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welcome to gentle warrior's website

Picture a little cottage by the woods. You take a walk to sit by the pound and watch the carp swim in the water. There is a gentle breeze in the air. The only sounds are the birds singing in the trees and the wind blowing through the leaves. The Autumn leaves are gently falling around you, now is the perfect time to let go.

This is a sanctuary I wish to share wth you. Here we can heal and be ourselves. Here we can find a way to be quietly and comfortably aware of yourself.

I wish you a day of ordinary miracles, small happiness, bite-sized pieces of perfection that give you the feeling that the universe is smiling on you, holding you ever so gently.

Every blade of grass has its Angel that bends over it and whispers, "Grow, grow." -The Talmud
When sleeping women wake mountains move -Chinese Proverb
When the path is blocked we can accept or we can fight. When we fight, doors slam, when we surrender to the mystery and say, Well, what so you need? Doors open. -Marion Woodman
This too shall pass.- Unknown

A few of my favorite things

a few of my favorite websites

Forum for those healing from trauma(s)
Self-Help Information and resources
Healing Network
Healing Hopes
Soul's self-help
support group for lesbian survivors of abuse
Affirmations and cards to inspire,comfort and encourage
A body image site for every body
Touch drawing
Be a comfort queen-a place to be kind to yourself
Information on energy work, healing and more
Gardening information for nature lovers
Brush dance-beautiful cards and magnets
Lesbian links
