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Find many great items at the stores below! Just click on a store banner and start shopping today!

Something in every category you can think of is in my shop of Designer Treasures! From Clothing, jewelry, shoes & purses to Home & Garden!

I specialize in unique vintage, antique and estate jewelry from around the world. I also have a wide selection of new and modern pieces. Customer
satisfaction is very important to me and I am dedicated to providing a positive experience for all of my customers!

Here at Juanitamart47 we specialize in everything under the sun! Clocks, Dragon Items, Bird Houses, Garden Items, Household items, Figurines,
and much, much more!! You the Customer are my number 1 priority!!! I accept several forms of payment, PayPal, Google, Money orders,
Amazon and RME which is now called SERVE.

Here at Nafe Iron Works Design Decor we specialize in recycled junk iron garden decor and antiques! Drop by and check out the unique 1 of a
kind items we have!! I accept several forms of payment, Checkout by Amazon, Google Checkout, Paypal, Money Order.

CLAYCRAFT by DECO. The best air dry clay for creating flowers! Buy DECO clay and tools today!

Here at Imagine Jewelry we sell jewelry and other accessories! Our line of merchandise consists of: Vintage pieces, (fashion & sterling silver),
"On Trend" current fashion, sterling rings in almost any gemstone/solid metal, a full line of fun fashion items with average price points in the low
$20s and a wide variety of sterling & gemstones from around the world! Our inventory is very extensive so if you do not see something you are
looking for, please feel free to ask.

A PrincessHousehold is an online store featuring unique, beautiful products for you and your home. Disney, Antique China, Collectibles, Designer
products, Vintage Toys and household accessories are many of the products we sell and new items are added daily.

At Sobe Style, every girl can own her style, like her style and look like she just stepped out of a magazine because with us you come in to "Claim
your own unique style with confidence!"

Welcome to Milky's! For great deals on iPhone and other cell phone cases be sure to stop by and browse around! We offer many GREAT looking
cases and will be adding more very often. Here at Milky's we will have other items added frequently also such as Jewelry and more! We accept
Paypal and Google payments. Many of our items include FREE SHIPPING in the USA! We take pride in making our Customers our #1 Priority!