<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/Default.master" Title="Your Name Here | Home" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="Default_aspx" %>

Welcome to My Site

This is my personal site, created for my random friends to view and criticise lol dunno why but i was very bored anyway oh yeah you can view all the pages on the site as a guest but to be allowed to view all my pictures which have yet to be configured you'll have to sign up and dont worry about your email i wont send you anycrap its a personal site only so no spam but i might ask why you want to sign up etc.etc and your email adress will never be given out to any third party sites to read all that rubish go to the sign up page and remember by signing up you accept my "terms and conditions"

What's New

well currently not much our database is down and my current work is aimed at a flash guestbook to make my website and its users more connected to current life if theres anything else you think my web site should have then please fill in a "request form"

Forgot you password

well dont worry, if you can remember your secret question and answer then our database will collect your password and send it your original email addres provided just follow the link provided

 "forgot your pass"

What's Up Lately

theres nothing much new ill bring together a few projects for you to do when i get the time but still im trying to think what i should do some projects in. any segestions then complete the request form i can assist in the following, hacking help with brutus.trojans and remote windows acces through telnet(remember help in this field is provided as information as to how hacking works not for use to hack others). im new to asp but i can try and help visual basic i can make some basic apllacations but my imgination is unnforuatley limiting. but i can help you with flash in creating guestbook for your own sites, games but there enoying i can make racing games shooting games etc.etc easy basic flash games and i can help with more complex but only if your already quite good with flash i can help with a flash web site and a flash video or music player or i can help you with html and php and things like them php is great if you dont want to use an smtp server then you can easily create a direct server using php. and then you can basicaly send emails under whatever account you want but remember that although possible its still ilegal to use someone else email account and / or the name of a server your not relaated to e.g: sending an email from @hotmail.co.uk is using hotmails adress and youll get prossecuted for it(well if caught).