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Designers, Owners, and Operators Are:
Firesong and Dragonseye

Thank you for coming and visiting us. We have a variety of avatars and links and if you need one of your avatars painted, feel free to ask one of our list keepers to put you on a list. As soon as possible one of our talented painters will be assisting you and perfecting your avi!!!

We only have a few simple rules we would appreciate if everyone would follow and they are:

1. Please ask list keeper to put you on list and if a list keeper is not present, then please ask openly in room if someone is available to assist you!

2. Please do not IM painters unless asked to do so!

3. Please be kind and courteous to others while visiting this place!

4. Please no rude or vulgar language or gestures because small ears and eyes are almost always present!

5. This is not a rule, but a request......Please do not forget to sign our guestbook before leaving and also, do not forget to add our site to your favorites so you can visit any time you wish!

6. And last, but not least......Please HAVE FUN!!!!!!!


We are currently seeking list keepers for our shop.  If you are interested please e-mail us at the e-mail addresses below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.  Thank you!!!!

Added Bonuses for one and all!!!!!!!!!!!!

As an added bonus to this room, we are proud to announce the fact that if you are in need of one or more web pages, we will be happy to assist you in anyway possible. We can create a website to suite your needs. Just e-mail us (links below) and tell us what you are looking for and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible to configure the details and within a couple of days to a week, you can have a site to call your own.

-Firesong and Dragonseye-




We are Proud also to now be a part of the Avatar Artists Webring and VPRing.

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