webmistress: ana
since: 23rd may

heya peeps! welcome to my new kinda personal-site! i decided to move here cuze my old personal site was messed up and the subbies were all wrong and everything was to complicated, so i created a new one @ angelfire ... this is it! i hope you like it! i do and i so love the layout, its so cute! featuring a lil stick man whos lost something!! anyway, today is the 1st day of my school holidays (half term) so ill have loads of spare time to come on the web! which is saying ill do as much as i can and update this website quite alot!! although now i spend most off my time chatting to my mates on msn! and im going out every couple of days to sum place so ill update here as much as i can!! thanx for reading the newsie blog!! ana xx =)
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