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       Pakistan is an agricultural country. Most of the population lives in rural areas, Bio-gas was first introduced in 1974. To make the use of Bio-gas popular a national Bio-gas program was launched in 1980-81. This program has three phases:

(1) In the initial stage to introduced Bio-gas, Bio-gas plant and technical assistance was provided free. In the second stage the Government started taking half expenditure from the farmers.

(2) In the second phase half of their expenditure had to be horn by the farmers and persuaded the farmers to set up gas plants.

(3) In the third phase Government declined to government declined to grant monetary help in setting Bio-gas plants. Only technical assistance was promised.

&ngsp;&ngsp;&ngsp;&ngsp;&ngsp;&ngsp;&ngsp;Now-a-days about 4000 Bio-gas plants are working in different cillages of the country. Half of these are provided by the Government free of cost. Most of the plants of our country could not utilize fully from Bio-gas plants due to many economic and social reasons. Even now most part of the population in villages face difficulty to live in village without electricity and only a limited number of special people are benefiting from these projects.


R.F 28.1
U.S.A 17.9
Canada 3.2
Netherland 2.9
Alteria 1.6
Indonesia 1.4
Mexico 1.3
U.K 1.2

The following graph shows the production of bio gas in world.

This map shows the bio gas plants in Pakistan and other minerals.                      

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