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Please Help My Family

Please help my family. Hello, I am a 35 year-old married mother of three children, ages 8, 5, and 2. I am begging for money from anyone who is willing to help. My husband and I have recently fell on hard times. He was laid off from his job and all unemployment has run out. We are in a bad situation with our bills. We have been given every courtesy extension and grace period available by our various creditors. We are struggling just to make minimum payments that we can't even afford our basic utilities, the phone is turned off and we have cancelled the cable service. We have considered bankruptcy, but we truly want to pay back our creditors. We have never lived beyond our means and all our bills were paid on-time prior to my husband losing his job. Our dream goal was to buy a house, our dream has been put on hold, we are on the verge of eviction, we have been renting for the past 7 years, our landlord has been so understanding with our situation, but we have not been able to pay for over 10 months now and he cannot continue to give us free rent, our situation is not improving, we are going to be homeless. We have nothing to sell and our savings is gone and we don't any family that can help. We have never felt so ashamed and so desperate in our entire lives, we just don't know what else to do. We are at the mercy of others now. Please understand that before this situation, we lived an ok lifestyle, we had our tight times before, but had always been able to pay our bills and have food on the table and afford small splurges. It's a bottom-of-the-barrel feeling now, not being able to afford diapers or a basic telephone. It's very hard on our children and our marriage. Here is our current situation of what we owe: Back Rent - $7,000 Mini-van - $8,000 Visa - $2,000 Bank Loans - $2,200 Hospital Bills/Collections - $3,000 JC Penney - $1,000 Electric - $250 Heating Gas - $170 Phone - $100 If you can help, here is my address: BB PO Box 576 Frederica, DE 19946