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From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 6/24/2002 12:42:30 AM | Message Detail
I, this board's Super Emperor of Doom, have to take a week-long trip starting this morning. I will be without computer access, so I expect all who come here on an almost semi-regular basis (both of you) to behave yourselves in my absence. And I expect this place to be spick and spank by the time I get back.

Later, potaters.
Like you actually expected a witty, humorous signature from me. . .
From: Scum | Posted: 6/25/2002 8:57:05 PM | Message Detail
*dumps garbage all over the floor*

But I don't come here semi-regularly, I've here like constantly. Except for some of the time.
From: ScottHalI | Posted: 6/30/2002 2:27:36 AM | Message Detail
aka dumb ass
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 6/30/2002 10:22:18 PM | Message Detail
Better delete that before aka comes here and sees it. He doesn't take insults very well.
Like you actually expected a witty, humorous signature from me. . .
From: Scum | Posted: 6/30/2002 11:40:42 PM | Message Detail
Yeah, aka said he likes to go down slides at the park and scream with glee.
From: ScottHalI | Posted: 7/1/2002 10:28:28 AM | Message Detail
He can't do anything except cry to the moderators.
From: Scum | Posted: 7/1/2002 7:37:25 PM | Message Detail
He can't do that either, he was born with no tear ducts.
From: ScottHalI | Posted: 7/1/2002 7:52:57 PM | Message Detail
he can still make the crying sound
From: Scum | Posted: 7/2/2002 2:38:06 AM | Message Detail
No, he also has no voice box.
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 7/2/2002 4:10:08 AM | Message Detail
If he has no voice box, how could he scream with glee?
Like you actually expected a witty, humorous signature from me. . .
From: Scum | Posted: 7/2/2002 4:33:25 AM | Message Detail
I didn't say he was born with no voice box.
From: ScottHalI | Posted: 7/2/2002 12:33:10 PM | Message Detail
trust me he can still make the sound
From: Scum | Posted: 7/2/2002 3:47:56 PM | Message Detail
No he can't, he told me out loud yesterday.
From: ScottHalI | Posted: 7/2/2002 4:14:28 PM | Message Detail
well then you see
From: Scum | Posted: 7/2/2002 6:27:34 PM | Message Detail
No, he has no eyes either.
From: ScottHalI | Posted: 7/2/2002 10:38:46 PM | Message Detail
but it's you that sees
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 7/3/2002 6:21:23 PM | Message Detail
Well, then, what does he have?
Like you actually expected a witty, humorous signature from me. . .
From: ScottHalI | Posted: 7/3/2002 8:33:35 PM | Message Detail
a Pittle Lenis
From: Scum | Posted: 7/4/2002 10:06:07 PM | Message Detail
He has a dollar, too.
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 7/6/2002 4:47:13 AM | Message Detail
Wow! That's almost two dollars!
Like you actually expected a witty, humorous signature from me. . .
From: ScottHalI | Posted: 7/6/2002 10:20:04 AM | Message Detail
From: Scum | Posted: 7/8/2002 3:22:36 AM | Message Detail
He spent it on four quarters, though, so now it's almost half a dollar.
From: ScottHalI | Posted: 7/8/2002 3:24:01 PM | Message Detail
why would he do that? what a fool
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 7/9/2002 1:40:41 AM | Message Detail
Yeah, I pity the foo'.
Like you actually expected a witty, humorous signature from me. . .
From: Scum | Posted: 7/9/2002 2:51:50 PM | Message Detail
Yeah, someone should throw him hella far.
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 7/10/2002 4:17:34 AM | Message Detail
Or at least take him to a youth center so he can learn to be somebody.
Like you actually expected a witty, humorous signature from me. . .
From: ScottHalI | Posted: 7/10/2002 10:47:59 AM | Message Detail
He's gonna be somebody someday.
From: Scum | Posted: 7/12/2002 8:15:19 PM | Message Detail
Yes, he'll be somebody... some body apple!
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 7/14/2002 12:04:14 AM | Message Detail
Apples don't have bodies.
Like you actually expected a witty, humorous signature from me. . .
From: Scum | Posted: 7/14/2002 12:44:09 AM | Message Detail
Then how do they reproduce?
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 7/15/2002 6:12:52 AM | Message Detail
They don't.
Like you actually expected a witty, humorous signature from me. . .
From: Scum | Posted: 7/15/2002 12:21:45 PM | Message Detail
Yes they do, I dreamed about it last night.
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 7/17/2002 5:12:52 AM | Message Detail
But this isn't your dream. . . or is it?

*X-files music*
Like you actually expected a witty, humorous signature from me. . .
From: Scum | Posted: 7/17/2002 7:11:42 PM | Message Detail
That's not X-files music, it's "Happy Birthday."
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 7/18/2002 8:24:50 PM | Message Detail
That's because it's my birthday. Gimme some presents.
Like you actually expected a witty, humorous signature from me. . .
From: Scum | Posted: 7/19/2002 3:50:02 PM | Message Detail
Would kicking you in the shins count as a present? Oh wait, make that giving you a kick in the shins.
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 7/21/2002 2:03:32 AM | Message Detail
NOt unless you gift-wrap it.
Like you actually expected a witty, humorous signature from me. . .
From: Scum | Posted: 7/21/2002 2:49:56 AM | Message Detail
What if I tell you it's gift-wrapped? Does that count?
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 7/22/2002 2:21:26 AM | Message Detail
Only up to 10. 20 if it takes off its shoes.
Like you actually expected a witty, humorous signature from me. . .
From: Scum | Posted: 7/25/2002 1:55:59 AM | Message Detail
What about 20 + 1 - 1?
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 7/26/2002 7:13:08 AM | Message Detail
For that it would have to grow an extra toe, then cut it off.
Ignorant posts make Kirby cry. Please think before you post.
From: Scum | Posted: 7/30/2002 1:08:08 PM | Message Detail
That's easy enough to do.
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 8/1/2002 11:42:04 AM | Message Detail
Sez you.
Ignorant posts make Kirby cry. Please think before you post.
From: Scum | Posted: 8/1/2002 3:36:19 PM | Message Detail
"That's right," I said.
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 8/3/2002 5:47:47 PM | Message Detail
If you say so.
Ignorant posts make Kirby cry. Please think before you post.
From: Scum | Posted: 8/5/2002 1:53:47 PM | Message Detail
No, I said so.
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 8/5/2002 10:04:14 PM | Message Detail
That's what I said.
Ignorant posts make Kirby cry. Please think before you post.
From: Scum | Posted: 8/14/2002 4:12:06 AM | Message Detail
No, that's what you said.
From: Starman Deluxe | Posted: 8/15/2002 3:54:45 PM | Message Detail
Say what?
Ignorant posts make Kirby cry. Please think before you post.
From: Scum | Posted: 8/15/2002 11:11:33 PM | Message Detail
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