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"Hey Alex...?" (Kim) . "Yeah, Kim?" (Alex) . "Why are our pictures changing, and what's with this page?" (Kim) . "Well, this is your official Birthday page!!! Yay!" (Alex) . "Really?!" (Kim) . "Yeah! I hope you like it!!" (Alex) . "What can I do here?" (Kim) . "Keep scrolling down and enjoy!" (Alex) .

Hey Kim! Welcome to your Birthday Website! This is just one of your gifts! You are such a great friend, so I spent some time on this page so you can be happy! YAY! Go Kim Go Kim! Enjoy the rest of the ..interesting...things below! -Alexandria-
A POEM FOR KIM! Kim is so great So you shouldn't be late She can sing you a song or you can sing along. Kim can be happy so you won't have to run a lappy Kim, I can't write poems or this So, instead my cat will give you a kiss.

An acrostic poem for Kim. K- Kappy! (Happy!) I- Ippy! (Smart!) M- Miffy! (Great!)
. . . . Kim is really, really great. She wouldn't mind if I can't write poems and make a website for her. Kim makes me smile when I'm down. Kim makes everyday a happy day! =D =D =D =D Kim! you are a very special friend! I just wanted to try this out for myself, a funny page for your birthday! So please enjoy this page!

Adopt A Ham-Ham!
Yay for Adventure Hamsters!

Adopt A Ham-Ham!
Yay for Adventure Hamsters!

Adopt A Ham-Ham!
Yay for Adventure Hamsters!

Adopt A Ham-Ham!
Yay for Adventure Hamsters!