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Savage�s NWN Mod:

Module name is Savage Realms

Server Name is 0 Savage's Server and can be found listed under Action on gamespy.

IP address for Direct Connect is:

You will need a working installation of CEP 2.2(See link at bottom of this page). Be aware that many people have had problems logging-in due to having an older version of CEP prior to added 2.2. If you install CEP 2.2 and still can't login, you will need to delete all CEP files, then do a fresh install of CEP 2.2.

That's all you need, but if you'd like to know a bit more about the mod read on.

The mod is huge, unique PW with over 300 areas to explore. Its mostly action oriented with some class related quests to be implemented. Some light story and RP may also be added.

A few highlights:

Random encounters using the BESIE Random Encounter System by Ray Miller.

An item upgrade system for weapons, amulets and belts similar to Carn Dum and Rivendell on Howard�s.

Sadiras Forge System (Tinsteranosh) by �Sadira the Dragonlord� Several epic items can be forged.

Some other modifications:

All uber monsters have amped-up spells and/or special abilities (bolts, pulses, etc).

Some mods for players:

Some clerical and druid combat spells for have been boosted in power to compensate for most monsters being immune to death magic.

Epic Spells Dragon Knight and Mummy Dust now give more powerful summons.
Greater Ruin and Hellball have increased damage effect based to some degree on caster level.

This mod has some adult language and situations in a few conversations which are not appriopriate for children. I don't plan on censoring myself or other adults so consider this an adult mod, and its probably not fit for the kids.

The mod is set in a savage world where violence, salvery, drug use and prostitution are the norm among many evil beings, though there are equally strong forces for good to either fight or help with quests. Reaching level 40 will just be the beginning of the challenge. There's a small XP and gold penalty for respawning after death.

REQUIREMENTS: CEP2.2 is required. If you don't have CEP 2.2 yet it can be found here:

Thank you for visiting the page. Check back again soon for updates.

If you want to send me comments or suggestions, contact me at tnengineer(at)comcast(dot)net
If you can't figure out the email address, you've got serious problems :)

CEP 2.2 full

CEP 2.2 full install