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Hello there, you are currently on Bev's site. Indeed you are, but what brings you here? There's nothing here except fancy HTML and JScript that won't interest you... maybe it does =S If you want to know how to, go to links and I'll give you a little kiddies site to learn it off =D Now I've gone on about my site for a bit, can someone tell me why angelfire have gone and plastered advertisements all over the place? I might go complain, or protest, although I don't know what the hell I'd be doing if I did, I'm rubbish at anything like that [i.e complaining.] and I don't even have a clue what I'm going on about here. This site is TOTALLY under construction, so you can forget about when I told you to go to the links page. Ah well, my new site'll be up soon anyway so you won't have to suffer this. Who's saying your suffering? Oh well, I'll shut up now, I probably sound like a retard on Retard Day, so just enjoy... Enjoy? Enjoy watching your cursor move around the screen. You can have some quite interesting games with that, actually... Shut Up Bev. Toodles! -Bev-

Guestbook under construction >=P
Friends - Nothing here though.
Links - Ugh. Under construction. A totally pointless link.