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The First (Maladhara) Chakra

(c) Ralph Adamson

This first chakra is located at the base of the spine. A chakra meditation or healing always begins here as this chakra represents all things primal and so forms a foundation for all the other chakras.

It is associated with primal instinct, earth and growth.

What is the most basic instinct of any being?

What is our first priority over all things?

Survival! This is the essence of the Maladhara Chakra.

It's name comes from mula (root) and adhara (support/base). This chakra is visualised as being a bright red in Western culture. Red as life blood. It's energy is pure, raw and unrefined and it is associated with the adrenal glands which control the primitive 'fight or flight' response, a survival instinct as old as the stars!

This chakra is firmly rooted into the material world and creates a firm contact with the physical earth, which is essential for anybody who wishes to open the higher senses and experience the spiritual world. It is our grounding, our pathway back to earth. The base chakra looks down to the Earth. It makes our connection and we are nourished by its energies.


The Second (Svadisthana) Chakra

(c) Ralph Adamson

This chakra is situated in the lower abdomen at the coccyx and is closely related to the menstrual cycle in women and to the testes in men.

It is associated with intimacy, sharing, nurturing and reproduction.

"Svadisthana" is loosely translated as "one’s own abode". When open, the Svadisthana chakra allows sexual intimacy, freedom of expression, deep interrelationship and connection. This applies to connection with the "Self" as well as with others.

When closed, this centre acts as a barrier to deep personal sharing and learning about others both consciously and unconsciously. The sharing of energies is halted and true closeness is impossible.

In the West, the Svadisthana is believed to be orange in colour. When healthy, it is a warm blend of the red from the base chakra and the sunshine yellow of the Manipura chakra, which comes next. It is attributed to the element of water. Fluidity and mobility

This chakra is associated with imagination and spiritual, artistic and personal creation.

Ask yourself how you use your imagination!


The third (Manipura) Chakra

(c) Ralph Adamson

This Chakra is found at the solar plexus and is symbolic of the Sun.

Self development, purpose, destiny, will power, self-empowerment, instinct… All of these are associated with the Manipura Chakra.

"Manipura" translates into "filled with jewels" or "city of jewels". It governs the spleen, digestive system, liver and stomach. When this chakra is unhealthy, it can result in ulcers, diabetes and eating disorders.

A healthy Manipura chakra will show as strong will and personal belief. Instincts are found here (you will have heard the term "gut instinct") and ambition is strong when the Manipura chakra is strong.

This chakra is coloured a bright sunshine yellow and is associated with the Eastern Sun God Agni


The fourth (Anahata) chakra

(c) Ralph Adamson

The heart chakra. This chakra can be found in the middle of the chest

The Anahata chakra is associated with unconditional love. Love as a selfless, honest and open gift. This is less common than most would expect. No matter how selfless you believe you are being, love is usually given with the hope of a return.

Love is often manipulative and can even be impersonal. Unconditional love is pure and eternal and is aimed at all things.

If the Anahata chakra is unhealthy, there is no room for spiritual development because there is too much self-obsession and materialism. These things will weight a person down causing them to be too dependent on physical things.

The Anahata chakra is attributed with the colour green. Fresh and vibrant it is the colour of new growth. It is associated with the element of Air. And it is symbolised by a gazelle leaping gracefully through the air.


The fifth (Vishuddi) Chakra

(c) Ralph Adamson

This chakra is located in the throat

It is associated with communication, sound, vibration, direct speech and self-expression

"Vishuddi" means "to purify" And this is the first of the "higher" centres. The previous centres have been associated with very earthly things but, with the awakening of the heart chakra, we have now moved onto higher things…

Although the throat chakra is linked to communication and speech, it is not related to meaningless chatter. By awakening this chakra we are asking ourselves to purify the content and purpose of our words. Learn the power of words and use them wisely. In short.. Think before you speak!

The Vishuddi chakra also enables us to really listen. Often we listen without truly hearing what is being said. We catch key words and then reconstruct the sentence to suit ourselves. Much can be lost when we do this so the throat chakra enables us to "hear" what is being communicated to us, in both earthly and spiritual terms.

The Vishuddi chakra is seen as a light, sky blue colour and symbolises a consciousness free from matter.


The sixth (Ajna) Chakra

(c) Ralph Adamson

The Ajna chakra is located in the middle of the forehead (the third eye).

It is associated with Intuition, far seeing, vision, divination and transcendence

The word "Ajna" means "to know" and "to command". The knowing that the Ajna brings is not a knowledge that comes from slow, laborious deduction that leads, eventually, to a conclusion. The knowing of the brow chakra is more a realisation. It is a form of higher consciousness.

Imagination and symbolism are associated with the brow chakra. As mentioned earlier, it is also known as the "Third Eye". This shows it’s true function. It is the eye of the mind. The eye sees, the mind knows.

This chakra is a dark indigo colour and holds many mysteries


The seventh (Sahasrara) Chakra

(c) Ralph Adamson

This chakra is located at the crown of the head

It is associated with enlightenment, self-realisation, completion and mysticism

"Sahasrara" means "1000 petals" and this is what symbolises this chakra. A lotus the colour of the full moon with 1000 petals. It’s head looking down. The crown chakra integrates all the chakras. It is journey’s end. Realisation and fulfilment.

This chakra is the ultimate connection between earth and spirit. Energy flows through the body, up through the chakras until it forms a perfect connection and unity with the spiritual world.

Once awakened the Sahasrara chakra enables us to enter the spiritual world, walk in the Akashic realm and reach a new level of consciousness. These experiences are highly personal and are reached through courage and devotion.

All Chakra art on this page is (c) Ralph Adamson