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(age 3 at the time of picture He is now 7 years old)
and Me

This Page is just a quick overview of my life as it is right now. My name is Lyzz and I am a student at Technology Education College in Columbus, Ohio. I am 23 years old. I am married to a great and wonderful man named Tom. We have 3 children. There ages are 7 years old, 4 years old and 1 year old. The "Boys", as I normally call them, are great. They have all overcome a lot due to my not so normal pregnancies and premature labor. My first child weighted 7 lbs. and 1 oz. I was put on eight week bed-rest with him. My second child weighted 3 lbs. and 14 oz. He was 8 weeks premature. My third child was 2 lbs. and 4 oz. He was 13 weeks premature. The doctors have not found out any reason as to why I have premature labor. After you look at my sight, if you would please go to my link's Page and visit the one about The March Of Dimes I would be thankful. It is a great site that helps raise money for trying to find out the reasons as to why people like me go into labor early.

(age 22 Months)

Nick (age 4)


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