Ana's Site
The Dollhouse
Midnight Dreamz

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eliminating time
freedom fuckers
icons by me
about me
digital art
Wow, its been like a month since i've updated. I added a shitload of new icons...and i'll be adding a backgrounds section also. I graduate tomorrow. Weeeee ^-^ im so excited. im going to add a cam journal since i've taken some pics recently. i<3michael.
Pearl Jam was the 15th. It was wonderful. Except all the drunk people. Besides them, everything was heavenly. Me and michael had a great time. It was hard driving home at 1am trying to keep your eyes open. But no one else was on the road. Just me and him. hehe :P Damnit, i need a host. Someone love me. heh. I added 3 more pieces of digiart. 2 of Kurt Cobain and 1 of Gwen Stefani. Im getting really into the re-coloring schtuff. Thats what the last 6 have been. I'll do more of non re-coloring soon though. Im tired. Baaah.
I have added 3 new pieces of digital art! Yippy! Hehe and i finally got my Photography section working, its called "Black&White".
In other news, i FINALLY got in touch with my best friend from middle school (long story on how i lost him) but i am sooo happy! Me and michael are doing wonderful...very excited about the prom! I just got my earrings and sessy gloves this past Saturday. Im still looking for a photo of my dress. Right now i have someone altering it so i cant take a picture. Eventually lol. I still need a bloody HOST!
I haven't updated in a while, but i figured since i gots a new layout then i should say something. hehe Me and michael are (of course) still doing wonderful! Next month will be 10 months. Yaheee :) We're going to the prom together which is on 9May. I already have my dress, so hopefully i can get a picture of it up here soon. I still need a host...dreadfully :( signing out....
I saw A Beautiful Mind with michael today. That is a wonderful movie! I need to update the site some more. As soon as i finish taking this roll of film then i'll put up some pictures of me and michael. Im so addicted to the sims unleashed its awesome. i have all the expansion packs except vacation, but thats b/c i dont want it lol. I got a new computer with a CD burner for xmas from my dad and uncle. ish great. speaking of great...michael -giggle- he's the BEST! for xmas (the 26th) he gave me a RING! ahhh :) its so wonderful. the ring:

it looks a bit gold on one side, but its silver. the camera is a retard. anywhoot...i love him more than anything :) our 8 month anniversary is tomorrow. awww...
Merry furkin Xmas. This is the first xmas since i was like 3 that me, my mom, dad and brother were all together. too bad my sister wasn't though. she was busy w/ something else. oh well. it was nice. i got some blue chuck taylors, a hello kitty pocket book and wallet, a nirvana cd, a queens of the stone age cd, a cd holder for my car, a cd player for my car, and a marilyn monroe calendar. tehehe :) its spiffylicious and i love it all. i cant wait to get my cd player hooked up in my car. it's gonna be splunderflicious. hehe i dont get to see michael until tomorrow. but i get another present from him! hehe and his parents are giving me a present.
I added more of my poems. Yay for me! lol I cant wait for xmas. Cuz Michael got me a gift and im just really anxious to know what it is -giggles-. Exams have been all this week and i've done pretty good on all of them except my Algebra II, but of course that was foreseen. durf! im so horrible in math. woe is me. michael is great! i love him so much. i cant wait for my ring -giggles- BARHARHARHAR. anywhoot, i get to spend the day with him on Friday.
((7:47pm)) ((11DEC02))
I've updated my site with more quotes and poetry of mine from a long time ago. One of our younger snakes died and my brother is shaking it around like a madman saying 'why him?'. its really funny. harhar. i have a picture of me on my first xmas getting a baby glo worm. i want to put it on the site. its so cute. i was adorable. still am..but ya know. (haha) Me and michael are so wonderful..still. I get a car Friday morning. It's a '91 Honda Accord, burgundy. My grandfather is selling it to me, in payments. hehe he's so nice :) i love my gramps. hehe I'll update more later. tata.
((7:47pm)) ((20NOV02))
Today wasn't that great, but I get my pants tomorrow. Michael's grandma had to take some off the bottom, cuz they were way too long. anywho...i added a photography section, and a tag board, which is currently being...gah. so, hopefully it'll work soon!

((8:36pm)) ((13NOV02))
I've updated the hell out of this site! Now i have more in my 'Freedom Fuckers' section, and three new sections!...Mind Adrift (rantings and thoughts), Poetry, and Quotes! :) yay i miss my mikey :P but today i got my scare bears shirt in the mail along w/ michael's pants! they're awesome! yippy!

((8:21pm)) ((11NOV02))
I got to spend the night with michael saturday night. It was soo great! hehe I also got to spend the whole day with him today since we dont have school-veterans day! lol I have been in such a wonderful mood all weekend because of my GREAT boyfriend. hehe ;) anywho..soon i will be putting up my poetry and some of my photography! yay!

((8:38pm)) ((30OCT02))
these are the perty pants i won on ebay! me ish excitedness. lol

((8:47pm)) ((9OCT02))
My friend alyse made me this bracelet...awww!

teehhehe! i love it! i need a gonna be changing my layout soon! woohoo :)

((7:56pm)) ((16SEPT02))
I just updated some things :) it took me forever to figure out the right html i wanted for that evil text area! if anyone knows any good html sites, sign my guestbook. If you have any ideas of things you'd like to see on this site, or suggestions, then post in the 'whats missing' thingy. mka, going to call my sexay boy now! teheheh

Whaahooo! Im sooo happy! Today, michael was super duper sweet and sent me this really awesome letter. And i just figured out a ton of shtuff and made things perty!! hehe Im thinking about adding a tag board...hmmm didddy dumm

((6:46pm)) ((24AUG02))
Today i went to michael's and had lots of fun. Im finally updating my site some more. I just finished reading this book Grendel by John Gardner. Its really good. So, all you people out that that like super creative, psychotic books, go read it! I had to read it for school, but i thought it was wonderful! I'll probably add more art in a minute or two...or threeeeeeeee...

((4:53pm)) ((8AUG02))
Yesterday was my birthday! Im a whole 17!! WEEE! lol Anywho...i got some neato stuff, mostly money. And a -WONDERFUL- present from michael...but thats a secret! teehehe :) I added another art thingy in my digital art section, and im making more art now :) Mostly Carebears and Rainbow Brite! lol
For some reason im forgetting a lot of things lately. Like major brain farts! And im having horrible headaches :( Hopefully im not dying or anything. HaHa!

((4:51pm)) ((24JULY02))
I added some pictures of michael to the 'magnetism' page. hope you enjoy, i know you'll be jealous, but you cant have him! mwaahahha! I just noticed that i haven't been dating my entries, but just putting the time. ooOOops! lol i shall start now...teehehe


this is moi friend ana, and she is a webhumper!

Im updating the fuck out of my site! I added tons of stuff to the About Me page and im adding another page now :) weee! I found my mom...she was at the pool. She made me come home for dinner then didn't even make any! GRRR! Michael ended up spending the night at Devon's...and I live near ;)

I got to go to michael's today! Im working on finding just the right host :) Coming soon (when i get back to my dad's) i'll be putting up pictures of my friends and some more art! woohoo! Im so hungry and my mom isn't even here. Her car is, but i have NO idea where she is. Probably swimming :( she told me to be home an hour ago so that i'd be home for dinner...and where is she?! HUH!? lol. anywho...ima go find me some yummy food. ANA IS A PURPLE GIRAFFE!

mka, first entry and all...big impressions to make. no, actually my finger hurts like hell. im about to chop it off or something. i got to go to see michael yesterday and i was soo happy! i probably wont get to see him today though. we start school August 12th (my last year-ahhh!) and thats less than a month away! im kinda excited, yet i dont want the summer to end. poo. oh well. mka...going to work on the site some more. you better enjoy my psp7 art or i'll....pull a jack the ripper on you!