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Summer is here!
Hey Guys and Gals!! Summer is HERE!!! haha Don't forget to check out the drop-down menu at the bottom!
Ashley Ashley
Ashley Ashley
I also want to give a shout out to all my great friends!!

Jules- I'm never gonna have a taco again! haha come voce! I FEEL LIKE DANCIIIN! hahah "hey, I'm ash-ley" ASHLAY! haha com voce! and VIRTUAL INSANITY! ethan....haha there are soo many more!

ANNEMARIE- I'm still waiting to go to HAWAII!!! THANK YOU FOR VISITING THE AA EXPRESS, PLEASE COME AGAIN! haha we always need more ice and coffee!! haha the old lady who liked our figures?!? haha the belt! thanks for always been there for me on those "hard days" haha

Mere and Kat- Hey!! THESE ARE NEW FRIENDS!! haha

Kat- haha movies on the bus rock!

Anna- i totally rule at monopoly..haha not! smarterchild is mean to us!! haha

Erin M- hey how do u spell my name?? is it ashlay?? hahha ur so gullable!

Mere, Kat, Elizabeth, Alicia, Anna, Annemarie, and Jules-choir songs in the car! we're so good at them now!

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  • Christmas Break!
  • Snow!!
  • Christmas!!!!