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Remember to sign up at the Sg3k Message Boards and to log in there. Please enjoy the site that is Sg3k, Downloads, Sounds, Images and loads more, check out some awesome links to some great sites, remember to check out PlanetLee for some excellent alternative shit. Thanks for visiting, come back soon, Sg3k is (usually) updated quite regularly. Thanks for reading this Sg3kMarquee.
This webshite made by theden_aaron

Eye Test
Eye Test

Welcome to ShitGun3000
ShitGun3000 is basically a load of shit, we have shit for you, and you are those shitty people that download it. All of out products are virus checked, and believe me, they really are after the things I went through, I wouldn't want my visitors getting this sort of thing. Having 4+ Trojan Horse viruses in your computer that you can't delete appears to be a sort of problem at times y'know?

This website is more of an experience for me now that I am using my HTML knowledge to make this page, and you can really see if it is me who has done this, look at the source code for it and there's your proof. I find I have learnt a very big lesson while on the internet, and that is, to never trust anybody or anyone, even if they are your best mate online or something, it could all backfire.

Another thing, DON'T DOWNLOAD ICQ because it contains loads of SpyWare. Get rid of your spyware by downloading AdAware.

Downloads Available
Quite a few downloads on offer now and a few just lying around all over the site that you can pick up, and the good thing about them is that they are VIRUS FREE thank god. Here are some downloads specially for your security.

My Computer Section
I think I might add a Computer section up soon where you can download system files for European Windows XP Home Versions, I will only upload files that are very precious to computers but do not contain any personal information, if you can submit any then that would be great, send them to It would be a good place to store your system files. I will also upload my files for your convenience and put a list up soon. Some of the files to be featured are as follows:
  • autoexec.bat
  • (modified autoexec.bat files)
  • config.sys
  • system.ini
  • win.ini
  • netlog files
  • bootdisk files for various formats

I will have to remove any personal details from these files, as hackers can download these files too and steal information from them, therefore I will place things within the files for your convenience, security and protection, come on, can't you trust a website with a name of ShitGun3000... Eh... Eh?
Thank you for the free .2ya address. visit

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Music courtesy of Final Dragon. Final Fantasy 8 ©Copyright Square 2000,2001.
GuestBook courtesy of Angelfire/Lycos' HTML Gear
This page and source is ©Copyright Aaron Cunnington 2002. Please EMAIL ME, if you want to take anything from this website and/or source. Thank you.