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Welcome to my Nintendo emulation page

This is where I will put Nintendo emulators, ranging from the old NES to the N64, and probably GameCube.

This is a very popular emulator for the original Nintendo Entertainment System.
Supports GameGenie cheats!
If you got problems with that one, you can always try this Windows based emulator. NESten
I prefer this one since its got more compatability and more features.

This is the best emulator for the ALL the Gameboy's .
VirtualBoy Advance
Includes support for monochrome/pocket/color/advanced versions.
Supports GameGenie and GameShark codes!

This is pretty much the best emulator for the Super Nintendo. (Zsnes)

There are 2 versions, one is the Windows Version wich needs DirectX 8.1 to work. Its the best!

The Dos Version has trouble running sound, so the Windows one is better.

They both support GameGenie cheats!

This is the best emulator for the late Virtual Boy.
This attempt of Nintendo for making a cool portable 3d system wasen't that popular.
For more info about VirtualBoy and its games, go here.

The absolute best emulator for the Nintendo 64. Compatible with a shit load of games!
Project 64
I will update the download if a new version comes out but you should still check out the
Project 64 Website for more info, help and updates.

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