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Although Singapore is a relatively safe country, no place on earth can be too safe. It is a sad fact of life that molesters, rapists and sickos exist. No woman should ever have to go through a traumatic and emotionally-scarring experience. It does not hurt to be prepared. This is not a martial arts or fitness programme. It concentrates solely on teaching a woman to defend herself effectively in an unpleasant situation. Learn the art of fighting dirty and how to attack someone’s vital points. If you want to be the female version of Jet Li, this course is not for you. This course is solely designed to help someone learn how to incapacitate an attacker sufficiently in order to make a quick getaway and summon help. Learn basic punches and kicks and how to bite, scratch and battle your way to safety. Theory, practical training and a handout will provided. No fancy moves will be taught. Just the simplest, most effective street survival techniques for women. In general, 2 hours will be needed to run through the essentials. You can then practise these techniques on your own or with a friend. Cost: $30/hr – maximum of four participants ($7.50 each/hr if there are four). Doorstep instruction.

Contact: Thomas 98423950. E-mail: