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Game Reviews PC Games

Message Board Downloads


Staff Applications
Super Game Reviews

Please note that this site is still under construction.

I got my first user-submitted review! YAY! Keep it up guys! Also I added the cool cursor thing to all the site, took a lot of copy/pasting but its awsome. More cool cursor effects can be found here

Well, I fixed up most of the site, Happy Mothers Day to all you mothers out there, and everyone else u better've gotten your momma somthing!!! :P Unless shes a total bitch. Anyways, back on to topic, the site is going very well, I now have 2 staff members :D but I still need way more. I'm going to put the site on the map and register it with a whole bunch of search engines today or tommorow so people will come to it and I could stop asking for staff.

Its the second day the site has been up, and I've started to get the links working to the actual review sites but its gonna take a very long time unless I can get some staff to help me out. The message board works now and the poll is online but thats not going to help me get game reviews.

Well, me and my friend Nick have started construction on the site. This is the first day its been up and its doing pretty good, just as long as I dont do what i have a habit of doing, starting a site and then just leaving it. I am looking for staff members and if you are interested please contact me and include "Staff Application" in the subject or i will dismiss it as junkmail. :P I will need people to review games for all platforms and generas, and as of now i have nobody in my staff so anyone would be helpful!