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Hopping Hamster Happiness

Welocome to another one of my sites! I have a theme going here, can you tell?


Sept. 17, 2003: Yahoo! A few people have come! Happy! I haven't had a chance to update pPp in a while, but I will soon. I love this site, I'm trying to figure out how to link, but I can find it, I think I'll try webmonkey. Sept. 14, 2003: Day two! I've installed a counter, and I don't think anyone has come yet, so, so far, I've been writing these newsletters to myself, but, hey,someone has to come sooner or later:) Sept. 13, 2003: Thankx for coming! This a brand new site, a lot like th pPp, my othe site, quite a bit like this one, but for Pandas. I enjoy making these sites, mainly beacause the serve no real purpose, but to help you and me have fun! So, this site is entirely devoted to hamsters! Do you like the graphics? I made sure to link back to where I got 'em, see, the link is right up there, no there, above the title, see it now? Good. Well, this is the first ever news letter, so there isn't to much to say, but... then agian there is! Hamsters are cute huh? All fuzzy, and adorable, I got bit by one once, but I still like them. Hmm, if the pPp is nicknamed pPp, I guess this site will be hHh. What do you think? Ahh, really,I didn't know it was that good. Anyway, a special thankx to who made the graphics and backround(yahoo you!) and the neopets guild Baby's Paradise Street, for the music(yahoo you 2!)

Site Updates

Sept. 14, 2003: counter, second newsletter Sept. 13,2003: Backround, Music, some graphics