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You can say what you want about her, but I think Christina Aguilera is pretty. And I wasn't going to draw attention to this, but I think it's kind of funny. If you look kinda closely, you can see my grandma's portrait's outline underneath. Stupid scanner.

First nose ring ever. And hoop earrings. The one on the right (Christina's left) ear required no drawing whatsoever. In fact, I did the opposite; I made it by erasing the graphite on her neck and hair.

I'm kind of wishing she had worn a more interesting shirt, though. Maybe she wanted to keep it clean since this picture came from Teen People's Hottest Star list. Then again, when has that ever stopped her before?

You may recognize this picture from the "Up Next" section. You had a long time to see it, but now it's gone so you can't compare!
