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If you want your ownhomepage, click here! I'll link your page to mine! We can have a family circle! haha...

Might I add that I DO NOT have a scanner, nor do I have a digital camera! I strongly ask that you will send me pictures along with your news. Soon, I will have other pages in addition to this one, so it won't all be on one. PLEASE send me news and pictures y'all! The page will be much more appealing!

Who's who?

Jim and Beth's Kids




Jeff and Lele's Kids


Kassidy is towards the bottom! Sorry Kass! I didn't have your pic!


Amy and Josh and their Kid

Josh (Here's your pic!) ;)


Laura Patten

And one is on the "WAY!" Haha!

Other Pics

Beth, Amy, Lele
How sweet!

Kassidy and Erin

It's just us girls!

The whole family!
Welcome to my website!

Summer Break!

Back to school time... No one likes that idea except the parents. I'm sorry I haven't been able to update the page. I've had A LOT of stuff going on. Sorry guys! Between dance, cheerleading, oral surgery, flute, and school, it's kinda hard to squeeze any time in. I'll have to try and update the page on the weekends!

I'm having trouble with pictures and music. They should work. I did everything correctly. Any ideas!? I would greatly appreciate it!

And PLEASE remember to email me info or this page just ain't gonna work! Send me pictures and news. I'll just delete the site since no cares about their family. So please tell everyone in the family about my website, and I mean EVERYONE! It's not that hard to keep up with this page and update it. If you have news or a special event that has just passed, tell me about it and send me some photos! I'll put you on here as soon as possible!

I think this is a good idea! Don't you???



New News!

Josh just turned 30! The big 3, 0! His birthday was July 16. We all hope you had a great birthday! Happy birthday!

Josh is also working towards his MBA right now. He is taking two classes and should finish in October. Keep up the hard work!

Laura Patten has just started taking ballet and tap! Her mom says that she "LOVES it!" I'm sure that she's good at it! I can't wait until I see her perform!

Henson is at space camp right now. No, not the one in Hunstsville. He is going to a daycamp at the Challenger center. The other day he was navigation, and they flew to Mars! Wow! Henson is ahead of the game!

Next week, my family is going on vaca! Road trip! Erin had finished packing her bags last week. Last year, Erin "had a little fun wave." Erin commented on the hotels (we actually stayed in a condominium). "I liked the hotels. They are pretty! I liked the beds." I asked her what she liked about the beach and she replied, "making sand castles and swimming in the water with my dad." Well, Erin sounds excited, and I think we all are.

After we get back from vacation, I have a flute lesson and then that Wednesday I get my wisdom teeth taken out. I'm not looking forward to the experience.

I just started flute lessons with Jeanne Carare, who is the principle flautist of the Atlanta Ballet Orchestra. Additionally, I recently went to Sewannee Flute Institute. I studied with Patricia George. The campus was beautiful and I learned a ton. It was a great experience and I improved my tone and playing ability.

Earlier in the summer, I helped with the little girls' Cheer Clinic up at the highschool. Both Erin and Kassidy attended! We had a blast! Kassidy taught Erin how to do a cartwheel! "I had fun there!" ~Erin

I attended cheerleading camp three weeks ago. It was like perkiness 24/7!!!! It felt like it would never end... We did get the spirit stick every day! Yeah!

Henson went to basketball camp when I was off to "flute camp." Henson stated, "I liked it, because I got tired and worked a lot of muscles!" Pump, pump, pump it up lil bro!

Both Henson and Kassidy went to a Crafts camp last week. It sounded like they had fun! They made bird baths, paintings, picture frames, and all sorts of other stuff.

Henson and Skylar are both great at baseball. They have already played many games this summer. They are doing an awesome job!

Recently, Erin went to Team Kid Day camp at our church, First Baptist of Dalton. I was a camp counselor. The camp was held for k-3rd grade. It was fun! Our church also got a new pastor recently after searching for 3 1/2 years! His first official sermon as "pastor" will be August 10. Horray for FBC of Dalton!

The Ways came down to Dalton to celebrate Erin and Laura Patten's birthdays. I heard it was fun! I got to go to Erin's, but I missed Laura Patten's. I'm sorry :( Come back down to the South soon!

Matt is serving our country in Iraq!Uncle Eddie, I need some more pictures of him!!! We're proud of you Matt!

Y'all come back, ya hear?

I'm sorry if you can't hear the music and the pictures don't show up!


get this gear!
Email me!