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Alyssa home page

Wow, what to say here? It's quite tough to pinpoint the exact purpose of what I'm trying to get at by making this web site. I mean, I have an entire web site ALL TO MYSELF which doesn't happen often. Who would ever let me have my own website? Well, now that I have one, I guess I can say any darn thing I would like...
First of all, I would just like to thank all of my friends for being there for me always. Not only are you all the most amazing friends, but you have made my life incredibly interesting and fun, and I don't know how I could go on without, but you'll hear more about that in my site for friends!
Needless to say, I am a very interesting person. Some call me a drama queen, but I just like to think of myself as an expressive person who's not afraid to share what's on her mind (although that often ends up getting me in trouble). Having my own website is a good thing for me, for now I can say everything I couldn't fit on my profile on AIM.

But what is there to say? Which brings me back to my original question. Yes, I'm still pondering why I feel I need my own web site...
I have it now, I need this web site to get some of my feelings out, you know, to share with others what I'm thinking. It's a way to channel my energy without yelling at my mom or crying. No one can criticize what's on a web site (unless they're absolutely insane), so I am thinking I can say pretty much whatever I want to say. Wow, I'm going in circles now, aren't I?

I have learned an incredible lot this year, such as how to be a good friend, what to look for in a good friend, and how to just be myself without worrying what other people are going to think. People probably respect me more for being myself rather than for wearing cool clothing or talking about who I've hooked up with (lack there of).
Now do you have a little taste about who I am as person, I wear everything on my sleeve, which probably explains why I am such a helpless romantic. The problem is, I fall for guys who don't fall for me. Sometimes- no never mind, after thinking about it I realized that that is never a good thing. All I've ever wanted was for some guy to see me, become my good friend, and then fall for me the same way I fall for him. Having feelings not be mutual is very painful, and although I'm quite young, I've gone through this more than I ever thought I would.

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