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Captain Cheese Home Page

Ha! I lied. . . well not technically, this webspace was put aside for the group, but we never needed it so now it's just a domain of mine with a funny name.

Captain Cheese was the name of my speechcom group spring of 2003. At the end of the semester, Captain Cheese only existed in our hearts. Insert sad face icon here ... I will get icons for here eventually. Anyways I decided to keep this as more of a private journal instead of letting it meaninglessly fill up cyberspace. This will also eventually have pictures of the group and personal pictures, I'm just too lazy to do it all in one sitting and I'd like to get using this journal right away.


So I don't know where to start today. Nothing really exciting happened. I started the day by cleaning up the apartment more ... this place is such a mess, so I cut up all the pizza boxes, I think 10 were in the kitchen but I know there are 2 more in the fridge that I still have so I have enough for the second row on the wall. See, my roommate and I decided to "carpet" our wall with Papa Johns box tops because we have so much pizza, unforchinately we didn't start this til halfway through this semester so we only were able to get two rows in. I need more staples for my gun (Kevin was right when he said I'd be sorry for shooting him with those staples someday) and then I'll see if we did make two rows. So doing this carpetting thing reminded me of the wall with Mark and that's kinda sad, but he'll have a house soon and I'm going to see if I can talk Tim into taking down the wall at his house and putting it up at Mark's. He's reluctant to give the wall up, but I'll work on it ... I'll have to post a picture of the wall with a story behind it for those of you that don't understand.

I also finished my resume, it's something else I'll have to put up here but the formating is going to be a pain in the butt. Called around and checked on the internet but couldn't find a job, I might end up going back to Weis Markets.

So I put on my cool new cloths on and went out, State College is really sad right now. So quiet ... they were cleaning the hub so I couldn't even go anywhere and just hang. I did steal two Panda Express trays from the hub ... I'm a klepto, I know but I wanted to replace the commons tray that Kevin tore up when he used it as a keg sled.

Figures, I find something else to do and get involved in IM conversations. I'll have to finish this later.
