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My arcive of awesome raporting

Yo here is more of my expert incite and info and all that aight!

Sebtember 22! Yo what is up homes the big news is how the new fall TV shows are finely going to come on! I have been doing all kind of resserch to decide which ones are going to be the awesomest and from watching all the comercials for them I can tell you right now that the best one is going to be that datective show called The Bicardis where they have the two cool guys who are datectivs and they have moustshes and cool cloths and they drive around a speed boat and they girls all love them because they are so cool I saw a comerical for this show yesterday and belief me it is going to RULE we need more shows like this! FINELY there will be a show about cool guys who solve crimes and drive fast cars and cool boats and girls love them and one of them is a karate man and does the nonchunks and they other one who is encharge can allso fight! You can just tell they are cool and they will solve crimes and have adventures and Action it is going to Rock homes! I cant wait for the Bicardis to come on TV! The other shows look looser so dont bother except that documantry about real people and how they do stuff it is called The Mullits and is about this fambly called they Mullits and they are like regular people doing regular things which sounds borring but they moms is the Hot girl from WKRAP in Cinsenati and she is still hot for being old and they father is Jay Pedermin from Sinefeld and these actors named Mullits have these two sons who are regular and normal and so it is interesting plus the mom is still hot for a old laddy! So that one is okay but the rest stink except for the Bicardis show which will RULE!!!

Setpember 17! Yo you know that summer is over now because the Girls NBA just had they playoffs and of course my favorite team the Datroit Shacks won it all babay!!!!! YESSSS!!! Now I know that girls baskeball doesent even hardly count and that no one watches it but if you are a champ like me then you can pick a champion faverite team even in the looser sports that no one cares about! And I knew my Shacks were going to win it all right from the start I called it I knew that they had Bill Lamebeers for a coach and I remember him winning CHAMPION SHIPS manny times in the real NBA because he use to cheat and punch people and kick them and elboe them and grab they shirt and do whatever it takes to win because he is a winner just like me bucko and he won again! It is great to finely see a good guy like Bill Lamebeers win as a coach because he was a great example of the way you are post to play a game: to WIN!!! He wasent some baby wuss worryed about other peoples feelings and the rules and all that he was like me and I will do what it takes to beat you no matter how much I have to cheat because I am a WINNER Bucko!!!!!! Anyways now the Girls NBA is over and we dont have to bother pretending to care about that anymore they cant even dunk! Unreal! But like I was saying now summer is over which stinks becuase summer RULES! I hate fall because I have to start wearing a shirt again and it is a big pain in the neck and you have to do more landry I probaly save like a million bucks in landry money not having to wash my shirt in the summer because it is too hot to wear them! I usely carry a mussel shirt on the seat of my truck to wear into the 711 because they wont even let you in there to buy lottry tickets if you dont have a shirt on but that one mussel shirt will last me all summer it is great but now that it is fall again I have to have the old lady wash up my teeshirts too which is a waste and one time my Duke World Champs teeshirt was in the landry and I couldent wear it I was so mad you wouldent belief it and it never would of happened if it had been summer! Anyways another way you can tell it is fall is because another girls soccer league flopped that happens all the time when will these girls figure out that nobody wants to watch them if they dont go toppless! Dont even bother girls nobody cares stay in the kicthen and fetch me beer wear you bellong! Unless you get toppless! Anyways at least we have the foot ball in the fall which RULES and allso base ball FINELY gets insteresting instead of borring my faverite regular season team of all is Atalanta Braves and we just won ourselfs ANOTHER championship which RULES!!! And sense I have to wear a shirt now I will break out my BRAVES CHAMPS teeshirt which is old because we have won the regular season so manny times! But I always put that shirt away when they playoffs start because of how they Braves are always chokers in the playoffs and always loose to my CHAMPION Yankees who always win the playoffs ever year! I love my Yankees and it is so much fun to watch us win it all ever year! Fall time means CHAMPION time if you are a big Yankees fan like me because we win the National Championship ever year with our clutch playing from our superstars Derrick Jeeter Paul Oneal Berny Williems Teno Ramirez and Meriano Riviera! I cant wait to watch us deffend another champion ship it is always fun to watch the loosers who like other teams get they hopes all up and then YANKEES come up with the big clutch play to win it all ever year! Its great its allmost as good as foot ball!! So fall isent so bad even if you cant go look at girls on the beach anymore and you have to wear a shirt! It could be worse it could be winter with nothing on TV except girls sports! Wow that would suck!!!

Setpember 15! Yo there is lots of big news that you need me to tell you all about! First of all there is the foot ball which of course is owned by my awesome Okolahomo and Miami which are the asskicking teams of all times! We went out and kicked butt again and we RULE! Ohia State barley won again and they are going to be sorry that Morris Clarinett is in jail this year belief me they are not as good as they were back when they were champions I couldent belief they had so much troubel with looser North Carolina who is always crap in foot ball! And then there is the NFL which is off to a slow start this year I knew Tampa Bucs were overreated I caleld it they would loose to that light blue team I knew it I told Grewden to wake up but he wouldent listen he is too busy coasting off of last year he needs to get it together or else he needs to GO! I do not cheer for loosers so get it together NOW! Or else GO! The other top news is how my Yankees clentched another championship! We are in first place again and getting ready for the playoffs again so base ball is finely not borring anymore for a while! All you people who thought Calfornia was going to do it again look like fooles now because they stink just like I perdicted I called it! I knew all along that Clafornia was just a flash in Japan and they would be a one hit wander! Get it one hit and they play base ball it is a punn! So anyways Yankees RULE again and that is all you need to know about the baseball! Braves are number #2 encase you care about loosers who finish second and NO ONE does because that is looser! The last big news is how the Hot singer girl Jaylo got dissed by that acting guy Damon Afflac! It is unreal doesent he even know how she is Hot well listen Jaylo if you are reading this then send me some email I hear you are single now and I will help you out and get with you and cheer you up and we can chill and knock boots do you know what I am saying yo you will forget all about Afflac in a minute once you are with the Big Shack of the Inter Net! Which is me! So get me you digets and let me take you out to eat some food and then we can go back to you house and get wild because I will take you mind off that looser Afflac do you know what I mean! And if you are friend of Britteny Spears she is allso hot so she needs to get with me too she is so disparate that she been getting with GIRLS on TV but she is still Hot and I seen her on the cover of the Rolling Stones magazine and she was in her underpants and she is Hot! So if you know her then send her my email or just bring her over with you this is going to rule what kind of a man doesnt want Jaylo or Britteny Spears they are Hot and they will be with me soon I bet because they are free and single now so watch out Bucko I am in the game! PS if you are reading this and you are named Crystal then you better not get jealous you are the one what said that we should see other people you dont own me woman I bought you all kind of nice cloths and ferniture and jerssys and hats and expensive food at nice restrants and spend all my time and money on you for years and you get all mad just because I spended ONE night at my babymamas trailer well I was just trying to be a good father like you SAID you wanted me to so I did and this is how you act! Unreal you wommen are all crazzy! Get off my back! And you left some stuff at my house so come over late tonight and get it and we will get together and work this out do you know what I am saying! But if Jaylo and Britteny SPears are there dont you even knock on the door you had you chance and you blue it its not my fault you are the one what wanted to see other people and you are the one that went to the Groundround with Billy Ray the other night! You! Not me! So how dare you get jealous you have NO right! You have done me WRONG and I have had it so you brought it on youself I am so mad it is so unfair I wont take it no more! SO anyways Jaylo hurry up and send me that email!!!!!!! Now!!!!!!!!

September 10! Yo the cool thing to do now that it is borring out and nothing to do during the week untell the foot ball starts is to do flasher mobbs! All us cool people are doing this thing now where we all email each other and make a plan about how we will get together at some place and we will all do some stupid looser thing to freak yall out! It is so awesome and cool because the loosers dont undertsand it and you all get freak out and then we all laugh and laugh and go drink hard drinks and eat lots of potatos and sasages and talk about how we trick the loosers with our awesome Flasher Mobb and then we set our watches to the same time encase some looser dont even know what time it is and then we do it again! I did one of these the other day at the 711 and me and Billy Ray were post to run around the parking lot with our shirts off and our baseball hats on backwards yelling "Bush rules Iraqu sucks go back to Iraqu traiter demacrats!" and it was so awesome it RULED! They loosers dident even know what was going on you wouldent belief how fun it was it would of been even more funner if that jerk Billy Ray would of showed up! Oh well too bad he missed all the fun and I had all the fun and I am going to do it again real soon and so I will send you all out a email about where we are going to have our Flasher Mobb except it cant be the 711 for a while because I am banned from there for a whole month and I have to go all the way over to the Piggelywiggeldy just to get a 40 and some beef jerky and they dont even sell lottry tickets there! But it was worth it because Flasher Mobbs RULE and are the best thing going even if it sounds stupid and looser and like something only a retard would do trust me everone who is cool like me is doing them so do one today! or better yet wait untell I email you and tell you where to do it!

Septeber 5! Yo foot ball is BACK bucko! And it RULES! I am all about foot ball and I love everthing about it it is the best sport of all! DOnt you know how manny people watch the Super Bowel LOTS because it is so populer and it is the BEST! Last night was the first foot ball game of the year and I watched it and it RULED! It started out with Britteny Spear singing a song and she is HOT! I was hopping to see her make out with more chicks like she did when she maded out with Madona and Christenia Agwileria last time that was the hotest thing EVER! Unreal hot girls getting with each other and kissing they lipps together in front of everone is so HOT it is great! Why dident anyone think of this a long time ago! Anyways last night Britteny dident get to make out with any more girls but may be next time I thought she was going to get with that old girl named Ureathra Franklen who is famous because she wrote that song "R-E-S-PE-T-V" that girls always dance to at the weddings or may be Maryjay Bilge who isent that hot but okay but she is friends with Madona so may be they would get it on but they dident! Too bad! Anyways Arosmith came on and he ROCKS! He dident sing his awesome song called Rock This Way or any of his other famous songs like You Be Illin or that prom song from that movie but he singed some olden days song called Dream On It and other olden stuff so he Rocked! So you can see it was a awesome game and it was the best one of the year! It was dedicated to our Troops Oversees so if you dident watch it you are a looser who probaly is from Iraqu or something! Anyways foot ball is the best you dont see base ball having these famous celbretys or playing for our Troops Oversees do you no wander base ball is so borring except when my Yankees play! That they Troops Oversees would probaly fall asleep! Is that what you want! No unless you are a jerk so shut up and watch some more foot ball it is the BEST I already won a bunch of money from betting I am going to be Rich and it rules you are probaly jealous already expecially if you are from Iraqu or cheered for them to win the war which WE WON so face it we RULE! Foot ball is all about America winning wars and so it was perfect so go and watch some more foot ball like a REAL American! Like me! And you never know if you are lucky then maybe you will see two hot girls making out!!!

Setpember 3! Yo you are probaly all wandering what is going on with the awesome Morris Clarinett who is banned from football! Dont worry I will give you the 9-1-1 on what is the deal with the awesome Morris! First of all Morris Clarinett is the awesomest foot ball player of all times! He play for Ohia State which is WORLD CHAMPS and rules! Clarinett won it all last year and what happen is that looser jealous jerks got so jealous that they broke in his car and stold his stuff! Unreal what jerks! So does the NCA lock up the jealous theifs! No! They lock up the great Clarinett instead what is that all about what a jip this is a crime! So Clarinett must of punched out all those chumps thiefs who stold his stuff becuase the NCA banned him from foot ball! What a joke it is probaly all just loosers from looser colleges like Michegin Tech or some other lowclass college like that that never wins that complaine and got the great Clarinett in trouble! What is this world comming to when you cant' even beat up some thiefs and maybe lie to the cops without getting banned from college foot ball these stupid rules are ruining everthing it would all be better off if they banned the NCA from foot ball! How o you like those appels jealous NCA loosers! Then teams could do whatever they want and they could keep they players forever and they would never have to pertend to go to class and they could take some stereods to get buff and beat up whoever they want and get paid and get some deaf presidents and MONEY and blingbling and then they wouldent have to go and be loosers in the NFL like Peter Warreck and Willis McGee and other college stars who stink and suck in the NFL they could stay and play college forever it would RULE why dont people wake up and realize how cool this would be and everone would be happy and rich instead of mad and banned and poor this sucks I hate the stupid NCA hurry up and ban the NCA and Free Clarinett!!!! Now! I am sick of this oh well who cares at least my awesome Oklahomer Sooniers are kicking ass and allso my Miami and USSC teams which i love as much as CHAMPION Ohia State when the great Clarinett is banned which is a jip!!! Rules are for suckers and this sucks!!!!

Sebtember 1! Yo what is up my peeps it is Awesome King Bandwagon Dawg and I am back and better than ever! Did you know that it is illeagle to start up a fire in a trash can in public and you can get into trouble for it if the judge is a jealous jerk and probaly a womens libber too and prejiduce against you! And even if you faverite team FINELY wins the championship and you are just celbrating and having fun and trying to show everone where the partay is by lighting up a trash can on fire outside the 711 you can get stuck with two weeks of communty service and have to wear a oringe suit and pickup trash by the highway for communety service! I bet hardly anyone knows that but it is true! Trust me! So anyways you probaly wander where I been well I been real buszy doing my bigtime CEO work and on vecation in the Cancoon and in Floreda and other glammerous type of places so I aint had time to type up any news that is too bad for you what do you want for free! Allso when I was on vecation I notice that a lot of you people are dirty felthy slobbs and pigs and litterbugs so why dont you all stop being that way and stop throwing trash and bottles out of you cars by the highway and stop and think about the poor people that have to pick them up because of a stupid jealous liberal women libber judge who gots it in for decent taxpayers who just want to celbrate once in a while when they team FINELY wins it all I bet a MAN would of understood and wanted to probaly know when the next partay was going to be and would want to help celbrate instead of being jealous and probaly from New Jerssy and sending people off for TWO WEEKS of communty service which is a ripoff and unfair and a jip! So anyways why dont you people think about that next time you are going to throw you desgusting trash and litter out of you car by the highway you people suck! And tha judge does too! Jealous! Jerks! Another thing is the terrble Black Out that came along and made everone miserble all over the world that is ANOTHER jip! I lost all my electrecty for weeks and just got cut it back on today! If you were lucky and dident have the Black Out hit you then you saw on the news how hard it was for the rest of us what dident have any electricety for so long we had to use candels to see and the cable went out and the AC dident even work and we had to eat ice cream all day because it was going to melt and we had to drink all the beer beffore it got warm it was horribel and you just dont understand if you dident get a Black Out and us people what did are very tough and we are heros and the rest of you need to shut up and think about that instead of sending a lot of emails about "how come you dont update you webite which is free and I dont even pay for anyways!" The point is these Black Outs stink and suck and stink and they aught to fix them! They stupid eletric company is to blame! They say you get two weeks to send in you bill and then you go off for two weeks to help out you communty and they give you a Black Out even beffore you have the chance to go to the postoffice to pay them they ripoff money! Unreal I am a very busy and importent man I dont have time to run to the damn postoffice ever day and I need my money for food and cloths and beers and cable I cant be spending it all on electricety! Why can't they be reasonable beffore they send you a Black Out its not fair what a jip I am mad as hell maybe I will go light up a trash can on fire outside they electric company buildeng to show what a protest I have! Haw that would show them then they would see what crooks they are and they would think twice beffore they give me another Black Out!

Agust 12! Yo I was listening to the Morning Zoo with the Sports Jock and Chubby this morning and they say how Peat Rosse is coming back to base ball! That is so awesome FINELY America gets its Hero back! Peat Rosse was a great champion and hero and had the most homeruns out of anybody who ever got kicked out of base ball! he got sent tpo the slammer and band from base ball because he bet on his team which is so unfair and ajip! What was he sposed to do bet on the other team! That would be bad! You have to bet on something it might as well be you own team! Anyways the cops finely woke up and stopped banning Peat Rosse from base ball which it is about time! Now he can go back to manging the Reds and lead them victory and being awesome like they use to be back when Peat Rosse was betting on them to win! Base ball is borring and now they have someone back from jail who isent borring so this is going to be great maybe Peat Rosse can have a TV show where he tells you who to bet you money on and you can watch his show and make you bets and win millions of dollers this is going to RULE I am going to get rich the Peat Rosse way! Maybe when he gets all rich Peat Rosse can be the new commisioner of base ball and make it so you can bet on ever pitch at the game from you seat and bet on other stuff and then base ball will be even better then foot ball! Just kidding foot ball is a man's game with fighting and punching and kicking people in the groins and that's why it rules and base ball will never be as good but betting from you seat at the game will be great so we are lucky the great Hero Peat Rosse is finely back!

Agugst 11! Yo I watch the big car race on TV the other day and it was aweseome! Jeff Gorden who I use to like is now a choker and dident even win! Unreal what a looser his son Robbie Gorden did win it though I knew he would! So that is good but my new faverite race car man is Matt-Ken Seth who is great and the best and drive his car around the circle and it is very loud and you can hear the engine for miles and there are crashes and wrecks and loud noise and it RULES! So you see that is why Matt-Ken Seth is my favoritest race car driver you can't argue with that! Allso who is great is Dale Ironheardt Junior who is not rellated to Jeff Gordon but is rellated to the great Dale Ironheardt the First who was great and awesome and a legend and a hero and is dead now so I will fight anyone who says he wasent the BEST of all times! Anyways car racing is the best sport because of all the stratergy and skillz trust me I seen on TV how they talk about them drivers drifting in behind the wind of the other cars and cutting the other guy off and all them tricks like that! I try them tricks when I am driving on the freeway it is good to be able to drive like a race car man it shows them other drivers who is Boss which is me! So if you see a big SUV that looks real cool and has a Laker sticker and Duke and Yankee stickers on it and a BUCKS World Champs sticker and the Eminam Tunes are all cranked loud and the driver has cool hair that is long in the back but short in the front and he is driving like a race car man then it is probaly me so back off and stay out of my way or I might run you offen the road just like Ironheardt or Gorden or Matt-Ken Seth so look out chump!

Agust 8! Yo I am so mad at how unfair everthing is! First of all why isent Kobey Bryan out of jail yet! I saw him go on triale on TV the other day and how the judge aks him did he get with that girl and Kobey look right at they judge and say "No Sir!" Right on TV! And then they triale is over and Kobey drive off in his SUV! SO what the probalem! Well now they say he has to go back for another triale what is this crap it is a which Hunt! I heard from my lawyer that if you skate once at you triale you are in the clear even if you punked somebody! He even say that once you get declare Not Guilty in court you can go up to the looser that tryed to sue you and say "Haw I did steal that Duke jerssey from you store but there aint nothing you can do about it now looser because I had my triale!" And the looser cant do anything about it! Well now they are trying to make Kobey go back to trial what a jip this is a crime dont they know that he dident do it! And he needs to get practising it isent that long untell baskeball season starts up and he needs to get practising with Shack and the new players so they can finely get they fourpete! We dont need all these triales and crap the man is innocent he said No Sir right on TV! Get off his back! Allso why isent there enough raporting on this story I cant find anything about it hardly I need detales about what happened quit waisting my time blabbeling about Iraqu again and again who cares its over we won so shut up and talk about the good stuff like how Kobey is innocint and is being prejedice against! Like I do on my web sight! Which rules! I bet that judge is a looser Nugets fan who is just jealous of all of Kobeys Rings and trophys and championships and cars and cloths and fans and girls and chains and gold nicklases and money and blingbling! What a jip I am so sick of how superstar athaletes cant never get a fair triale what a jip!

Agust 7! Yo I got a lot of inside info on importent breaking news about the sports and its all about you faverite players and teams! But why should I put it up here for you jive turkeys to read for free I will save it for my special email list called Bandwagon Boys Smartest Fans and I will put it thre instead so soon people will pay me the big bucks to join that list and I will get Rich so cram that one loosers! Wow my news is BIG but too bad for you people you will never know what it is untell you sign up for my email list! Too bad for you!

Augst 5! Yo the awesome news is how football is already back! Summer is pretty much over now so it is about time that we had some foot ball on the TV and yesterday was Monday Night so I was ready for some foot ball and Monday Night Foot ball come on and it RULED! They had Greenbay verses Kansas and it was only a spring training game so you couldent bet on it which is lucky for Billy Ray because I would of bet that it would get cancled halveway through for lightening! And it did I called it! Anyways it was awesome to FINELY see some of the manny superstars of football come back on the TV like the Awesome Brent Farv and that little guy and allso the great Marquis Alan! Wow what a load of superstarz you cant beat that! And now there will be more and more foot ball on TV the rest of the year which ROCKS because there is nothing else going on in the sports so we need it now! I cant wait for more foot ball because I am a true fan of the game and I need to make some bets as soon as I can so I cant wait for the pooles and fantasy gambling gmaes and all that stuff that makes foot ball the best game of them all! So get with the program and start watching foot ball you loosers do you know what I am saying G!

Agust 4! Yo check out how Cobey Bryan tell everone how my web site is the awesomest it is so cool! And it is really him trust me I email him at his email which Billy Ray got for me which is this and I email him and aks him if I can put up that comercial and he say go for it homes! So I did! This RULEZ it is so great to be so famous like me! So anyways I got another idea and it is this I am going to make a email that I am going to send out to special lucky people called Bandwagon Boys Smartest Fans and they are the only ones who get to get the special incite in them emails! It is great wow what a opportunity for you people this is preemium contint just like on the that I have to pay for but I will sign you up for this list for free right now if you email me at in the next couple days! But after that I am going to charge like fifty dollers or something to join up with Bandwagon Boys Smartest Fans so you better get on the schtick jack! Sign up today beffore I change my mind and you will save manny dollers yo I am not kidding homes step to it do you know what I am saying G! Holla dawg!