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Crete villas, Kreta villa's
Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete
Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete

The district of Apokoronas is situated in the the north-eastern part of the Chania prefecture and at the foot of the White Mountains. It is one of the greenest regions of Crete, with forrest and olive groves. There are mostly small and old villages in the area, and some more developped villages like Kalives, Geourgioupolis and Armyrida that attract a bit of tourism because there are nice beaches. The village of Plaka just above Almyrida seemed to be te center for new development when I visited in 2007 and plenty of villa's and apartments have been build there for the sale. The rest of the district seemed to have kept their Greek identity, especially in the mountain villages, where it feels like time has stood still. The older people are sitting outside their houses because any passer by is still worth seeing and saying hello to, and the men gather in the taverna's on the village squares to chat, have a Greek coffee or play a game. Here the pase is slow and life is relaxed. On the fields and gardens of the houses there are chickens and sometimes goats or sheep. Nobody is in a hurry. Stay here for a day or two and you will automatically chill and take over the lifestyle of the inhabitants.

Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete
Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete

Vamos is the capital of the Apokoronas and here as well as in the other villages in the district the old houses are being restored to their former splendor. The local authorities seem to be keen on saving a large part of the traditional lifestyle. Tourists in the area seem to be mostly from the United Kingdom, but than the ones with a bit of style, and not the noisy crowd. Most of the people are coming here not to party but to relax and have a good time: elderly people, people on a pension that retired, and families with small children that come to enjoy the beaches and the nature. Around some of the corners you will find a small natural treasure like for instance Ombros Gialos, where there is a nice taverna, a place to go into the sea, and some very lovely views over the coastline.

Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete
Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete Apokoronas, Crete

Besides the beaches and the easy going lifestyle and peace and quiet in the villages there are a couple of interesting sights in the Apokoronas, like Lake Kournas, the only sweetwater lake on the island, with special wildlife (large golden colored fish, turtles etcetera), and the extensive remains of the old town of Apteras (one of the largest city states between the 7th century B.C. untill the 7th century A.D. when it was destroyed in an earthquake. The site is still largely unescavated but there is plenty to see, including the impressive city walls and several temples and other buildings. In the Apokoronas there are also several fortresses.

© Hans Huisman, 2018
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