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by batfan60




DISCLAIMER: Most of these characters belong to a giant corporation, not me. This is a work of fan fiction; no infringement intended. I welcome your comments at





The first thing Batman saw when he opened his eyes at last was his own nearly naked body, its once-magnificent limbs stretched as far as they would reach and fastened to the wall with heavy iron shackles which were padlocked shut. A floor-to-ceiling mirror on the opposite side of the room provided nothing else to look at but his own defeat at the hands of an unseen foe.


His mask was still in place, but every other scrap of his costume had been removed, evidently with some degree of violence. The black rubber bodysuit looked like it had been cut or torn from his torso; it was now stapled to the wall beside him in such a way that it could never be worn again. Two large nails fixed his cape just beyond the suit, and further nails held his gloves and boots. All of these items had been doused with red paint. Whoever was responsible for this defilement clearly intended to make a point.


But what point was that, and who was behind it? Batman struggled to remember the events of the last twelve hours, but came up blank. The large red welts and blue bruises reflected in the mirror offered the only clues as to his treatment. Apparently he'd been held here for some time, and his torturer would surely be returning soon.


Scanning the room for any possible avenues of escape, Batman spotted his utility belt lying just beyond his bound feet on the gray cement floor. Unlike the other items of his uniform, this one had not been mounted like a trophy; it was simply splayed on the ground as if discarded. Free of red paint, it was in fact covered with still-drying jism. Closer inspection revealed that its contents had been removed and placed in a nearby box.


That triggered an uninvited memory, and Batman soon found himself reliving a split second of recent pain. He'd been jabbed with the batknife, dosed with batgas, forced to swallow a bat-shaped capsule; in short, each compartment on his belt had been used against himÉ It was horribly clear now: Some diabolical fiend had tortured him with his own weapons! But who?


He struggled against the restraints which held him to the wall, then froze the instant he heard footsteps. Every light in the room snapped off at the same time. In the darkness he felt cold and alone, blind and immobile. He was absolutely defenseless, and his wounds cried out for immediate medical attention.


Yet there was nothing he could do but stand here, swept up in a wave of disorientation which he suspected was chemically induced. Whatever was going to happen next could not be good.




In the pitch black, Batman detected the warmth of another human being. He felt a hand approach his exposed right nipple, which had grown tender and desperate for kind treatment. From the smell and texture of the material, he deduced that the hand was encased in a tight leather glove.


Batman tensed up, but the feel of a leather-clad thumb and index finger wrapped around his tit was nearly impossible to resist. He was braced for further torture, so the gentleness of this foreign touch took him by surprise. From time to time the digits strayed from their concentration on the nipple and began travelling through the thicket of hair on his chest. Eventually a second hand joined them, and soon each nipple was receiving separate but equal attention.


The masked man groaned with pleasure in spite of himself, and it occurred to him that his cock was now jutting out at a right angle from his crotch. It was embarrassing to be caught this way, unable to disguise the sheer sexual charge he felt in the midst of such a life-threatening predicament. This, after all, was a secret he guarded even more carefully than his alternate identity: that his true reason for devoting his life to crimefighting as a costumed vigilante was the frequent opportunities it provided him to face torture and the threat of death. He was, in his own way, every bit as perverted as the Joker, the Riddler, and all the other irresistable felons in his Rogues Gallery.


This time around, his hard-on was rewarded with a pair of moist lips which wrapped themselves around his fully erect member and travelled slowly across its surface. Still unable to see, Batman knew the gloves were also working away on his nipples, which led him to envision the mysterious stranger kneeling before him,  sucking and groping with the ease of a professional. That thought made the uncaped crusader grow even stiffer, and he knew he was on the verge of shooting his load into the darkness.


Without warning, however, the lips withdrew. "Not yet," a gruff voice whispered, and Batman felt something so cold it seemed to burn the skin of his cock. Ice! The cube travelled up the ripples of his abdomen, landing on one nipple and then the other. Could this be the work of Mr. Freeze? Unlikely, since the supervillain was still serving a 40-year sentence, and his heavy gear would make the current scenario impossible.


"Wh--who are you?" Batman heard himself pleading as he struggled to escape the numbing effects of the cold.


"I will reveal myself in due time," the voice replied. "And so will you."





Alone. In the jet-black room. For hours. Maybe days, or weeks. Batman had lost all track of time, and his limbs had gone limp from their confinement. He tried hard to focus his mind according to the rigorous training he'd subjected himself to over the years in preparation for just this kind of situation, but he could feel himself slipping away all the same.


Suddenly the room grew hot; in his delirium, he was convinced the wall was glowing bright red. Beads of sweat formed on his arms, chest, and legs, but it was the areas covered by his mask -- the forehead and neck -- which felt warmest and wettest.


The lights snapped on, and Batman saw at last the face of his tormentor. It was a handsome face: clean-shaven, almost friendly. The hair was close-cropped and the eyes proclaimed the intelligence of the man whose cruelty Batman had endured for untold hours or days. The torturer wore a crisp white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows and a patternless, conservative tie. His dark slacks and dress shoes exuded an air of professionalism which only added to the horror of the situation.


"I'm called The Sadist," the man said, like a waiter introducing himself at a restaurant.


"Who's paying you to do this to me?" Batman asked, trying hard to muster up his usual commanding tone.


"I ask the questions, asshole," The Sadist replied, slapping his right hand across the lower half of Batman's face. "And I don't feel like asking any more right now," he continued, punctuating his comment with a blow straight into the prisoner's gut.


Batman groaned involuntarily. He knew this man was dead set on breaking him, and he wasn't about to go down without a fight.


No matter how strong his resolve, though, it was a losing battle. The heat was close to unbearable -- so how was The Sadist able to stand it?


No way to tell. No way to concentrate, either, with this beautiful stranger currently delivering an unending series of punches and kicks. And then, as suddenly as they had begun, they stopped. Nothing. Nothing, that is, but lingering pain and the still-oppressive heat. Batman seized the opportunity to catch his breath, until his open mouth was sealed shut -- his own lips covered by and pressed against those of his assailant. The ensuing kiss was long and wet and violent, and Batman wanted it to go on forever.


That's when he knew he'd lost the game. He was putty in the hands of this horrible, irresistable man.


When the kiss ended at last, The Sadist backed up a step or two, looked Batman square in the eye, and without saying a word, took the captive's cock in one hand and his mask in the other. Naked, chained to a wall, and sweating profusely, Batman was powerless to fight back as the Sadist proceeded simultaneously to jerk him off and unmask him.





Batman squirmed and twisted, less in an attempt to escape than to give in to the masterful strokes The Sadist was now delivering to his penis. It wouldn't be long now before he lost it completely: his most-closely guarded secret, as well as what felt like a bucketload of cum. It occurred to him, with a clarity which should have terrified him, that he no longer cared what the future brought. So what if his life was essentially over? So what if this man worked for the Joker or the Riddler or any of a thousand other criminals? What's a mask but a piece of cloth or rubber?


Got to snap out of it, he told himself, rapidly growing aware that he wasn't thinking so clearly after all. Must be some sort of drug, lowering my inhibitions É Got to fight É back É


But it was no use. The eleventh-hour struggle only served to amuse The Sadist, who kept at his fiendish twin tasks with machinelike precision. The hand wrapped around Batman's member picked up its pace while the one clutching the mask gave it one final yank--


--and, in the blink of an eye, the two deeds were done. Jism flew out of the captive's cockhead at the exact moment that cool air hit his exposed, sweat-drenched face. Batman closed his eyes and let out a heavy sigh, praying that the whole thing was just a bad dream.


No such luck. When he opened his eyes to the mirror which loomed before him, he saw first that he was now completely exposed to the world, devoid of even a scrap of clothing to hide behind. The Sadist was already hammering a nail straight through the center of the sweaty mask, mounting it on the wall beside the rest of Batman's discarded costume, the crown jewel of a twisted trophy case.


The second thing the uncaped crusader noticed was just as disturbing: at his feet lay his empty utility belt, freshly soaked with what he now realized was his own ejaculate. The Sadist picked it up, sniffed it, then placed it with some effort around Batman's waist and buckled it closed.


"Smile," the sharply dressed torturer said just before he snapped a roll of film of the humiliated hero. "So, the great Batman turns out to be Bruce Fucking Wayne, millionaire playboy. My boss will piss his pants when he hears that."


The Sadist returned the camera to a small work table and picked up a grey syringe whose contents he injected into Batman's left arm.


The drug took effect almost instantaneously. "What are É you É doÉingÉ to É" Bruce babbled before nodding off.


"Amnestics. I'm sure you're familiar with their skill at dismantling short-term memory, Wayne. In fact, this version is not unlike one I found on your belt. Just different enough to be sure you're not immune. At this very minute, you're starting to forget everything that's happened to you over the last two days. Tomorrow morning, you're going to wake up in a back alley on the other side of town, naked as a jaybird except for that fucking useless belt of yours. You won't have a clue where you are or how you got there; you won't even remember who you are for the first couple of hours. Eventually, that will come back to you -- but not this, not what you've been through just now. You'll start to piece your life back together, but there will be a few pieces that just don't fit. In time, you'll stop worrying about them and just go on with business as usual. Do you understand me?"


From his trance, the drugged man mumbled, "Yes."


"Yes, WHAT?"


"YesÉ sir." Bruce's eyes were shut and his body was motionless as The Sadist began unlocking the shackles around his ankles and wrists. He fell soundlessly into his tormentor's arms as The Sadist continued laying out events yet to come in the form of post-hypnotic suggestions.


"And then one day, weeks or months or even years from now, you'll cross paths with my employer, as you've done so many times before. Only this time, things will be different. Because he'll know. He'll know everything about you. He'll know that you're Bruce Wayne, and he'll know that underneath that outfit of yours you're a broken man. He'll toy with you for a while, and then he'll finish you off. And as he does, you'll slowly, slowly come to remember what I'm telling you now. And you'll know then that you are powerless to resist. Do you understand?"


"Yes, sir." Batman allowed himself to be dragged out of the room and into the back seat of a waiting van, where he was hogtied and blindfolded. He put up no resistance whatsoever.


"Very good," The Sadist said quietly as he slammed the van door shut, pleased that the job had gone so smoothly and anticipating the biggest paycheck of his career. "Very, very good."