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Hello. I hope you enjoy my poetry. My name is Harvey, a 24/7 caregiver who also likes gardening and reading!


A man was fishing with a pole in his hand,
hoping to catch the big one was his plan
Water was calm, everything just fine
but couldn't get a wiggle from his line,
Had a little minnow dangling on the hook,
thinking about the fish he was gonna cook.
been fishing since about sun-up
and drinking cold coffee from a dirty cup.
Had a little bite about an hour ago,
Time sure does go by slow.
He should have bought fish instead of bait,
Then he would have had fish on a plate

Harvey M. Skaines

Copyright ©2004 Harvey M. Skaines

The stroke of a brush

The stroke of a brush on canvas
brings it to life
studied in detail
a picture of thoughts.
The pigments of many colors
thoughts to behold
Lines of a portrait
is but a blur.
Life full of mysteries
detailed in many colors
and pigments of a kind
The world becomes it's background.
Worth more than silver and gold
with the stroke of a brush
it awakens your soul
to unfulfilled dreams.
The gist of life
like petals of a rose
The substance of breath
in a flash it is gone.

Harvey M. Skaines

Copyright ©2004 Harvey M. Skaines


The trees are in their prime
Leaves are beginning to show
The colors how they shine
In perfect little rows
Shapes of so many designs
Reds, Yellows, and greens
Just waiting for the time
To rush onto the scene
The beauty of nature
Is something to behold
The greatness of it's stature
Just look how it unfolds
A tree is just a tree
No, this cannot be right
Each one is different, you see
Oh such a grandeur sight

Harvey M Skaines

Copyright ©2004 Harvey M. Skaines

If we dare

The farthest thing from my mind is dying
Yet we lie if we dare not to believe
Still we never stop trying
The finality, we can't possibly concieve
The obituaries are a reminder
That life is not eternal
To this we must concur
But it can be so wonderful
We have this one life to live
And we only have it for awile
So let us show a little style
Three score and ten is a lot of years
I've had a good life, so please no tears

Harvey Skaines

Copyright ©2004 Harvey M. Skaines


If we knew what tomorrow may bring
We might even cry, or perhaps we would sing
So very unpredictable it can be
But that's not for us to know,you see
Today should be the very first day
And some plans we should start to lay
So how should we start these plans?
How about starting with our hands
By helping others who might need our help
So then let us take the first step
Call up someone that you might know
Who just might be sad and low
Ask them, what all you can do
To make them happy and not be blue

Harvey M. Skaines

Copyright ©2004 Harvey M. Skaines

You Are Always There

When I need someone
To me you would always come
My troubles you would always share
Because you are always there

I can depend on your help
In my deepest despair
You never think of yourself
For me you are always there

You tenderly hold my hand
And always try to understand
You are forever aware
Because you are always there

Just knowing you is enough
A person like you is so rare
Your love comes from your heart
Because you will always be there

Harve M. Skaines

Copyright ©2004 Harvey M. Skaines

Being Me

Sometimes I get tired of being me
But who else would you want to be
Maybe a famous movie star
Owning several fancy cars
How about being rich as Bill Gates
Concerned about interest rates
Maybe the quarterback Steve Young
And the pressure of staying number one
You could possibly have aids
Probably no cure in this decade
Or maybe being born blind
And can't even see the sunshine
What about the bum on the street
Not knowing what you're gonna eat
Maybe just being me isn't too bad
In this world so many things i've had
So complaining we'd better not do
Think I'd rather be me than you

Harvey M. Skaines

Copyright ©2004 Harvey M. Skaines

A Friend of Many

On the web I met this lady the other day
I have a few things I would like to say,
One day she had an idea,
She decided to make it her career.
Why not form a club
And spread the word of love
Comfort, and thoughts to share,
Showering manna from above.
To tell everyone they need to care,
The "Circle of Friends" was its name.
Oh No, It was not for fortune or fame,
But to let everyone know she cares.
Their troubles she will help bear,
So friends out there, let her know
If you want to make the club grow.
Thank you Sharon for all you've done,
And all the friends you have won.

One of the friends; hms

Harvey M. Skaines

Copyright ©2004 Harvey M. Skaines

God Is Everywhere

There’s nothing in this world:
That’ll take the place of God,
No silver, gold or shiny pearls,
He’s like a lighting rod.
He’s everywhere you dare to look,
He’s there both night and day.
In every crevice and nook.
On a country road or a freeway.
From his presence, you can’t escape,
He sees your every move.
He knows if you are a fake,
Your love for him, you have to prove.
So don’t think he’s not about
Of all the things that you do
And if you are in doubt,
Just remember, his eyes are always on you.

Harvey M. Skaines

Copyright ©2004 Harvey M. Skaines

Hope you enjoyed your visit to my site.