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The north western ranges of our country are also known as western branches of the Himalayas mountains. These mountains consist of series parallel ranges and are lower in altitude than the northeastern mountains. As most of these ranges lie outside the course of summer monsoons coming from Arabian Sea, and so there the rainfall is low and they are almost bare of natural vegetation. These mountains act as a boundary between Afghanistan, Iran and our country. These mountain ranges lie north to south, having some passes in river, beds in the valleys. So the northwestern mountains can be sub-divided into following divisions:


Between the Indus and Kabul rivers lies the Hindu Kush range. The average height of this range is between 10,000 to 16,000 feet above sea level. The highest peak of this area is known as Torch Mir, having an altitude of 25230 feet. Most of the mountain remains snow-covered during winter months. The Kabul, Swat, Panjkora and Kunar flow through months. The minor ranges of this mountain. These entire rivers join the Indus from the western side. The famous Khyber Pass lies south of the Kabul river. This pass is a historical trade route between Peshawar and Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan.


South of the Kabul River up to Kurram pass lies the Safed Koh range, which runs east and west. These mountains have an average height of 12,000 feet and are often covered with snow in winter. The rover Kurram lies to the south of this range. The Kurram pass, which provides an easy route in to Afghanistan, is situated near this range. Kohat is an important military base situated at the end of this pass.


Between the Kurram and the Gomal rivers lies the Waziristan hills area. These hills have low altitude. The Tochi River joins the Kurram River from the west in North Waziristan. These rivers after passing through Tochi pass join the Indus. Similarly Gomal River coming from Afghanistan joins Indus near Dera Ismail Khan. Bannu at Tochi pass and Dera Ismail Khan at Gomal pass are the important towns and military centers.


In the south of the Gomal river lies the Sulman mountain. It rims southward for a distance of about 300 miles. Its highest peak is known as Takhat-I-Sulaimani, whose height is 11,100 feet above sea level. At the southern end of the Sulaiman mountain, the Bugti and Mari hills run from the southeast to the northwest. The Bolan is the main river of this region. The Bolan river passes through the Bolan Pass, which provides communication facilities between Iran and Pakistan . Queta is and important base at the northern end of Bolan pass.


In the west of lower Indus plain lies a hilly area known as “The Kerther hills”. These hills are not high enough, their average height being about 7000 feet. The Kerther hills are drained by the Hab and Layari stream join the water of the Arabian sea near Karachi.

The above map shows the north western mountains of Pakistan. These mountains is the block way between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
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