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Yah, so I never update this site...sorry. You can catch up with my life better if you sign up for MYSPACE and add me as your friend! I am doing Raiders AGAIN and being a procrastinator in my last year of school. I cannot wait to graduate in May! Other than school and guard I have been going out every weekend with my friends Laresa and Anna and raiders people! Here are some recent pictures: Yadi and me at Mt Charlies

Jessica and Dawn got free drinks 30 secs after entering the bar!

Michelle and Laresa-Michelle's 21st b-day

Yah cuffz girls!

Michelle and me with hair in my eye

I'm telling her something really important I just don't know what. =) Ok, enough pictures for now...more to come soon, I hope!

Fabulous Links

Winter Guard International (WGI)
San Jose Raiders
British soap opera: Eastenders
Dawn's website

Summer '03

San Jose Raiders: Frida 2003

Summer '02


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