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Hero Online: A Marvel RPG Forum

Greetings Rper,

Welcome to Heroes Online, a SuperHero forum that focus on the Marvel Universe and it heroes and Villians. A forum that is open to all to play a marvel hero or one to be created uniquely by you. Playing a Hero or Villian depends on your Rp taste and desire.
Since the Superhero movies have hit the silver screen, it seem a new wave for Superhero RP has flourish and this is one of many to come into existence.
Other future projects are in the work. Check out the news page link for updates and future Hero Movies.
This forum is unlike other gaming forums. The books exist outside the forum to review for the rules and consistency of gaming. No one create the rules, though, some rules may not be adaptable for ease of use online. Should you be using the forum Continuity or someone else Universe, you can use this site for reference.
The books i send in PDF format:

  • Revised Basic Campaign book 3.70mb size
  • Revised Basic Rule book 3.43mb size
  • Advance Judges Book, 2.82mb size
  • Advance Player Book, 1.70mb size
  • Ultimate Power Book, 2.49mb size
  • Ultimate Talent Book, 3.5mb size

    Also I trying to bring a cross-over element with DC heros and villians as well as other comic books such as DarkHorse, Valiant, Image , etc etc. It be up to your Game-master to use these cross-over rules. They are suggestion only.
    And as always, no forum can exist without the players. Be welcome, enjoy the forum and have fun Rping.

  • Links

    Code of Conduct & Application

    Abilities Page

    Step by Step Creation Page

    Origin Page

    Powers Page

    Talents & Skills Page

    Dice Chart Page

    Marvel Heros Page

    Marvel Villians Page

    DC Conversion Page

    White Wolf Conversion Page

    Registered Members

    Player Characters

    ThunderCats! HO!!

    News Update

    Hero Machine: Hero Pic Creation
    [Screen Capture to save pic]