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Ninja Golf
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From: cloud strife omnisla | Posted: 10/20/2002 6:54:42 PM | Message Detail
me rikkey dis board

i'm hiring this feng shui guy to put my yin and yang in balence cause i FRICKEN LOVE HARMONYYY!!!-red murphy sea-lab 2021.<fft vet> <vet scc'er>
From: Scum | Posted: 10/21/2002 7:21:33 PM | Message Detail
What board? This wonderful, limited edition 2x4? How much would you expect to pay for such a magnificent product? $8000? $7999? Well let me tell you, it could be all yours for the low, low price of only $120! But order now, supplies are VERY limited!!
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 10/31/2002 11:00:25 PM | Message Detail
*steals boards*

Actually, supplies just ran out. However, I'm willing to sell you these boards I just found for only $121 apiece.
Ignorant posts make Kirby cry. Please think before you post.
From: Scum | Posted: 11/1/2002 7:06:45 AM | Message Detail
No, we've got a whole warehouse ful... I mean, one left!
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 11/8/2002 12:27:44 AM | Message Detail
Only one left? I'll take it!

*takes board*

What? I didn't say I'd pay. . .
Ignorant posts make Kirby cry. Please think before you post.
From: Scum | Posted: 11/12/2002 6:27:11 PM | Message Detail
Oh, you'll pay. Pay with your blood! Or money, money would be preferred.
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 11/15/2002 4:31:49 PM | Message Detail
There you go, making false predictions again.
Ignorant posts make Kirby cry. Please think before you post.
From: Scum | Posted: 11/15/2002 10:43:06 PM | Message Detail
If it's so false, then where did I get this money-filled wallet from your pocket?
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 11/21/2002 1:32:26 AM | Message Detail
From my pocket.

*presses buton on remote control*
*wallet explodes*

That was just a dummy wallet. I keep my real one in a super secret place that you'll never find as long as you don't search my other pocket.
Ignorant posts make Kirby cry. Please think before you post.
From: Scum | Posted: 11/21/2002 5:30:32 PM | Message Detail
But that's the one that just exploded. This one I stole earlier is still fine.
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 11/29/2002 6:12:21 PM | Message Detail
Oh. Ah well, I didn't need that leg anyway. And the wallet you stole is just full of Monopoly money, so you won't be able to buy anything from non-colorblind people.
Ignorant posts make Kirby cry. Please think before you post.
From: Scum | Posted: 12/1/2002 9:37:40 PM | Message Detail
Not so, the country I live in uses monopoly money as currency.
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 12/10/2002 3:31:24 AM | Message Detail
Oh, really?

*buys a bunch of Monopoly board games, takes all the Monopoly money out, gets in a helicopter, and dumps it all over the country, causing mass inflation and ruining the economy*

Ha! Now all that money you stole from me will barely buy you bread and water!
Ignorant posts make Kirby cry. Please think before you post.
From: Scum | Posted: 12/10/2002 3:35:24 PM | Message Detail
Actually, that helps the economy. We work on a reverse-inflation system. Now the money I stole from you will be eight times as valuable.
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 12/19/2002 4:46:39 PM | Message Detail
*nukes country*

It was, uh. . . funding terrorism. I had to do it. For America!
"Nostalgia is a combination of a bad memory and a good imagination." - Anonymous
From: Scum | Posted: 12/20/2002 3:09:28 PM | Message Detail
That was America. You missed.
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 12/29/2002 9:49:38 PM | Message Detail
Oops. My bad.

At least I won't go to jail, since they're all blown up.
"Nostalgia is a combination of a bad memory and a good imagination." - Anonymous
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 1/8/2003 12:33:20 AM | Message Detail
"Blown up" as in "exploded".
"Nostalgia is a combination of a bad memory and a good imagination." - Anonymous
From: Scum | Posted: 1/8/2003 3:05:53 PM | Message Detail
Only the American jails are blown up. And I'm sure there are still a few American jails left, especially in Hawaii and Alaska.
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 1/19/2003 12:03:46 AM | Message Detail
Well, there's no one left to put me in jail. Except for the Alaskans and Hawaiians, but they're too far away to bother to make the trip.
"Nostalgia is a combination of a bad memory and a good imagination." - Anonymous
From: Scum | Posted: 1/22/2003 3:29:04 PM | Message Detail
They're already here.
From: NinjaMaster | Posted: 1/24/2003 6:19:49 AM | Message Detail
Must have been on vacation. Wait a second, why would Alaskans and Hawaiians take a vacation to the mainland? It doesn't make sense. They live in such cool tourist spots that coming here would be unfeasible. And that's probably why they are already fease it.
From: Scum | Posted: 1/29/2003 6:19:21 PM | Message Detail
Uh... exactly?
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 2/8/2003 11:05:46 PM | Message Detail
*sneaks away during the discussion*
Ignorant posts make Kirby cry. Please think before you post.
From: Scum | Posted: 2/9/2003 6:33:55 PM | Message Detail

*trips the previous poster*

Awake good! Awake forever! Confusion good! Enjoy weekend! Purge evil! Sleep bad! Staple cookie good! Thinking evil! TV good! Video games good! Weekend good! @_@
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 4/9/2003 6:31:24 PM | Message Detail
*falls down and hurts self*

*sues previous poster*
So. . . uh. . . yeah.
From: Scum | Posted: 4/14/2003 6:09:55 PM | Message Detail
*kicks previous poster while said poster is down*

How many times did you repost that?

From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 4/24/2003 2:08:50 PM | Message Detail
A positive number.

*has Scum arrested for assault and battery*
So. . . uh. . . yeah.
From: Scum | Posted: 4/24/2003 10:16:34 PM | Message Detail
*kills all police, thus avoiding arrest*

*applies salt to a battery*

From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 5/14/2003 6:08:35 PM | Message Detail
How did you kill every policeman in the U.S. so quickly?
So. . . uh. . . yeah.
From: Scum | Posted: 5/14/2003 10:22:40 PM | Message Detail
I keep a knife under my pillow in case of such an emergency. Slice slice!

From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 5/23/2003 5:00:56 PM | Message Detail
Must've been some knife, to cut through millions of police body armor without getting dull.
So. . . uh. . . yeah.
From: Scum | Posted: 5/23/2003 5:20:12 PM | Message Detail
It is! I made it myself out of a spork and a butter knife!

From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 6/1/2003 9:15:02 PM | Message Detail
But the spork is the perfect utensil, featuring the scoopiness of a spoon and the stabbiness of a fork! You should have left it as it was.
So. . . uh. . . yeah.
From: pure skill | Posted: 6/3/2003 10:33:42 PM | Message Detail
I think I've come upon the greatest secret board in history, thanks Ninja Golf!
Ever since I got married my life has been one long year, actually one long month, HELLuary.-Al Bundy
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 6/11/2003 4:13:57 PM | Message Detail
You're welcome.
So. . . uh. . . yeah.
From: Ninja Golf Redux | Posted: 6/11/2003 7:07:07 PM | Message Detail
He's obviously talking to me, lamer.
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 6/21/2003 11:39:53 PM | Message Detail
He's talking to the board, and since I own the board, I get the credit.

You're welcome.
So. . . uh. . . yeah.
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 7/2/2003 1:46:34 AM | Message Detail
A topic praising my board deserves to be bumped.
So. . . uh. . . yeah.
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 7/12/2003 11:49:40 PM | Message Detail
And rebumped.
So. . . uh. . . yeah.
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 7/22/2003 5:55:11 PM | Message Detail
Like this.
So. . . uh. . . yeah.
From: Console Gamer | Posted: 7/28/2003 6:31:21 AM | Message Detail
^Like that.
Signature status: Gone on holiday; Back in a week
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 8/7/2003 9:27:23 PM | Message Detail
Exactly. Let that be a lesson to everyone.
So. . . uh. . . yeah.
From: MI4 REAL | Posted: 8/12/2003 1:38:43 AM | Message Detail

Banjo Kazooie: Mumbos Mountain 100% Clear in 10:19. Treasure Trove Cove 100% Clear in 17:53 <34>
From: MI4 REAL | Posted: 8/17/2003 3:11:28 AM | Message Detail
But I'm cooler

Banjo Kazooie: Mumbos Mountain 100% Clear in 10:19. Treasure Trove Cove 100% Clear in 17:53 <34>
From: BrainDeadMonkey | Posted: 8/17/2003 5:23:39 PM | Message Detail
Actualy I will take the credit for this board. *takes credit* *runs*
We're not a cult, so much as a maniacal group of fanatical, blade-wielding zealots-Varimathras -warcraft 3
From: MI4 REAL | Posted: 8/18/2003 1:48:27 AM | Message Detail

Your GP or your HP!

Banjo Kazooie: Mumbos Mountain 100% Clear in 10:19. Treasure Trove Cove 100% Clear in 17:53 <34>
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 8/28/2003 11:49:59 PM | Message Detail


Get it? Bumpage? Bump page?
So. . . uh. . . yeah.
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 9/7/2003 8:53:50 AM | Message Detail
Not much for highbrow humor, I see.
So. . . uh. . . yeah.

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