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InSiDe JoKeS

I love keeping these here for the sole purpose of memories... I've now changed it from recent to older just for reference. I love you, frineds. I always will. This page will always be reserved for you.

"Wuter. What are penis?! Knock Knock.. whos there? Wuter? Wuter who? WUTER PENIS!""LOOFAH! Decoupage!!""I dunno.. am I a cat? Nooo.""What are you doing? (x3) So then I was like MOM! What are YOU doing?""Is it just me, or does the whole world smell like piss today?""What..? Uch! That Invisible Crap?""Theres a big clear white thing in the pool!""Yeah, but it's a CARTOON vaginal wall.""It's supposed to be FOOD, woman!""With you know, the baa baas and the moo moos. Make sure not to write that on your DBQ.""The quiad!" "Yes, she was paper-Erika. She was just 2-D." "Moley moley moley!!" "And then the...JEWS.. came forth.. into EGYPT.." "And he said Lara, let them grow up and fly away." "Under the orange couch.. who gets voted off.. next on SNICK!" "It's freaking freeking in here!" "*music* Oooh! I LOVE this phone!" "We're friends too!" "Halter Top = Vagina." "Love = Handjobs" "Holy Land!" "Right turn from hell!" "Had to call it the ADVENTURE folder, didn't you?" "I bet that leaf has probably never been touched. 'Oh? Which one??' " "Drunken piNctionary!" "No but we can draw ANYTHING? Cause like.. I'm really good like.. no really.. like.. I can WIN!" "Drop dead. Stop breathing! DROP DEAD TWICE!!!"

"Your FACE!"You're hot! I mean, physically warm though, ok??""Oh yeah?! Well.. Uhh.. what was I gonna say?""¿Sabes lo que? Pégalo!""What'd you do to your head?""Oh my god, so like, you and your brother can stand up at your party and do the roll together! 'Yeah. Right. So, what should I do? Lift up my gown, or unzip it? Either way I flash everyone..' ""So tell me.. what do you think of cow tipping?""Como, tu sabes! Mi mal...""Yeah, I gotta low the mawn.."I love my psychology binder, because all my neats are nice and note!""You know you want to whap him.""I need you.. like I need an ASSHOLE on my ELBOW!""WHHAAIIIYYYYYYYYYYY?? (why?)""That.. could be Robert! Wow! I should tell Robert!""Yeah. I was going to wear a shirt today, but then I didn't, because it was too cold.""Oooh Erika! Oohohh Allie! TROJAN MAN!""I have a brain dysfunction.""Strangle him, Russell!""*gasp* Today you're eighteen! Let's order wine!""Actually, she really -did- say that. She just changed it.""Watch him and his inartistic self. He'll take the wax, play Pac-Man with it for a little while, squish it, roll it into a ball, and put it on the table. He's so uncreative. HAH. '..That's.. what I do..! Waah!' ""Yeah, I heard we're losing the pinkie. 'What is that?! An evolutionary rumor!?' ""Erika, I like you as a person, just not as a sloth.""I like taking risks... I just don't want to die!""Oh, do you know Ashley? No? Ohhh. That explains why you're still happy.""...Maybe it's your bread."

“Logan.. EH?!?!” “Damn the harmonica and the blocks! Aaah!!” “HAH! Wait.. I –think- Kentuckians laugh a lot..” “What’s green and flies? Super Pickle!” “And lalala.. and so he goes ‘Blah blah blah’ and I was like ‘Ohmigod.’” “Hush/Shut/Squelch your face!” “So who came up with that anyway? ‘Me! That was me!’ ‘Yeah. You’ve ruined my life.’” “Yeah. Guys have hairy monkey legs. Hey aah! You're getting dorito crumbs in my monkey legs!!” “Whatdehell?! Idonbelieve!” “You are the walkest slower EVER! I mean.. wait..” “Dude. You have pants on your head.” “’You’re welcome.’ is a perfectly suitable way to end a conversation.” “ ‘Glad I am.’ ‘ Who is he, Yoda?!’” “’So are you going to sleep?’ ‘No. I’m going to stay awake for the rest of my life.’” “Ok, that was totally not a yeah thing.” “‘Yeah. So then they’ll ask us, “What’s with all the bagels?”’ and we’ll say “We… like bagels. We –really- like bagels.” ‘Even though you’re not a bagel person.’ ‘Right!’” “ ‘No! You can’t do that! It says so in the book!’ ‘Really?’ ‘No. But it will!’ ” “Craziness! Insanity!” “What the hellll??” “Notaxationwithoutrepresentation!!” “I have an obsession with (insert something here) problem. Yes, an obsession problem. ” “Woo! Woo! I just realized I can’t stop wooing!” “Umm..kay.” “Hold on. I have a flash.” “Shut your piehole, cow!” “*country accent* Retaaaaaaaaaarrrd!” “Nooooo..! You don’t look –stupid-, ya MORON!” “Oh my god! I’m sorry! I didn’t realize the window was so close!” “Wouldn’t wanna BE ya! Wouldn’t wanna be ya –eiiither-!” “Number one gimp!!” “Ketchup Nazi!” “Do you realize we have the same conversations more than once due to the lack of conversation material now? And –all- of us realize we talked about this before, and yet, we keep going. 'Well, that's just because all of our conversations are -so- fascinating we can't have them only once!' ” “no se.. no se.. no se.. a.. a.. la to.. la to..” “ My BRA’S in my ASS!!” “Braii..d.. DUH..” “ ‘Yeah those people are such snobs.’ ‘Yeah, but those are the kind of people we talk about behind their backs.’” “ ‘Don’t you hate it when it rains and your mud hut melts?’ “No, then I just go and stand under my elephant’ ” “ ‘You wear BOXER BRIEFS?!?! Aww..’ ‘-Why- does everyone say “aww”?! I need the support, ok?’ ” “You GUYS! I’ve GOT it! .. I think.. it was because.. he ate too much KETCHUP!” “You guys, I’m wearing a mask. Good thing you can’t see through it.” "Hey.. what's that on your face? A black spot.. Here. Let me wipe it off for you. OMG! It's spreading!" "You know what we should invent? A perfume/cologne called Shit! And we could have slogans like 'That's some good shit!' and 'It's the shit!' And then, we could have a nun holding a bottle, and she'll be saying 'Holy Shit!' And don't forget the spinoff of Shit- the body wash. 'Slather yourself in Shit!' " "See, I though there was something wrong with your phone, because you were like 'Aah! There's something wrong with my phone!'" "Well Duh.." " "Ok. First a second. Wait of all,..." " 'Achooo!' (5 seconds later) 'Oh.. did you just sneeze?' 'Yup.' 'Oh.. happy birthday.' " " ' How do I look in this shirt?' *tilt head* '..EH..' " "And so then I read 'computer boo boo' but I thought since you were complaining before you still were and so I thought, who cries like boo boo??" "He who? He who? Hewho? Hehehehe!" " 'God that was SO weird.' 'Why?' 'What?' 'Why?' 'What?' 'WHY?!' 'Hold on a second.' (5 minutes later) 'Hi sorry.' 'What was so weird?' '..huh?' 'AAH!' " "Sushi Chess Supersaiyan Jedi Adventures!" "Oh my GOD there's a MIRROR in front of me you stupid BLIND person!" "Share the looovvee." "Garbage can.. or phonebook? You decide.." "Satan: DAMN! God724 outbid me on that soul.." "Stooo-oop.. I'm putting on my lipstiickk.." " ' I don't like to say someone's stupid when they really -are- stupid, because that would mean that they're brain deficient, instead of, well you know, poop.' ' Because of course, -that's- what it means..' "

"No soup for you!" "Por favor a mantenganse a lejado de las puertas!" "Scratch a hive...!" "Oh.My.God. Becky, look at her butt.." "You're queer! That's funky! Fascinating." "Boo!.. 'AAH!'..Didja jump!? ..'Nah'!" "That was SO funny(beep)" "Diet cat food!" "Ok, I TOTALLY understand where you're coming from.. but you're WRONG!" " POPO-50! 'and.. po po fifty' no! POPO-FIVE O!" "No but LISTEN" "Are you guys on drugs?" "Chicken luuvvv!" "It was all the PENCIL'S fault!" "And so I was like yay and she was like yay and we were all like yay!" "So.. you'll sleep in the garage.. with your car." "Mortars..(they're like) BOOM!" "Thank God for Ziplock" "Bed demons!" “Go! Go! Gobileego!" “M&M, Em?” “Fruit Booger!” “Right. So you accidentally tripped and fell on his face.” "Spiderman is sooooo pleather lastic." "Nuke! I am your father!" "Oh.. yeah! Because you're FAT! I mean.. you're ugly! I mean.. NO! Aaah!"
