hi <`2d-mnka> ? nvm i asked my question btw who is your clan leader ? <`2d-mnka> c0nfuse ? hello <`2d-mnka> `2d-c0nfuse i have a question <`2d-mnka> ok i am ex - p looking to try out i am very dedivated i will play whenever you want <`2d-mnka> well is it alright if i ask you a few situational questions ok thats fine <`2d-mnka> based on your answers i will be able to judge if you are the kind of player this clan islooking for ok .. <`2d-mnka> first just the basics, age location and the time you have been playing cs for, including all past clans i am 16 years old i have been playin for 2 years and i have been in #teamdcore hatfulexisetence and apothy and i live in NY <`2d-mnka> never heard of any of them, no matter, living in ny might be a problem since we are a toronto based clan <`2d-mnka> but we will see <`2d-mnka> do you prefer silenced or unsilenced colt? would u like channels for thse clans ? <`2d-mnka> no just answer the questions i already have <`2d-mnka> do you prefer silenced or unsilenced colt? depends de_train silenced <`2d-mnka> i see but other then that i used unsilenced <`2d-mnka> so your saying the silencer is a situational tool? yes <`2d-mnka> would you be willing to cancel various social events for clan practice? like what do you mean go to tournaments? o <`2d-mnka> like if you have a date with your girlfriend, but we need to scrim for a match i know umm i dont have a girllfriend atm LOL but most likely yes LOL so what do you say?.... <`2d-mnka> alright, what do you think is your best aspect as a player? i have good aim i dont bait people LOL <`2d-mnka> refrain from the laughing ok <`2d-mnka> are you easily provoked? no i play smart all the time! .. <`2d-mnka> how do you handle antagonistic players? i dont like it i wouldnt be able to concentrate <`2d-mnka> just say a player called your mom an "expletive expletive" how would you respond to this i woukd not during a match <`2d-mnka> we play at a high level if you cannot concentrate from simple things such as trash talk, you might not be cut out for this team yes but i egnore this "trash talk" i think it is ..what do you say immature so what do you say.? would i be able to get a tryout <`2d-mnka> do you think about cs, when you are away from your computer? <`2d-mnka> the questioning is not finished umm yes i do why? i have a question ok? <`2d-mnka> dont question me about my questions, i am the one who is judging your answers here <`2d-mnka> you need not judge my questions ok please go on .. <`2d-mnka> save your questions to the end ok .. <`2d-mnka> all members speak mandarin in-game on their microphones, you need to have a basic understanding of this to understand what is going on in game <`2d-mnka> would you be willing to learn .. please be serious please <`2d-mnka> look your wasting my fucking time <`2d-mnka> answer the question no i wont im sry <`2d-mnka> okay then find a new clan please this is the last season of cal invite i always wanted to be on a cal invite team i was soo close please atleast bench? ? ... <`2d-mnka> im not here to fufill your cs dreams, you have to go through the process just like everyone else, try aanother cal-i team maybe they will be more lenient i dont have cs dreams LOL i work <`2d-mnka> it seems you are in denile, its not my job to deal with your issues LOL HAHAHAHAHAHA your a fucking NERD dude and im in denile LOL HAHHAHHAHA your a finny nerd <`2d-mnka> it seems you are delerious bye <`2d-mnka> maybe the shock of rejection has hurt your pride it dint i tried LOl <`2d-mnka> i think you need to take effort to find a girlfriend, before you call me a nerd LOL <`2d-mnka> and just for your information, you just got played fagget <`2d-mnka> LOL faggot LOL HAHAHAHAHA <`2d-mnka> hahaha you would suck dick to get into a cal-i clan <`2d-mnka> sad <`2d-mnka> sad lol u DID HAHAHAHA <`2d-mnka> im not in 2d <`2d-mnka> loser <`2d-mnka> lol welll <`2d-mnka> check the cal roster ty a lot 4 wasting my time
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