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From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/23/2003 9:55:41 PM | Message Detail
It's like Dark Blue, really nice... well, in my opinion.
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/23/2003 9:56:31 PM | Message Detail
oh wait, well I must be going now. See you later. =P
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/24/2003 8:13:23 AM | Message Detail
That's the color of my car then.

Where are you going? Take me along.
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: @_@
From: Heartless Bastards | Posted: 8/24/2003 12:20:42 PM | Message Detail

enalzi - The original Heartless Bastard, but not the last.
Cruel to MBH and SS since 2000
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/24/2003 2:33:20 PM | Message Detail
Hello Heartless Bastard(s)?..

anyways, I went to my grandma's house today. It was a one hour drive I think. Her house was big and stuff. And there was a cute little dog! I loved patting (or petting.. pfft..) it's head.
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/24/2003 2:47:17 PM | Message Detail

I had a little Chihuahua, but it ran away and now my neighbor won't give it back.
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: d=(
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/24/2003 3:03:40 PM | Message Detail
oh.. my cousin had a pet dog. Well, he named it scooby (lol) so anyways, I was scared of it and I would just tap his head once in awhile. I don't know how it happened but the next day, it was gone. And he just got it too.. I think.

But this dog in my grandma's house was cuter. I was scared of it at first but my dad started to pat its head and it was all friendly.. to him at least. Minutes later, I tried to pat him. I kept waving my hands.. kind of like signaling him to come over. He walked closer but then my grandma got up so the dog turned around to follow her. ;_;

I manage to pat his head tho. Like, I was eating lunch and he wanted to lick my hand but I was too scared since he might bite or something. >_<
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/24/2003 3:34:34 PM | Message Detail
Lol, how cute. What else did you do there?
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: d=)
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/24/2003 3:44:07 PM | Message Detail
Stupid AIM.. whenever I sign-in, it kicks me off. Saying "we have an error sorry but we need to close"

Anyway, it was a nice trip. I saw some interesting houses. It seemed kind of nice there really. My grandma and grandpa are sometimes alone in the house and I guess they would like some company. It would be a nice place to live in since the houses are big... but there are BUGS, let me say it again, BUGS, do I need to say it more? BUGS in the garden! And sometimes they can get in the house. ugh.. but her dog is soooooo cute. She said that we can visit her at thanksgiving and or christmas.. I wasn't sure, I was watching tv.

After that, we went to the store. I got some frosting and a cake mix thingy. Baking!!! ^_^

From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/24/2003 4:09:01 PM | Message Detail
He he...maybe you need to upgrade AIM?
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: d=\
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/24/2003 4:20:04 PM | Message Detail
hmmm.. aww.. yeah, it does have that thingy where it says "upgrade it blah blah" but I don't think I need to o.O .. I think..
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/24/2003 5:11:30 PM | Message Detail
You probably should...
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: @_@
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/24/2003 5:11:50 PM | Message Detail
I demand you to!
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: d=O
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/24/2003 5:16:57 PM | Message Detail
;_; ... nevar! umm.. I'll do it later.
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/24/2003 5:18:54 PM | Message Detail
@_@ oh well, g2g now! I'll just bake that cake. ^_^

Good night young sir.
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/24/2003 8:21:15 PM | Message Detail
Good night!

Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: ^_^
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/24/2003 8:22:14 PM | Message Detail

Isn't it kind of early for bed?
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: @_@
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/25/2003 8:52:46 AM | Message Detail
=P yeah but my mom needed to use the computer.
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/25/2003 9:58:05 AM | Message Detail
and oh yeah, I wont be entirely gone when school starts. I'll be able to post here for awhile but not long enough to stay for AIM. :P
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/25/2003 10:02:51 AM | Message Detail
As long as I still get to see you here, we can use this topic to chat. ^_^

I have practice in forty-five minutes. o_o

Better get ready. What are you going to do today?
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: d=)
From: Black Mist | Posted: 8/26/2003 1:41:03 PM | Message Detail

OMG. This is one of the first times I've seen littleman actually -talk-. *intrudes*
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/26/2003 2:38:27 PM | Message Detail
^_^; haha, hello Black Mist.

Well, I didn't do anything today but I just went to school to get my new books and all. No more Social Studies! .. I never really liked that subject. I got World history as a replacement I guess. I just brought my literature book home to read some stories.

And I can't believe my dad actually liked the cake I baked! It's usually like he says "ugh, I hate sweet stuffs! <insert silly expression here>" or he'll say " this cake?" ;_;
Pau Pau: No entry found.
of the unknown quantity
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/26/2003 3:29:04 PM | Message Detail
I thought you already went through here a few months back, Black Mist?

I hate English class. I don't like being forced to read.

Hooray from him liking the cake!


But you didn't save any for me?
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: d=(
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/26/2003 3:53:13 PM | Message Detail
I'd send the cake through this hyperlink but I don't think it would work. I'd send it by address but it might get messed up during the plane ride. Baking is easy. ^_^ so easy that .... it's just easy! <3 cooking. >_>

Well, I read through my brother's literature book and I read a story called Miles. Hmm.. written by.. *checks* Jerry Spinelli. It seemed interesting actually. :P
Accidents don't just happen. They must be carelessly planned.
From: Black Mist | Posted: 8/26/2003 4:23:38 PM | Message Detail
I think my English class this year is pretty cool.

He is fat, and funny.

As for the rest of my classes...Blegh.
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/26/2003 4:23:47 PM | Message Detail
I'm going school shopping tommorow!

I hope I don't spend too much money...
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: d=\
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/26/2003 4:23:57 PM | Message Detail
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: d=)
From: Black Mist | Posted: 8/26/2003 4:25:55 PM | Message Detail
Beowulf is a good book. (Though I think there are actually 10 books >.<)
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/27/2003 9:38:27 AM | Message Detail
Heh, you should take a look at my home board, Pau Pau.
Do NØT kick the littleman, but...create a topic (or three) at 5307!
Current Mood: =)
From: Black Mist | Posted: 8/27/2003 1:14:09 PM | Message Detail
Damn littleman, that board went CRAZY!

Last night it was calm, and quiet. Now it's loaded with people and posts.
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/27/2003 2:33:25 PM | Message Detail
k, I'll check. Well, HS starts tomorrow. :\
Accidents don't just happen. They must be carelessly planned.
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/27/2003 4:06:37 PM | Message Detail
Yeah, they are all from my buddy list. It's a very big list.

School will start next Tuesday for me. I bought five shirts, four jeans, and a pair of boots today.
Do NØT kick the littleman, but...create a topic (or three) at 5307!
Current Mood: =)
From: Black Mist | Posted: 8/28/2003 6:28:44 AM | Message Detail
Almost been in school three weeks now. >.<

Not bad. I'm taking three AP classes though.
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/28/2003 3:39:13 PM | Message Detail
My first day... hmm

well, it was ok really, I basically got lost every time I needed to switch rooms. All the classes were fine. Math, it was ok, science, yeah... Unfortunately, I have world history everyday for like, 50 minutes. The teacher talks so much and so LOUD that it annoys me, making it simply IMPOSSIBLE to sleep in his class. worst of all.... HE GAVE US HOMEWORK!!! Well, he seems nice and I just hope he's not like my previous teachers.. they were ebil.. ;_;

At gym... I met a Junior named Nick, and he wouldn't stop making fun of me!!! He kept patting my head and saying how he was taller than me! Well, in return, I called him Nicky and he didn't like it. I kept insulting him back but he poked me in the rib. o_O
*is ticklelish* or however you spell it..

The rest of the day was basically like that, I kept on getting lost but manage to find my way one way or the other... it really made my head hurt.... but thankfully, I have survive the first day of high school.. x_x
Accidents don't just happen. They must be carelessly planned.
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/28/2003 4:06:30 PM | Message Detail
Welcome to high school! I'll tell you about my first day when it comes.

Take a look at my boots!
Do NØT kick the littleman, but...create a topic (or three) at 5307!
Current Mood: ^_^
From: Black Mist | Posted: 8/28/2003 4:56:34 PM | Message Detail
Mwahah, High School newbs! =D j/k

This is my 3rd year in my high school, so I know where everything is, and what's going on. I know most of the teachers too. It's pretty cool.
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/28/2003 8:16:12 PM | Message Detail
Oh...I'm a Junior this year...
Do NØT kick the littleman, but...create a topic (or three) at 5307!
Current Mood: =)
From: Black Mist | Posted: 8/29/2003 6:08:03 AM | Message Detail

I thought you were only 15?
From: Black Mist | Posted: 8/29/2003 6:08:55 AM | Message Detail
Ahh, that's it. I forgot you skipped a grade. I could've, but wanted to stay with all my friends.
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/29/2003 3:27:42 PM | Message Detail
littleman or Nhat.. right? - anyways, nice boots. ^_^

as for BlackMist... I hate you. :P
well, I don't but I guess I will also be a Junior and you'll be having a hard time in college... u_u sigh..
Accidents don't just happen. They must be carelessly planned.
From: Black Mist | Posted: 8/30/2003 1:56:31 AM | Message Detail
Meh. College. I'm not sure whether I'll enjoy it more or less than High School. Probably...Gah, I don't know.
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/30/2003 6:56:47 AM | Message Detail
You can call me Nhat.


So what have you been doing in school?
Do NØT kick the littleman, but...create a topic (or three) at 5307!
Current Mood: o_o
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/30/2003 7:21:32 PM | Message Detail
getting lost. It starts getting serious on Tuesday! And I'm pretty sure I'm going to get lost again. argh.. >_<
Accidents don't just happen. They must be carelessly planned.
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/30/2003 8:17:48 PM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/30/2003 8:19:32 PM | Message Detail
I'm nervous about my first day, I wonder if I'll be able to get up at 6:30...


Did you have any problems getting up?
Do NØT kick the littleman, but...create a topic (or three) at 5307!
Current Mood: @_@
From: Black Mist | Posted: 8/31/2003 12:41:13 AM | Message Detail
Ahh damn, I had problems, but my Summer sleeping schedule was pretty nocturnal, so that's to be expected.

Now I have to wake up at 5:30 everyday. v.v
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/31/2003 6:42:50 PM | Message Detail
wow.. I only had to wake up at 6:30am.. anyways, the first day didn't bother me. I was kind of nervous during the last week of summer vacation since I've been thinking of what to do there and what would it be like. But when the day came, I wasn't nervous.. just annoyed since I had to wake up early. (I got used to sleeping at 12:30am then waking up at 9:00am) ^_^;
Accidents don't just happen. They must be carelessly planned.
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/31/2003 9:07:29 PM | Message Detail
Tomorrow is my last day of freedom! I'm scared, someone hold me (preferably Pau Pau)!
Do NØT kick the littleman, but...create a topic (or three) at 5307!
Current Mood: v_v
From: Black Mist | Posted: 8/31/2003 10:29:36 PM | Message Detail
*backs away from littleman*

Don't worry, I won't hold you...

Meh, I have to wake up at 5:30 because I have AM Weight Training. >.<

From: Pau Pau | Posted: 9/1/2003 1:11:41 PM | Message Detail
*pats Nhat* haha, yeah, it's scary to think of really. But it'll eventually go away. :P
Accidents don't just happen. They must be carelessly planned.
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