’t cover the sun with a finger


I'm dying

Dying to see you


Hard and slowly


My love

Give me back my fantasies

My will to live

Give me back the air


My love

Without you I feel empty

The afternoons are a labyrinth

And the nights taste

Of the purest of pains


My love

Give me back my fantasies

My will to live

Give me back the air


My love

Without you I feel empty

The afternoons are a labyrinth

And the nights taste

Of the purest of pains


My love

Give me back my fantasies

My will to live

Give me back the air


I’m sorry that I’m calling

You right now

But I missed

Hearing again

Even if it’s for a moment

Your breathing



Te quiero

Letra y Música: David Summers


No, ya no me llores, no me vayas a hacer llorar a mí...

Dame, dame tu mano, inténtalo mi niña, quiero verte reír....


Abrázame fuerte, ven corriendo a mí...

Te quiero, te quiero, te quiero y no hago otra cosa que pensar en ti...


Tú estás dormida, y yo te abrazo y siento que respiras...

Sueño, con tu sonrisa, te beso muy despacio en tus mejillas...


Necesito verte, donde quiera que estés...

Te quiero, te quiero, te quiero y no hago otra cosa que pensar en ti...

Sólo vivo y respiro, para ti

Te quiero... te quiero... te quiero... te quiero.


Abrázame fuerte, ven corriendo a mí...

Déjame que te diga otra vez que te quiero...

te quiero... te quiero...


(Déjame que te diga otra vez que te quiero...

te quiero... te quiero...)

Te quiero...

(Déjame que te diga otra vez que te quiero...

te quiero... te quiero...)

Te quiero... te quiero... te quiero...


Te quiero...








I Love you

Lyrics and Music by David Summers


No, don’t cry for me, don’t make me cry…

Give, give me your hand, try it girl, I want to see you laugh….


Hug me tight, come running to me…

I love you, I love you I love you, and I only think of you….


You’re sleeping, and I hug you, I feel you breathe…

I dream, with your smile, I kiss you slowly on your cheeks


I need to see you, where do you want me to be…

I love you I love you I love you and I only think of you.

I only live and breath, for you

I love you I love you I love you I love you

Hug me tight, come running to me…

Let me tell you again that I love you…

I love you I love you



Let me tell you again that I love you

I love you I love you


Waiting On You

Why haven't you called me?
Did you forget me?
I need to know
When were you intending
To break the silence
And let me know?

Mine is the loneliest of numbers
Now is the loneliest of times
You're 19 days late, but still I sit and wait
Waiting and waiting, waiting and waiting, waiting and waiting
Waiting on you

Who have you been seeing
That made you forget me?
I bet you call him
Where, oh where does he come from?
I bet he lives close by
I bet he's just a friend

Mine is the loneliest of numbers
Now is the loneliest of times
You're 19 days late, but still I sit and wait
Waiting and waiting, waiting and waiting, waiting and waiting
Waiting on you

Waiting and waiting, waiting and waiting, you've got me waiting
Waiting on you

I asked you if you'd ever do me harm
You answered, 'Yes, I'll never do you harm'
I asked you if you'd ever do me harm
You answered, 'Yes, I'll never do you harm'



Suddenly our shortcomings
Don't seem to matter that much
Your IQ is 20 points low
And I'm no Six Foot Hot Look
All American Man
Sad to say I pushed you away
Waiting for 'Mrs. Right'
You never gave up

Devotion, waiting for me
You'll always be my girlfriend
I too am waiting for you
I'll always be your friend

I commend your stubborness
Without it we'd never got this far
I am done with perfection
Chasing her leaves me with nothing but pain
Unlike you, she isn't true
She's got her own concerns
You never gave up

Devotion, waiting for me
You'll always be my girlfriend
I too am waiting for you
I'll always be your friend

Devotion, waiting for me
You'll always be my girlfriend
I too am waiting for you
I'll always be your friend



November Rain


When I look into your eyes
I can see a love restrained
But darlin' when I hold you
Don't you know I feel the same

'Cause nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain

We've been through this auch a long long time
Just tryin' to kill the pain

But lovers always come and lovers always go
An no one's really sure who's lettin' go today
Walking away

If we could take the time
to lay it on the line
I could rest my head
Just knowin' that you were mine
All mine
So if you want to love me
then darlin' don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walkin'
In the cold November rain

Do you need some time...on your own
Do you need some time...all alone
Everybody needs some time...
on their own
Don't you know you need some time...all alone

I know it's hard to keep an open heart
When even friends seem out to harm you
But if you could heal a broken heart
Wouldn't time be out to charm you

Sometimes I need some time...on my
Sometimes I need some time...all alone
Everybody needs some time...
on their own
Don't you know you need some time...all alone

And when your fears subside
And shadows still remain
I know that you can love me
When there's no one left to blame
So never mind the darkness
We still can find a way
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
Even cold November rain

Don't ya think that you need somebody
Don't ya think that you need someone
Everybody needs somebody
You're not the only one
You're not the only one

A Thousand Miles

Making my way downtown
Walking fast
Faces passed
And I'm home bound

Staring blankly ahead
Just making my way
Making my way
Through the crowd

And I need you
And I miss you
And now I wonder....

If I could fall
Into the sky
Do you think time
Would pass me by
'Cause you know I'd walk
A thousand miles
If I could
Just see you

It's always times like these
When I think of you
And I wonder
If you ever
Think of me

'Cause everything's so wrong
And I don't belong
Living in your
Precious memories

'Cause I need you
And I miss you
And now I wonder....

If I could fall
Into the sky
Do you think time
Would pass me by
'Cause you know I'd walk
A thousand miles
If I could
Just see you

And I, I
Don't want to let you know
I, I
Drown in your memory
I, I
Don't want to let this go
I, I

Making my way downtown
Walking fast
Faces passed
And I'm home bound

Staring blankly ahead
Just making my way
Making my way
Through the crowd

And I still need you
And I still miss you
And now I wonder....

If I could fall
Into the sky
Do you think time
Would pass us by
'Cause you know I'd walk
A thousand miles
If I could
Just see you...

If I could fall
Into the sky
Do you think time
Would pass me by
'Cause you know I'd walk
A thousand miles
If I could
Just see you
If I could
Just hold you

Ode To The Lonely Hearted 

Please stay away till the end of the night where nothing's on the run

please stay away till I can find the reason and the fun

 though I've seen all their happiness I can only be down

go take your soul make an ode to the lonely hearted

these broken dreams are not what they seem

there's so much more than this

I can't see how she won't think now of everything we've missed

all the words that have gone before may as well have been none

go take your soul make an ode to the lonely hearted

go take your soul make an ode to the lonely hearted

I know it's a real life story but there's so little time

I know it's a real nice story but it's easy to find

these cigarettes won't relieve a thing there's just to ease my mind

I wonder so if she'll ever know of all we've left behind

of the thirty-one dreams we had, thirty-one were mine

go take your soul make an ode to the lonely hearted 

go take your soul make an ode to the lonely hearted

go take your soul make an ode to the lonely hearted


How Do I Live

How do I,
Get through one night without you?
If I had to live without you,
What kind of life would that be?
Oh, I need....
I need you in my arms, need you to hold,
You're my world, my heart, my soul,
If you ever leave,
Baby you would take away everything good in my life,
And tell me now
How do I live without you?
I want to know,
How do I breathe without you?
If you ever go,
How do I ever, ever survive?
How do I, how do I, oh how do I live?
Without you,
There'd be no sun in my sky,
There would be no love in my life,
There'd be no world left for me.
And I,
Baby I don't know what I would do,
I'd be lost if I lost you,
If you ever leave,
Baby you would take away everything real in my life,
And tell me now,
How do I live without you?
I want to know,
How do I breathe without you?
If you ever go,
How do I ever, ever survive?
How do I, how do I, oh how do I live?
Please tell me baby,
How do I go on?
If you ever leave,
Baby you would take away everything,
I need you with me,
Baby don't you know that you're everything,
Real in my life?
And tell me now,
How do I live without you,
I want to know,
How do I breathe without you?
If you ever go,
How do I ever, ever survive?
How do I, how do I, oh how do I live?
How do I live without you?
How do I live without you baby?



There’s something about the look in your eyes
Something I noticed when the light was just right
It reminded me twice that I was alive
And it reminded me that you’re so worth the fight

My biggest fear will be the rescue of me
Strange how it turns out that way, yeah
Could you show me dear?
Something I've not seen.
Something infinitely interesting
Could you show me dear?
Something I've not seen.
Something infinitely interesting

There’s something about the way you move
I see your mouth in slow motion when you sing
More subtle than something someone contrives
Your movements echo that I've seen the real thing.

Your biggest fear will be the rescue of you
Strange how it turns out that way, yeah
Could you show me dear?
Something I've not seen.
Something infinitely interesting
Could you show me dear?
Something I've not seen.
Something infinitely interesting


When It's Over

When it's over

That's the time I fall in love again

And when it's over

That's the time you're in my heart again

And when you go go go go

I know

It never ends

It never ends 


All the things that I used to say

All the words that got in the way

All the things that I used to know

Have gone out the window

All the things that she used to bring

All the songs that she used to sing

All of her favorite TV shows

Have gone out the window 

<<end chorus>> 

I'm missing you

I never knew how much she'd loved me

I'm missing you

I never knew how much you meant to me

I need you and when you go go go go

I know

It never ends

Never ends 


All the things that I used to say 

All the words that got in the way

All the things that I used to know

Have gone out the window 

All the things that she used to bring

All the songs that she used to sing

All of her favorite TV shows 

Have gone out the window 

<<end chorus>> 

I'm wishing you 

You never said you were pretending 

I'm wishing you 

You'd feel the same and just come back to me

I need you and when you go go go go 

I know 

It never ends 

It never ends 

When it's over

Can I still come over 

And when it's over 

Is it really over 

When it's over

That's the time I fall in love again 


All the things that I used to say 

All the words that got in the way 

All the things that I used to know 

Have gone out the window 

All the things that she used to bring 

All the songs that she used to sing 

All of her favorite TV shows 

Have gone out the window 

All the things that I used to say 

All the words that got in the way 

All the things that I used to know 

Have gone out the window 

All the things that she used to bring 

All the songs that she used to sing 

All of her favorite TV shows 

Have gone out the window.



So true 

funny how it seems 

always in time, 

but never in line for dreams 

head over heels, when toe to toe 

this is the sound of my soul 

this is the sound 

I bought a ticket to the world 

but now I've come back again 

why do I find it hard to write the next line 

when I want the truth to be said 

I know this much is true 

With a thrill in my head 

and a pill on my tongue 

dissolve the nerves that have just begun 

listening to Marvin all night long 

this is the sound of my soul 

this is the sound 

always slipping from my hands 

sand's a time of it's own 

take your seaside arms and write the next line 

oh I want the truth to be said


Clavado En Un Bar


Aqui me tiene bien clavado

soltando las penas en un bar

brindando por su amor

aqui me tiene abandonado

bebiendo tequila pa' olvidar

y sacudirme asi el dolor

Donde estas bendita

donde te has metido

abre un poco el corazon

deja amarte corazon

ven y sacame de este bar

Se que te buscan demasiados

que te pretenden cantidad

pero eso no es felicidad

y mi amor nunca se raja

y mi amor nunca

jamas te va a fallar

nunca jamas

Donde estas maldita

donde te has metido

abre un poco el corazon

deja amarte corazon

ven y sacame de este bar

Estoy clavado, estoy herido

estoy ahogado en un bar

desesperado en el olvido amor

estoy ahogado en un bar

muy desesperado, muy en el olvido

estoy ahogado en un bar

Dejate querer amor

quiero ser tu todo

y tu corazon

ven a rescatarme amor

Yo quiero ser tu sol

yo quiero ser tu mar

Aqui me tiene embriagado

llorando de rabia en un bar

Brindando por su amor

Aqui me tienen bien clavado

bebiendo tequila pa' olvidar todo

no es justo amor

Muy desesperado, muy en el olvido

estoy ahogando en un bar

muy desesperado, muy en el olvido


estoy ahogado en un bar


Stuck in a Bar

 You have me stuck here

Letting out my pains in a bar

Toasting for your love

You have me here abandoned

Drinking tequila to forget

And shake off this pain

Where are dear

Where have you gone

Open up your heart

Let me love you dear

Come and get me out of this bar

I know that a lot of guys want you

They flatter and flirt a lot

But that’s not happiness

And my love never leaves

And my love will never

Never fail


Where are you dammit

Where have you gone

Open up your heart

Let me love you dear

Come and get me out of this bar

I’m stuck, I’m hurt

I’m drowning in this bar

Desperate in this emptiness my love

I’m drowning in this bar

Desperate in this emptiness my love

I’m drowning in this bar

Let your self be loved

I want to be your everything

And your heart

Come and rescue me love

I want to be your sun

I want to be your sea

You have me drunk

Crying of anger in this bar

Toasting for your love

You have me stuck here

Drinking tequila to forget everything

It’s not fair love

Very desperate, very much lost

I’m drowning in this bar

Very desperate, very much lost

No, no, no, no

I’m drowning in this bar


Como Dueles En Los Labios


Como dueles en los labios

como duele en todos lados

como duelen sus caricias

cuando ya se ha ido.

Como me duele la ausencia

como extraño su color de voz

como falta su presencia

en mi habitación.

Como me duele el invierno

como me duele el verano

como me envenena el tiempo

cuando tú no estas.

Como me duele estar viviendo

como duele estar muriendo así

como me duele hasta el alma

en mi habitación.

Como dueles en los labios

en todos lados soledad. Como dueles en lo labios

en todos lados soledad. Como me duele no verte

como duele en madrugada

como me duele no verte

como duele en madrugada

como duele en los labios

como duele en madrugada

como dueles en los labios

como duele en madrugada.



How you Hurt on my Lips

 Oh, how it hurts on my lips

Oh, how it hurts everywhere

Oh, how your touch hurts

When you’ve already left

Oh, how your absence hurts

Oh, how I miss your voice

Ho how your presence is missed

In my house

Oh how the winter hurts

Oh how the summer hurts

Oh how the time just poisons me

When you’re not here

Oh how it hurts to live

Oh how it hurts to die like this

Oh how it hurts in even my sould

In my house

Oh how it hurt on my lips

In all places solitude. Oh how it hurt on my lips

In all places, solitude. Oh how it hurts to see you

Oh how it hurts at night

Oh how it hurts to not see you

Oh how it hurts at night

Oh how it hurts on my lips

Oh how it hurts at night

Oh how it hurts on my lips

Oh how it hurts at night


 Amame Hasta Que Me Muera

 Ven y empapame de amor

ven y apagame este ardor

yo quiero ahogarme en ti

en tus muslos naufragar

amame hasta que mi piel

se huela a amaneceres

y no sepamos nunca más donde esta

el cielo o el suelo.

Dame amor 10 veces

dame amor, hazme el amor

dame amor 100 veces

dame amor hasta que yo me muera.

Quiero derretirme en ti

penetrar hasta tu corazón

yo quiero sembrarme en ti

sembrarme pa" siempre

amemonos hasta embriagar, embriagar

el alma

y no sepamos nunca más donde esta

el cielo o el suelo.

Dame amor 10 veces

dame amor, hazme el amor

dame amor 100 veces

dame amor hasta que yo me muera.

Dame amor 10 veces

dame amor, hazme el amor

dame amor 100 veces

dame amor hasta que yo me muera.

Niña de mi amor pierdete en mis mares

niña de mi amor nada en mis rincones

no te puedes ir niña de mis sueños

no me dejes más quiero ser tu dueño.

Dame amor 10 veces

dame amor, hazme el amor

dame amor 100 veces

dame amor hasta que yo me muera.

Dame amor 10 veces

dame amor, hazme el amor

dame amor 100 veces

dame amor hasta que yo me muera.



Love Me until I die


Come and soak me full of love

Come and turn off this burning

I want to drown in you

En your thighs

Love me until my skin

Smells of sunrises

And we don’t know where we’re at

The sky or the ground

Give me love 10 times

Give me love, make love to me

Give me love 100 times

Give me love until I die

I want to melt in you

Penetrate your heart

I want to plant myself in you

Plant myself forever

Let’s love each other until we get drunk

Get our souls drunk

And we don’t know where we’re at

The sky or the ground

Give me love 10 times

Give me love, make love to me

Give me love 100 times

Give me love until I die

Give me love 10 times

Give me love, make love to me

Give me love 100 times

Give me love until I die

Girl of all my love, lose yourself in my seas

Girl of my love and nothing in the corners

You can’t leave, girl of my dreams

Don’t leave me any more, I want to have you

Give me love 10 times

Give me love, make love to me

Give me love 100 times

Give me love until I die

Give me love 10 times

Give me love, make love to me

Give me love 100 times

Give me love until I die


I Miss You


To see you when I wake up, is a gift I didn't think could be real
To know that you feel the same, as I do, is a Three-fold utopian dream
You do something to me
That I can't explain
So would I be out of line, If I said
I miss you.
I see your picture, I smell your skin on, the empty pillow next to mine
You have only been gone ten days, but already I am wasting away
I know I'll see you again
Whether far or soon
But I need you to know, that I care
And I miss you

Think About You

Say baby you been lookin' real good
I remember when we met
Funny how it never felt so good
It's a feelin' that I know
I know I'll never forget
Ooh it was the best time
I can remember
Ooh and the love we shared-
Is lovin' that'll last forever

There wasn't much
In this heart of mine
There was a little left
And babe you found it
It's funny how I never felt so high
It's a feelin' that I know
I know I'll never forget
Ooh it was the best time
I can remember
Ooh and the love we shared-
Is lovin' that'll last forever

I think about you
Honey all the time
My heart says yes
I think about you
Deep inside I love you best
I think about you
You know you're the one I want
I think about you
Darlin' you're the only one
I think about you

Somethin' changed
In this heart of mine
An' I'm so glad that ya showed me
Honey now, you're my best friend
We're gonna stay together till the very end
Ooh it was the best time
I can remember
Ooh and the love we shared-
Is lovin' that'll last forever


Shed a tear 'cause I'm missin' you
I'm still alright to smile
Girl, I think about you every day now
Was a time when I wasn't sure
But you set my mind at ease
There is no doubt
You're in my heart now

Said, woman, take it slow
It'll work itself out fine
All we need is just a little patience
Said, sugar, make it slow
And we come together fine
All we need is just a little patience
Mm, yeah

I sit here on the stairs
'Cause I'd rather be alone
If I can't have you right now
I'll wait, dear
Sometimes I get so tense
But I can't speed up the time
But you know, love
There's one more thing to consider

Said, woman, take it slow
And things will be just fine
You and I'll just use a little patience
Said, sugar, take the time
'Cause the lights are shining bright
You and I've got what it takes
To make it, We won't fake it,
I'll never break it
'cause I can't take it

...little patience, mm yeah, mm yeah
need a little patience, yeah
just a little patience, yeah
some more patience, yeah
need some patience, yeah
could use some patience, yeah
gotta have some patience, yeah
all it takes is patience,
just a little patience
is all you need *

I been walkin' the streets at night
Just tryin' to get it right
Hard to see with so many around
You know I don't like
Being stuck in the crowd
And the streets don't change
But baby the name
I ain't got time for the game
'cause I need you
Yeah, yeah, but I need you
Oo, I need you
Whoa, I need you
Oo, all this time **

Somewhere Out There

Last time I talked to you,
you were lonely and out of place.

You were looking down on me,
lost out in space.

Laid underneath the stars,
strung out and feeling brave.

Watch the riddles glow,
watch them float away.

Down here in the atmosphere,
garbage and city lights,
you gotta save your tired soul,
you gotta save our lives.

Turn on the radio,
to find you on sattellite,
I'm waiting for the sky to fall,
I'm waiting for a sign.

All we are is all so far.

You're falling back to me,
the star that I can't see.
I know you're out there,
somewhere out there.

You're falling out of reach,
defying gravity,
I know you're out there,
somewhere out there.

Hope you remember me,
when you're homesick and need a change.
I miss your purple hair,
I miss the way you taste.

I know you'll come back someday,
on a bed of nails awake.
I'm praying that you don't burn out,
or fade away.

All we are is all so far

You're falling back to me,
the star that I can't see.
I know you're out there,
somewhere out there.

You're falling out of reach,
defying gravity,
I know you're out there,
somewhere out there.

You're falling back to me,
the star that I can't see.
I know you're out there, oh.
You're falling out of reach,
defying gravity....

I know you're out there,
somewhere out there.

You're falling back to me,
the star that I can't see.
I know you're out there,
somewhere out there.

You're falling out of reach,
defying gravity,
I know you're out there,
somewhere out there.

You're falling back to me.

Well I know,
I know.

You're falling out of reach.

I know...


Te Extrano, Te Olvido, Te Amo


Traigo en los bolsillos tanta soledad

desde que te fuiste no me queda mas

que una foto gris y un triste sentimiento


Lo que mas lastima es tanta confusion

en cada resquicio de mi corazon

como hacerte a un lado

de mis pensamientos


Por ti, por ti, por ti,

he dejado todo sin mirar atras

aposte la vida y me deje ganar


Te extrano, porque vive en mi tu recuerdo

te olvido, a cada minuto lo intento

te amo, es que ya no tengo remedio

te extrano, te olvido, te amo de nuevo...


(se repite)


He perdido todo, hasta la identidad

y si lo pidieras mas podria dar

es que cuando se ama nada es demasiado


Me ensenaste el limite de la pasion

y no me ensenaste a decir adios

he aprendido ahora

que te has marchado


Por ti, por ti, por ti...


Te extrano...





I Miss You, I Forget about you, I love you


I carry solitude in my pockets

Since you’ve left nothing is left

Except for a gray picture and a sad feeling

What hurts most is all the confusion

In each part of my heart

How do I put you aside

From all my thoughts


For you, for you, for you

I’ve left everything without looking back

I bet my life and let myself lose


I miss you, because in me lies your memory

I forget you, at least I try to every minute

I love you, and there’s no remedy

I miss you, I forget you, I love you all again



I’ve lost everything, even my identity

And if you asked for it, I could give more

When you love nothing is too much

You showed me the limit of passion

And you didn’t teach me to say bye

I’ve learned now

That you’ve left


For you, for you, for you


I miss you



I know we're just like old friends
We just can't pretend
That lovers make amends
We are reasons so unreal
We can't help but feel that something has been lost

But please you know you're just like me
Next time I promise we'll be
Perfect strangers down the line
Lovers out of time
Memories unwind

So far I still know who you are
But now I wonder who I was...

Angel, you know it's not the end
We'll always be good friends
The letters have been sent on

So please, you always were so free
You'll see, I promise we'll be
Perfect strangers when we meet
Strangers on the street
Lovers while we meet

You know this has to be
We always we're so free
We promised that we'd be



Who am I to need you when I'm down
Where are you when I need you around
Your life is not your own

And all I ask you
Is for another chance
Another way around you
To live by circumstance, once again

Who am I to need you now
To ask you why to tell you no
To deserve your love and sympathy
You were never meant to belong to me

And you may go, but I know you won't leave
Too many years built into memories
Your life is not your own

Who am I to need you now
To ask you why to tell you no
To deserve your love and sympathy
You were never meant to belong to me

Who am I to you?
Along the way
I lost my faith

And as you were, you'll be again
To mold like clay, to break like dirt
To tear me up in your sympathy
You were never meant to belong to me
You were never meant to belong to me
You were never meant to belong to me

Who am I?


Kiss and kill me sweetly
Come and drive me home
Drag the miles in me
I am yours alone

Inside where it's warm
Wrap myself in you
Outside where I'm torn
Fight myself in two
In two
Into you

Desire me so deeply
Drain and kick me hard
Whisper secrets for me
Try to go too far

Inside where it's warm
Wrap myself in you
Outside where I'm torn
Fight myself in two
In two

Please don't change
Please don't change at all
Bring your rain
Bring your rain to fall

Inside where it's warm
Wrap myself in you
Outside where I'm torn
Fight myself in two
In two
Into you

Come and kiss me sweetly
Ride the telephone
Drag the miles to me
I am yours alone
Yours alone
On the telephone
Yours alone
Looking for a kiss kiss
Yours alone

Behold! The Night Mare

I've faced the fathoms in your deep
Withstood the suitors quiet siege
Pulled down the heavens just to please you
Appease you
The wind blows and I know

I can't go on, digging roses from you grave
To linger on, beyond the beyond
Where the willows weep
And whirlpools sleep, you'll find me
The coarse tide reflects sky

And the night mare rides on, and the night mare rides on
With a december black psalm
And the night mare rides on
What i fear is lost here
The wind blows and I know

All you have to do is run away
And steal yourself from me
Become a mystery to gaze into
You're so cruel in all you do
But still I believe, I believe in you

So may you come with your own knives
You'll never take me alive
With all the force of what is true
Is there nothing I can do?

I can't go on, digging roses from you grave
To linger on, beyond the beyond
Where the willows weep
And whirlpools sleep, you'll find me

And the night mare rides on, and the night mare rides on
With a december black psalm
And the night mare rides on

I've faced the fathoms in your deep
Withstood the suitors quiet siege
Pulled down the heavens just to please you
To hold the flower I can't keep


Screaming Infidelities

I'm missing your bed
I never sleep
Avoiding the spots where we'd have to speak,
And this bottle of beast
Is taking me home

I'm cuddling close
To blankets and sheets
But you're not alone, and you're not discreet
Make sure I know who's taking you home.

I'm reading your note over again
There's not a word that I comprehend,
Except when you signed it
"I will love you always and forever."

Well As for now I'm gonna hear the saddest songs
And sit alone and wonder
How you're making out
But as for me, I wish that I were anywhere with anyone
Making out.

I'm missing your laugh
How did it break?
And when did your eyes begin to look fake?
I hope you're as happy as you 're pretending.

I am alone
In my defeat I wish I knew you were safely at home

I'm missing your bed
I never sleep
Avoiding the spots where we'd have speak, and
This bottle of beast is taking me home.


Your hair, it's everywhere.
Screaming infidelities
And taking its wear.
[Repeat Four times]


For You To Notice...

I'm starting to fashion an idea in my head
where I would impress you
with every single word I said.
Would come out insightful or brave or smooth or charming
and you'd want to call me
And I would be there every time
you'd need me
I'd be there every time...
But for now I'll look so longingly
For you to want me, for you need me, for you to notice me


Running Away

I don't want you to give it all up
And leave your own life collecting dust
And I don't want you to feel sorry for me
You never gave us a chance to be
And I don't need you to be by my side
To tell me that everything's alright
I just wanted you to tell me the truth
You know I'd do that for you
Why are you running away?
Why are you running away?
Cause I did enough to show you that I
Was willing to give and sacrifice
And I was the one who was lifting you up
When you thought your life had had enough
And when I get close, you turn away
There's nothing that I can do or say
So now I need you to tell me the truth
You know I'd do that for you
So why are you running away?
Why are you running away?
Is it me, is it you
Nothing that I can do
To make you change your mind
Is it me, is it you
Nothing that I can do
Is it a waste of time?
Is it me, is it you
Nothing that I can do
To make you change your mind
So why are you running away?
Why are you running away?
...What is it I've got to say...
So why are you running away?
...To make you admit you're afraid...
Why are you running away?



Don't pretend you're sorry
I know you're not
You know you got the power
To make me weak inside
Girl you leave me breathless
But it's okay 'cause
You are my survival
Now hear me say
I can't imagine life
Without your love
Even forever don't seem
Like long enough

'Cause everytime I breathe
I take you in
And my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Everytime I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love

Maybe I'm a drifter
Late at night
'Cause I long for the safety
Of flowing freely
In your arms
I don't need another lover
It's not for me
'Cause only you can save me
Oh can't you see
I can't imagine life
Without your love
And even forever don't seem
Like long enough

'Cause everytime I breathe
I take you in
And my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Everytime I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love

Go on and pull me under
Cover me with dreams, yeah
Love me mouth to mouth now
You know I can't resist
'Cause you're the air
That I breathe

Everytime I breathe
I take you in
And my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Everytime I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
And baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning your love

Baby I can't help it
Keep me drowning
In your love
I keep drowning
In your love
Baby I can't help it
Can't help it no, no

'Cause everytime I breathe
I take you in
And my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Everytime I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love


Drops Of Jupiter

Now that she's back in the atmosphere
With drops of Jupiter in her hair, hey, hey
She acts like summer and walks like rain
Reminds me that there's time to change, hey, hey
Since the return from her stay on the moon
She listens like spring and she talks like June, hey, hey

Tell me did you sail across the sun
Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded
And that heaven is overrated

Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star
One without a permanent scar
And did you miss me while you were looking at yourself out there

Now that she's back from that soul vacation
Tracing her way through the constellation, hey, hey
She checks out Mozart while she does tae-bo
Reminds me that there's time to grow, hey, hey

Now that she's back in the atmosphere
I'm afraid that she might think of me as plain ol' Jane
Told a story about a man who is too afraid to fly so he never did land

Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back to the Milky Way
And tell me, did Venus blow your mind
Was it everything you wanted to find
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there

Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken
Your best friend always sticking up for you even when I know you're wrong
Can you imagine no first dance, freeze dried romance five-hour phone conversation
The best soy latte that you ever had . . . and me

Tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back toward the Milky Way

[Repeat 1st Chorus]



whenever I'm alone with you you make me feel
like I am home again whenever I'm alone with
you you make me feel like I am whole again

whenever I'm alone with you you make me feel
like I am young again whenever I'm alone with
you you make me feel like I am fun again

however far away I will always love you however
long I stay I will always love you whatever
words I say I will always love you I will always
love you

whenever I'm alone with you you make me feel
like I am free again whenever I'm alone with
you you make me feel like I am clean again

however far away I will always love you however
long I stay I will always love you whatever
words I say I will always love you I will always
love you

Just Like Heaven

"Show me how you do that trick
The one that makes me scream" she said
"The one that makes me laugh" she said
And threw her arms around my neck
"Show me how you do it
And I promise you I promise that
I'll run away with you
I'll run away with you"

Spinning on that dizzy edge
I kissed her face and kissed her head
And dreamed of all the different ways I had
To make her glow
"Why are you so far away?" she said
"Why won't you ever know that I'm in love with you
That I'm in love with you"

Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Strange as angels
Dancing in the deepest oceans
Twisting in the water
You're just like a dream

Daylight licked me into shape
I must have been asleep for days
And moving lips to breathe her name
I opened up my eyes
And found myself alone alone
Alone above a raging sea
That stole the only girl I loved
And drowned her deep inside of me

Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Just like heaven


Pictures of You

i've been looking so long at these pictures of
you that I almost beleive that they're real I've
been living so long with my pictures of you that
i almost believe that the pictures are all I can feel

remembering you standing quiet in the rain as
i ran to your heart to be near and we kissed as
the sky fell in holding you close how I always
held close in your fear remembering you
running soft through the night you were bigger
and brigther than the snow and
screamed at the make-beleive screamed at the
sky and you finally found all your courage to
let it all go

remembering you fallen into my arms crying
for the death of your heart you were stone
white so delicate lost in the cold you were
always so lost in the dark remembering you
how you used to be slow drowned you were
angels so much more than everything oh hold
for the last time then slip away quietly open
my eyes but I never see anything

if only I had thought of the right words I could
have hold on to your heart if only I'd thought of
the right words I wouldn't be breaking apart all
my pictures of you

Looking So long at these pictures of you but i
never hold on to your heart looking so long for
the words to be true but always just breaking
apart my pictures of you

there was nothing in the world that I ever
wanted more than to feel you deep in my heart
there was nothing in the world that I ever
wanted more than to never feel the breaking
apart all my pictures of you


Boys Don't Cry

I would say I'm sorry
If I thought that it would change your mind
But I know that this time
I've said too much
Been too unkind

I try to laugh about it
Cover it all up with lies
I try and
Laugh about it
Hiding the tears in my eyes
'cause boys don't cry
Boys don't cry

I would break down at your feet
And beg forgiveness
Plead with you
But I know that
It's too late
And now there's nothing I can do

So I try to laugh about it
Cover it all up with lies
I try to
laugh about it
Hiding the tears in my eyes
'cause boys don't cry

I would tell you
That I loved you
If I thought that you would stay
But I know that it's no use
That you've already
Gone away

Misjudged your limits
Pushed you too far
Took you for granted
I thought that you needed me more

Now I would do most anything
To get you back by my side
But I just
Keep on laughing
Hiding the tears in my eyes
'cause boys don't cry
Boys don't cry
Boys don't cry

Lift (With Love We Will Survive)

Lift up your head
Focus on every detail
Why does this illusion bring so much confusion
When all I can dream of is you
Lift up your head
We're rising with every breath
A liquid solution a chemical fusion
When all I can dream of is you

Constantly feeling the earth spinning around
But I'm standing alone
With you I see stars in your eyes
In a trance I'm so high
With you I survive
Let's get away now!

Imagine there's no one around
Imagine you're not just a face in the crowd
There's a new set of rules
No more pain of confusion
You're numb to the world that you know
I'm constantly feeling like nothing's bringing me down
cause you're always around
With you I see stars in your eyes
In a trance we're alive
Ten feet off of the ground
Let's turn it up now!

I got you
I got you
I got you
It's ready for you

Lift up your head
It's amazing where everyone goes in the end
Why does this illusion bring so much confusion
When all I can dream of is you

I'm on the ground
I'm off the ground
Ten feet off (when I'm with you)
Ten feet off (when I'm with you)

I could be true with you
I could be through with you

Don't you get it we're alive
Completely out of sight
We're running out of time
With love we can survive

Don't you get it we're alive
Completely out of sight
With love we will survive

Where Are You Going

Where are you going?
With your long face
Pulling down
Don't hide away
Like an ocean
That you can't see but you can smell
And the sound of the waves crash down

I am no Superman
I have no reasons for you
I am no hero
Oh, that's for sure
But I do know one thing
Is where you are is where I belong
I do know where you go
Is where I want to be

Where are you going?
Where do you go?

Are you looking for answers
To questions under the stars?
Well, if along the way
You are grown weary
You can rest with me until
A brighter day and you're okay

I am no Superman
I have no answers for you
I am no hero
Oh, that's for sure
But I do know one thing
Is where you are is where I belong
I do know where you go
Is where I want to be

Where are you going?
Where do you go?

Where do you go?
Where are you going?

Where do you go?

I am no Superman
I have no answers for you
I am no hero
Oh, that's for sure
But I do know one thing
Is here you are is where I belong
I do know where you go
Is where I want to be

Where are you going?
Where do you go?
Tell me, where are you going?
Well, let's go

Sleep To Dream Her

I know I'll miss her later
Wish I could bend my love to hate her
Wish I could be her creator
To twist her arms now

She stares up at the stars when
The stars fell from her hair then
I bent down to collect them
And then she was gone

Oh, I sleep just to dream her
I beg the night just to see her
That my only love should be her
Just to lie in her arms

Oh, I came there to find out
Find out she'd made up her mind, oh
My arms are all tied up
To me she was blind

This space between us
Where wingless dreams fall earless
Will you not bear me witness
With your back to me now

It seemed so unnerving
Still somehow deserving
That she could hold my heart so tightly
And still not see me here, oh

Oh, I sleep just to dream her
Beg the night just to see her
That my only love should be her
Just to lie in her arms

I know I'll miss her later
Wish I could bend my love to hate her
Wish I could be her creator
To be the light in her eyes