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Latest Site Update 02/22/03: I just found out that a .TK domain name will expire if it doesn't get enough hits. So please, visit often! Once a week, if possible! Please! PLEASE! Don't let this page expire!!
JRS Weekly
Nameless Creature Found!
Creature Needs Name
John Schurman
Seriously. This has gone on long enough.
This creature has been in the designing process for.. a really, really long time.
He has been nameless since the day he/she/it was mentally concieved.
I have asked the general public for a suitable name, but none has been provided.
It is up to you. Think of a suitable name for this creature. I know you can do it. I have faith in you. Think. Think hard.
By the way, the being is not robotic. He/she/it is completely organic, although it does have a high dietary mineral content.
If you think of a name, e-mail me. If you don't, it's okay, I forgive you. I'm sure you tried your best.
  News in Breif
I beat Megaman X again!!
I downloaded an SNES emulator that actually works!
The Regional Science Fair has too many damn rules!
I replaced several letters in the Beta Terran Alphabet!
George Bush is still a moron! (Canadian in-joke)

Stargate SG-1 Review: Prophecy

Good episode. Too bad they didn't stage it earlier in the season - it develops Jonas' character but it's a bit late for that.
  Stargate SG-1 Review: Full Circle

Very cool episode. Incredible CGI. Complex storyline. Lots of plot-evolving bits. All-in-all, a very well done season finale.

I Want an Al'kesh!
Stargate Central defines an Al'kesh thus:
A Goa'uld Mid-range bomber which are especially useful for ground attacks. They have energy weapons and bombs which can inflict heavy damage on targets. They are equipped with Hyperdrive, shields, transport rings, and a cloaking device. Al-Kesh are less maneuverable than a glider.

Comic of the Week: Zits Feb 18
But, since I couldn't get that image, I had to use this "Get Fuzzy" comic. Still pretty good.

**Click here for the JRS Weekly Archives**
About Me
Why would you possibly want to know about me? Oh well, you asked...
  • I have a turtle dubbed Sharky that I've had since I was 2; he went without a name until I was about 12 when my pseudo cousin suggested the name,
  • I finally got my own room after sharing it with my brother ever since he was born,
  • I've been designing a personal security system for about 3 years now,
  • I'm male, 16 years old, I like garlic spare ribs and Coffee Crisp chocolate bars,
  • I know HTML, CSS, Javascript, and I'm learning PHP,
  • I think Minority Report is a really good movie, but Lord of the Rings is still the best,
  • I'm opposed to site builders (all my sites are hardcoded),
  • I can't make up my mind what I like; my interests keep changing (hence the Interest Graveyard),
  • I don't own any game system but I make up for it by downloading emulators and roms,
  • I won an award for a Javascript program I wrote,
And that's all I can think of right now.
Now tell me honestly, did that enrich your life in any way? I didn't think so.
My Creations

  • blah.jpg
    Commander Keen 6 Monster drawings
  • ender_trailer.txt
    My Ender's Game movie trailer
  • iar.gif
    "Inter-Atom Relationships" - my interpretation of what went on that science class.
  • slug_king.txt
    A *.txt inage of the Slug King from Commander Keen 4
  • keenawards.gif
    The Commander Keen Awards 2002 winners! (P.S. I'm Korath III)
  • dragon_army.gif
    My interpretations of the Dragon Army uniforms and Flash Suits from Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game"
  • hk.html
    My Commander Keen Hangman Javascript program. I'm very proud of it.
  • encode.html
    My Standard Galactic Alphabet Encoder Javascript program lets you encode text messages into letters that only a true Keener would understand!
  • decode.html
    For the not-so-true keeners, here's a Javascript program that'll help you decode messages in Standard Galactic Alphabet.
  • quiz.html
    Test your knowledge of Commander Keen with this quiz!
    Here's a site I designed all by myself!
    Here's a Donny Osmond fan site I made for the mom of my friend.
  • sg1.html
    This is where you can find my Stargate fanfic. Don't mind the name, SG-1 doesn't really have a part.

My Interests
My interests are always changing, so you'd better keep close watch, or you might miss something!
Of course, if you do miss something, you could always look in the graveyard.

Stargate SG-1
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[ Files ] [ Links ] [ About ] [ My Stuff ]
Worms Armageddon
[ Files ] [ Links ] [ About ] [ My Stuff ]
Interest Graveyard
Here you will find things that had previously interested me but have gone to the world beyond. Dig up their graves at your own risk and see if you can find any remains.