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Hunting is a sport that people all over the world do.

The people who have harvested deer on our farm.

  1. Me
  2. Dad
  3. Evan
  4. Uncle Dexter
  5. Uncle Mark

What we use the farm for when the hunting season is over.

  • Crop Ground
  • Cattle
  • Cutting wood
  • 4-wheeling and joyriding
  • Fishing

    Hunting is a very big hobby of mine. My whole family is involved in being in the outdoors. I grew up hunting and fishing. Now I get to take my little brother hunting and it is time well spent with family.

    Wainscotts Hatfields
    Bucks 6 4
    Does 5 2
    Button Bucks 3 2
    Total Deer Harvested 14 8

    Along with rifle hunting my family also hunts with muzzloaders, and archery tackle. My Uncle Mark got me into archery hunting two years ago. This past season I was lucky enough to harvest my first bow kill. I got a doe behind my house on a Sunday night while I was hunting with my Little Brother Evan. This past year I also harvested my first deer with a muzzloader at a local farm while I was hunting with my Uncle Dexter. It was also a doe. In past two year's of me hunting alone i have harvested 11 deer. One was a 10 point buck, three of them were button bucks, and all the rest were does.

    Hunting over the year's had given me some great memories with my Dad, Uncle Mark, Uncle Dexter, and My little brother. I have learned to really love and cherish those memories. These are memories we will all always have and they are memories that nobody can take from us. Send any great hunting memories to this address

    The opening of any type of deer season is a big thing in our family to everybody but my Mom. Mom doesn't like deer season at all because she says that we spend to much time away from home and not enough time with her.

    Out of all my favorite hunts with my Dad, Uncle Mark, and Uncle Dexter, My most memorable hunt would have to be all the hunts with my Little Brother. Him and I don't get to spend much time together during the school year. So we take advantage of deer and turkey season because we get to go everyweekend together and get to spend that quality time together.

    Hunting is another great way to spend time with family. Although it also gives people the chance to be in the outdoors and experience different things. I like the outdoors because it's a place i can go to get away from all the problems in the everyday life. It's a quiet place where nothing bothers you.