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From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/14/2003 12:54:15 PM | Message Detail
Hot red and baby blue.

Can't choose.
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: @_@
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/14/2003 1:02:31 PM | Message Detail
yeah they are both nice. Well, I used to like red but now I went blue, then light/baby/sky blue.
(insert sig here)
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/14/2003 1:22:45 PM | Message Detail
Shame on Baseman! He's eating without the rest of us!
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: >=O
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/14/2003 2:09:27 PM | Message Detail
! hmm.. we should... umm.. do something!
What now? *eats a piece of cake... secretly*
Temporary state of mind
~ bored
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/14/2003 2:12:07 PM | Message Detail
I'm bored...and sleepy too.

(grabs pillow and blankets to nap)
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: IO
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/14/2003 2:15:55 PM | Message Detail
>_> *tickles littleman with a feather*
What now? "pillow fight?"
Temporary state of mind
~ zzz
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/14/2003 2:29:29 PM | Message Detail


You woke me up! I was having such a good dream.
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: =(
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/15/2003 12:18:10 PM | Message Detail
Pau Pau, where are you?
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: d=(
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/15/2003 1:01:42 PM | Message Detail
>_> I'm not up in the sky!

Don't look up!!
''eggplant but perpendicular cornflake''
Temporary state of mind ~ nothing..
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/15/2003 2:02:14 PM | Message Detail
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: d=O
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/15/2003 2:15:20 PM | Message Detail
It is? *looks up*

you know, I thought something would fall if you looked up.
''eggplant but perpendicular cornflake''
Temporary state of mind ~ nothing..
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/16/2003 12:01:24 AM | Message Detail
(dumps bucket of water over Pau Pau's head)
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: >=)
From: Evil NickBush24 | Posted: 8/16/2003 12:26:18 AM | Message Detail
*kicks the littleman* >_>
*kicks poster below* >:P
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/16/2003 10:30:58 AM | Message Detail
*shakes fist at littleman*

I was going to do that!!! ... well thanks for kicking him anyways =P
''eggplant but perpendicular cornflake''
Temporary state of mind ~ nothing..
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/16/2003 6:15:25 PM | Message Detail
I just realized you had your name in your profile the whole time.
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: >_<
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/17/2003 1:01:03 AM | Message Detail
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: XD
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/17/2003 2:43:59 PM | Message Detail
ooh.. about that name in my profile, I just put it up there yesterday, as for that link and that karma thing.. you lie! =P

well, maybe not. o_O
''eggplant but perpendicular cornflake''
Temporary state of mind ~ confused..
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/17/2003 8:08:57 PM | Message Detail
He he, only if I could keep it that way.
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: d=(
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/17/2003 8:20:21 PM | Message Detail
I guess Darth Maul shall be the highest karma user here. =P
eggplant but perpendicular cornflake
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/17/2003 10:21:36 PM | Message Detail
littleman is suspended there.
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: =<
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/17/2003 11:19:02 PM | Message Detail
ahh, do not worry. ... wait, you know, when you said suspended... I understood it as... warned o_O
eggplant but perpendicular cornflake
From: Silver kitty | Posted: 8/17/2003 11:23:56 PM | Message Detail
wow.. I haven't used this account in like.. forever...
You don't get it do you? Well I don't really care because I don't get it either...
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/17/2003 11:49:36 PM | Message Detail
Is it...edible?
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: >_>
From: Silver kitty | Posted: 8/18/2003 5:20:47 PM | Message Detail
of course not! =P

*changes back*
You don't get it do you? Well I don't really care because I don't get it either...
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/18/2003 8:09:00 PM | Message Detail
Enjoying the new servers?
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: d=)
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/18/2003 8:10:06 PM | Message Detail
^_^ they are fast.
eggplant but perpendicular cornflake
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/19/2003 5:15:53 PM | Message Detail
How long do you have to wait now compared to the time you used to?
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: ?_?
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/19/2003 5:38:47 PM | Message Detail
hmm... ummm.. well, it's kind of random since I have dial-up. I never know when it's fast or slow.
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/19/2003 10:33:25 PM | Message Detail

Me and my friends watched How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.

Sweet movie.
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: d=)
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/20/2003 10:41:48 AM | Message Detail
ooh.. I've seen it before.. well while I was watching tv. =P
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/20/2003 3:36:49 PM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/20/2003 3:37:58 PM | Message Detail you watched the movie?
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: ?_?
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/20/2003 11:08:00 PM | Message Detail
It's late, I should be in bed.
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: >_>
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/21/2003 1:29:02 PM | Message Detail
oh no, I meant the commercial. Anyways, I don't think I'll be on that much anymore. School will start in like... 6 days. =P
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/21/2003 4:10:07 PM | Message Detail

How often will I see you then?
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: v_v
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/21/2003 4:40:52 PM | Message Detail
let see.. since school starts at 8am and ends at 3pm.. then I get home at 3:30pm or 4pm. plus, I have to do my homework instead of go online and do my homework later.. which might take like... all night... umm... You might see me late on night, on the weekends, or rarely at all.
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/21/2003 5:33:15 PM | Message Detail

I miss you already!
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: ;_;
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/22/2003 2:09:06 PM | Message Detail

I'm so lonely.
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: ;_;
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/22/2003 2:35:17 PM | Message Detail
*pats littleman*

^_^ I'll try to be on lol.. but we don't talk that much.
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/22/2003 4:44:07 PM | Message Detail


True, but then you better visit on weekends!
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: A_A
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/23/2003 9:19:19 AM | Message Detail
well, I might be able to go online everyday. Probably for an hour or so. But not completely sure.
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/23/2003 9:33:27 AM | Message Detail
I just realized that I only have one week left before school starts.

Pretty soon, I'll be turning 16 too.
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: o_o
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/23/2003 7:28:34 PM | Message Detail
ooh... excited about driving? ..(I'm not ^_^;)
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/23/2003 7:32:30 PM | Message Detail
Actually, I am. I just have to learn how to park.

Have you practiced?
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: d=)
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/23/2003 8:36:42 PM | Message Detail
I'm only 14. Anyways, I'm not really exited to drive even when I reach 16.. (I guess I'm weird) but it seems.. well not that interesting... well, maybe I'll get more interested in driving some other time.
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/23/2003 8:51:04 PM | Message Detail
I wasn't either, until I found out that it was better than walking and having to rely on your parents.
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: >_<
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/23/2003 9:18:53 PM | Message Detail
hmm.. well, your right about the walking and relying on your parents part I suppose. :P
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/23/2003 9:29:23 PM | Message Detail
I like my car because it has a sunroof!
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: ^_^
From: Pau Pau | Posted: 8/23/2003 9:39:58 PM | Message Detail
I.. don't have a care yet! ^_^;
but err.. what color is your car? I think Black, white, sort of maroon or maybe Midnight Blue might be a good color.
From: littleman1314 | Posted: 8/23/2003 9:53:27 PM | Message Detail
Midnight blue? What does that look like? I think that's what it is...
Do NØT kick the littleman!
Current Mood: @_@
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