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I have known Richie since I went to the Xmas ball in 2001. Jayne introduced us and we hit it off! We were both extreemley short and so we danced together besides the fact that I didn't know anybody there practically! He lives very far away so I don't get to see him in long times. :-( We usually keep in touch via AIM.


Jessica and I are two peas in a pod! We know each other inside out! We are both wimps at heart but when one of us does a brave thing the other will go jumping into a pool that was below freezing! We have been friends since 1998 but have known eachother since...1994!!!


This is Jensen...oops wait no it's ODD. It will take u a million years to figure out how I changed Jensen to ODD. He is in my gbt class as is Richie. Three words to describe ODD is: philisophical, witty, and funny. You can't tell by the picture but Jensen is 6'4...well, he is NOW anyway. ;-). I should also put that he is a terrific writer!