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Kalpana Chaudhry

Appartment # 104, 740 Kipps Lane, LONDON, Ontario, Canada, N5Y 4R8

Text Box:  Kalpana Chaudhry
Appartment # 104, 740 Kipps Lane, LONDON, Ontario, Canada, N5Y 4R8







My Philosophy of  Education

Education is an enlightening experience. It allows us share the gift of knowledge and to pass on an understanding of our world. I feel education should be the most hands on experience in a child’s life. It needs to be more then books, more then memorization. It is an opening of a student’s mind, utilizing the ability of one’s intelligence, and a teacher is the key to unlock that. Teachers have the ability to be a guide in a child’s life and to help them foster the passion for learning. My personal philosophy of education is most closely related to Progressivism, which is a school of thought advocating that truth is determined by function.  Progressivism is an educational philosophy focused on providing students with the skills and knowledge necessary not only to survive but also to succeed in a contemporary and competitive society.  William James and John Dewey are accredited for developing the characteristically American philosophy of education i.e. Progressivism. 

As a progressive teacher, I will promote education aimed at helping students to develop the kind of problem solving skills that will enable them to function successfully in a competitive society.  Instead of the teacher just rambling on in front of the room, I will allow the children do a lot of hands on work.  I will follow progressivism to teach traditional subject matter, but in a problem-solving manner.  Instead of trying to pound facts into the children’s heads, I will concentrate on the children’s interests.  Without problem solving abilities, an individual is lost and alone in the puzzling maze of society that characterizes the world today. My classroom will be like a miniature democracy.  The children in my classroom will spend much of the day doing group work.  I believe that cooperative learning helps the children learn to work together.  Children need to learn to work together in a successful society, no matter what problems or differences they may encounter.  Progressivism also stresses individuality so students are encouraged to express their own ideas and to be creative.

In line with the progressivism philosophy, my role as a teacher is to facilitate learning by posing questions for students that exercise their minds in a practical manner.  I will encourage creative thinking as well as analytic thinking.  The questions posed for students will be often open-ended questions that may or may not have prescribed answers.  Progressivism is centered on an ever-changing society, and so today’s problems constantly become more intricate and complex, demanding that students use creativity and ingenuity to find the most viable solution.  As a teacher, I will act as liaisons between the shelter of childhood and the harshness of the real world, and it is my responsibility to introduce the reality of being a productive member of society to my students and the expectations as well as obstacles that lay before them on their path to success in the real world.   

 By teaching in a progressive manner, I feel this will allow me to be an open minded teacher while also being able to integrate the students’ abilities and skills in to all content areas of the core curriculum. Being able to teach with a philosophy of progressivism, would best enhance and amplify my experiences as a new teacher. I feel this would allow me to explore my abilities as an educator. I want to educate in an environment and classroom that encourages active investigation and exploration while allowing students to be risk takers. Active participation is required not only of the student but of the teacher as well.

Kalpana Chaudhry