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Bandwagon Boy


Here is the latest old stuff that I use to type on my page!

July 10! Well look out loosers because LAKERZ are BACK! We just traded for awesome Garry Peyton and now we just got the Awesome Maleman Carl Malone! Unreal! This is so awesome I cant WAIT for next year now that we will have Shack and Coby and Peyton and the Maleman all together that is the awesomest team of all times! Yo we are going to fourpete for SURE now! Big deal the Spurs won one time this year like I perdicted but next year LAKERZ are back and will FINELY win they fourpete like they should of this year except for the cheating reffs who stole it from us! Now everone is all mad just because Coby Bryan assalted some girl well so what who cares maybe he dident even do it! And beside if you throw every NBA star who attacks a girl into jail you wouldent have anyone left to play baskeball! Except maybe some BORRING guy like Tim Dunkin and nobody want to see him play! So hurry up and get Coby out of jail so that we can get on with FINELY winning our fourpete!

July 8! Well the big news is how last night was the Finale Episode of the new show called For the Love of Money! This is a realty show starring Joe the Millionare as a guy named Robb! He gets all these hot chicks to chase him but he dont know that they will get a million dollers if he pick them! But then later he do know that! Anyways Joe the Millionare had cut it down to two girls Page and Aron. They two girls were all tore up and crying about whether to take the money or marry joe the millionare! But Robb who was played by Joe the Millionare got to pick and he picked Aron instead of Page and told Page to go screw because Aron was hotter! SO Aron comes in and tells him to cram it because she wants the million bucks! But then Robb tells her the joke is on her because she could of knock boots with him and still got the million bucks anyways but now she was out of luck because he wasent going to freak wild with her! What a foole! Dude she is hot and she is rich do you know what I am saying yo I would of been all over that nawimean yo! Anyways Joe the Millionare was out of luck because she told him to hit the bricks but she was out of luck because she wasent going to be getting any from Robb! Haha suckers you are all fooles I would of won all the money and got with all they hot girls because I am not a chump like Joe the Millionare! But at the end there was a big suprose Twist where they tell Aron that she can trade in her money to be the star of For the Love of Money II and win more money and have dudes chassing her! So she threw her money into the fireplace what a looser! These people are stupid! No wander they wont let me on these shows they know I would keep all they money instead of throwing it away do you know what I am saying homes! Anyways Joe the Millionare is out and Aron gets her own show but who cares no one got rich and no one got naked so what is even the point CSI is best show anyways amd I watch it all the time!

July 5! Well since it is a holyday weekend and there isent anything good on TV and my playstation is busted and I am sick of all my CDs and I dont' feel like doing anything fun and I am out of beer I read my new Hairy Potter book which is called Hairy Potter and the University of Phoenix and it is awesome! I read it all day and all night long and couldent put it down I cant wait untell tomorrow when I will read the second chapter! Anyways the book is awesome for a werdo long book without any pitcures in it! Like they say on the it is all about Hairy Potter and his college which is Warthog State and it is a Magick College! Sense I wasted so much time reading this awesome book, I thought I would give you all my review of it!

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, more than any of the four previous novels in the series, is a coming-of-age story. Harry faces the thorny transition into adulthood, when adult heroes are revealed to be fallible, and matters that seemed black-and-white suddenly come out in shades of gray. Gone is the wide-eyed innocent, the whiz kid of Sorcerer's Stone. Here we have an adolescent who's sometimes sullen, often confused (especially about girls), and always self-questioning. Confronting death again, as well as a startling prophecy, Harry ends his year at Hogwarts exhausted and pensive. Readers, on the other hand, will be energized as they enter yet again the long waiting period for the next title in the marvelous, magical series.(Ages 9 and older) -So you see it is a awesome book and I really read it so back off! I recommend Hairy Potter and the University of Phoenix for anyone who can read and likes to read and has all the time in the world to just set there and read a book like a big dork all day long and doesent have anything better to do so if you are bored out of your scull and have nothing better to do and want to read a book, then this is the one to read! Trust me just get this book and you wont need any others and you will probaly never want to read another book ever again!

June 31! Well as you can see I was right again! I told you how the NBA draft would go! And it did! Unreal how awesome I am you all owe me bigtime for all the great incite I give you for FREE! You are all freeloaders and beggers yo send me some blingbling do you know what I am saying! Anyways the big news is how Miami and Verginia joined up with the AC Conference! And now it is a awesome confrence with Florda State and Miami in football and Carolina and Duke and allso Marryland who use to be good in baskeball! Unreal it is the BEST confrence ever now! They need to sign up some more colleges though because 6 teams isent enough! They should sign up Norta Dame and my awesome Ohia Buckeyes and champion Saracuse and other teams like Michegen and Kentuckie and Arrizona! Then they would have the best confrence EVER and it would rule because ever single team would be awesome and champion and all go undeffeated in the same year and other looser confrences would all loose ever game it would be so awesome why dont Budd Zelig and Howard Sterne and whatever else looser is in charge of college sports do that! Why is everone so stupid except me we would all be rich if these idiots would only listen to me! Oh well at least the AC Confrence is on its way to being good now all they need to do is steal some more teams from the other looser confrences! That would RULE!!!!

June 26! Well the big NBA draft is tonite because I am typeing this on Thursday before the draft! not friday! Duh! Anyways I have done all kind of research and checked out the USA Today and and watched the ESPN so I know ezactly what is going to happen! First I garantee the AWESOME LeBaron James will go hardship! And he will be drafted number #1 of all by Cleaveland! Just you wait I garantee you this will happen if you dont beleif me then bet me a million dollers looser! Anyways the rest fo the draft will go like this I garantee it!


#1. The AWESOME LeBaron James! 2. Donnie Darko 3. Carmela Anthoney 4. Chris Bausch 5. Dewayne Wayne 6. Chris Kattan 7. Curt Heinrich 8. JT Ford 9. Mike Sweeney 10. Haynes Jarvis 11. Mikeal Petreedish 12. Nick Collision 13. Marquis Bank 14. Luke Ludenhour 15. Reece Davis 16. Troyjan Bell 17. Zarro Cabababakrappa 18. Wes Davis 19. Alexander Pavlov 20. Tahntay Jones 21. Bores Jaw 22. Zora Planneiatse 23. Trajan Outlaw 24. Bryan Crooks 25. Carlos Delrio 26. Undudey Ebby 27. Kendall Perkans 28. Leeann Drinyobarberosi 29. Josh Powers

Just wait untell tonite you will see that I was RIGHT again!!!!!

June 24! Well everone in the world has Hairy Potter Fever! Hairy Potter is this kid with glasses and round hair who goes to Magic College in Eruope! And he write Big Famous Books about his Magic College and all the werd nerds he go to college with and how they cass spels and fight verses Monsters and Dragons and bogeymen and whitches and spooks and Termenaters and Matrexes and Hulks and Demuns and gools and big Spiders it is so awesome and cool that even though they books seem like looser dork books for nerds and babys and retardes they are really really populer and everone loves them! Hairy Potters books are about his Magic College and how he plays flying baskeball which is called Kidditch in Eruopean and how they all cass they spels at people and make fun of loosers who cant do magick and call them all names like Mugwumps and such! His books sound stupid but they are actually good! They are real long and hard to read but so what all awesome books are long and hard to read except for Doctor Suce which is easy! Crummy looser books are hard to read too so it is hard to tell which is which but trust me I know about these things and I wouldent steer you wrong I wouldent ever waste months and moths of my valueble time reading some stupid looser book that would suck yo! But Hairy Potters books RULE I have boughten them ALL and I am going to start trying to read one of them soon when there is nothing good on TV and nothing else to do! So anyways this Hairy Potter kid is really rich and famous and awesome and everone been buying up his books and he is the famousest writter and athor in the world even more richer then Steven King or Opra! So he has so much money that he will probaly buy a big Cadillack to drive around in and get one with a cordless phone and a TV and VCR right in it and get one all fly and goldplated and stuff do you know what I am saying! He is so famous and populer right now I bet he could even probaly do a Rap with the awesome Eminam or even have his own TV show! I think that would be AWESOME he should be the host of American Batchelor IV or maybe Fear Factory he can take over that show and put the spell on people and they would be afraid! It would RULE what a awesome idear it is dashiznot! Yo Hairy Potter if you are reading this then go and call up the Fear Factory show and tell them that you want to take it over and be the host and when they send you millions of dollers then you owe me half because it is MY idear and so send me the money Bucko and dont try and rip me off Jack! Trust me take my advise and I will get you rich do you know what I am saying just dont try and punk me out beyotch you owe me half of the blingbling from being host of Fear Factory or allso American Batchelor IV because those are awesome idears and they are MINE Bucko so go and do that now and send me the money you owe me what are you waiting for this is awesome I am going to be rich YESSSSSS!!!

June 22! Well first of all let me say SPURZ RULE!!!! NATIONAL CHAMPS in you face Nets you suck you couldent stop my awesome SPURZ who are the best and RULE!!!! YES YES YES it is so awesome to see my SPURZ finely win it all I have been the biggest Santonio fan for years and years and they always choked in the big one and lost to they Lakerz but now that Lakers suck and blow and got tired of being CHAMPS and ruling my awesome SPURZ took over and finely became CHAMPS for the first time ever it is so great to be a part of my team winning it all for the first time so that is why I havent been typeing up my web sight lately because the looser PIGS in this town are so stupid and jealous and dumb that they dont even let you have fun and celbrate when you team FINELY wins it all for the first time ever! What do they expect! Jerks! Anyways I was out celbrating my SPURZ winning the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP like any loyale fan would do and I had manny 40s yo I was getting my shwerve all on and getting into the wiskey like you are spose to do after you team wins it all! So anyways I got the celbration started and lit some garbige cans on fire so everone would know that that is where the celbration was going to be but no one came over so I had to let people know where the awesome shiznit partay was so I threw a couple of them trash cans through the window of the 711 to let everone know how I was the BIGGEST and most phsyched up SPURZ fan in the world and the loosers inside dont come out and clebrate they call the cops what a bunch of loosers they must of been Nets fans or somethign! Anyways I had to show them who was boss so I lit they cars on fire just for a minute to show them and then the PIGS show up and they had all this attitude with me like you cant do that what is wrong with you blah blah blah you know what I am saying they were oviously looking for a fight becuase they were oviously JEALOUS of me having so much fun because my team won the national CHAMPIONSHIP so they tried to get all up in my face and put on a power trip against me and give me all this attitude and try to bust out the cufs on me! Unreal who do they think they are! I dont take that crap from no one! NO ONE! So I tried to be cool and just explain how I was just chilling and having fun and there was no trouble and this jealous looser cop grabbed my SPURZ jerssy! No way do I take that Bucko! So I had to kick ass on like probaly 20 copps beffore they could take me down! I gave them what for and called them all jealous NEts fans what do you expect! Anyways I had to go to county for a week on drunken disordly arsson resisteng arest assaulting and a whole bunch of other LIES made up by jealous looser copps and that Judge was so oviously a Nets fan too what a jealous jerk she wouldent even let me explain about how police brutalty was the problem and I had to do a week in the county! Unreal just goes to show there is no justice in the countary and how everthing goes wrong when you let girls be judges they dont even understand about sports what is this world comming to I will tell you that I have learnt my lesson next time when I am celbrating one of my champion teams I will type up my web sight FIRST beffore I go out and partay and set fires because then I wont have about a hunderd emailes from all my fans saying where are you why havent you type up you websight we need you blah blah blah! So now you know how I was railraoded by jealous PIGS who hate the SPurz and are JEALOUS loosers! JERKS! In you face my team is still champs and you will never keepme down with you police brutalty!!!!!

June 13! WELL I HAVE HAD IT I AM SO TICKED OFF I CANT BELIEF IT!!!!! I just typed up a excellent raport on how my Nets RULE and how Santonio sucks and Tim Dunkin is borring and how NETZ are going to be awesome champions and how Jersy is CHAMPIONLAND with my Devils and Netz and FIRST PLACE Yankees and allso on how Friday the 13th is unlucky for loosers but bad luck doesent bother me because I am a WINNER and winners make they own luck! And then I try to put it on my websight and it busted! It wouldent work! Something screwed it up!!!! And I know that it must have been HACKERERS!! That is the ONLY explanation! There are so manny people who are so JEALOUS of me that one of them must have hackered into my web page and RUINED my awesome articles! This stinks what a crime I am so mad I don't know what to do what kind of a looser with no life would do such a thing I am going to call my lawyer right now! If you are reading this Mr. Hackerer you better watch out you looser JERK! I am so ticked off right now I dont know what I am going to do! Why would someone hacker up my websight and target me like this! I will tell you JEALOUSY!!! That is the only explanation! Unreal but that is the only explanation! The hackerer was so good that he made my computer get a ll froze up just like it does when it crashes! Whoever this evil genious is he needs to be stopped! So if you are reading this hackerer you are in big trouble! I already told my computer expert Billy Ray about this and he is so on the case he already knew about it! He is going to use his expert computer skilz to track you down so I can SUE you right into the pourhouse LOOSER! So cram that one bucko you are a foole! You wont get away with it!!!!!!!

June 11 Well the big news is how Sammy Sossa got busted for putting a cork in his bat last week! This is a big deal because hitters are not suppose to do it! This is cheating! I am all mad at Sammy for getting caught doing this! How stupid of him he should of been able to hide it better! I use to play baseball all the time back beffore my tragick injury that made me give up all sports which is too bad because I was so awesome I was going to go pro and allso get a scholership and play manny sports at once but then I had my tragick injury which is a real loss for all you sport fans! Anyways the point is I NEVER once got caught for corking my bat! Never! And take it from me it is a lot harder to put a cork in a alumenum bat then in the wood one that Sossa did! So he aught to be ashame of himslef for getting caught like that! SHAME!!! He is going to be suspended now for like 8 months or whatever which is too bad but he kind of stinks now so no one cares! And he plays for Cubbs who alway suck even when they are good so no one cares that Sossa the Cheater got caught! I am going to call him Corky Sossa from now on get it HAHAHAHAHAH I guess your not so big now huh Sossa you thought you were all badass back in the olden days well now look at you everone hates you how do you like being brung down to size! Hahahah cram it Sooser the looser! Get it!

June 10! DEVILS DEVILS DEVILS DEVILS DEVILS DEVILS DEVILS!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! FINELY WE WIN THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP OF HOCKEY JUST LIKE I CALLED IT!!!! WE ARE NUMBER #1 BUCKO LOOSER DUCKS = GARBAGE WHAT A JOKE THEY WERE SO OVER RATED HAHAHAHAHAH EAT IT DUCKS!!!! ANYWAYS WHO CARES WE WIN WE RULE WE = AWESOME!!!! STANLEYS CUP IS BACK IN THE USA WHERE IT BELLONGS! YESSSSSSSSSS!!! PS I am so mad that the loosers voted to give that Gigger MVP trophy to that Kahn Smith guy he stinks Brodure is way better then him and is the best goldie of all times!! He has the rings to proove it Bucko! We get no respect what a joke well who cares anyways we won and so DEVILS = NATIONAL CHAMPS BUCKO!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!

June 9! Well today is the big night my favorite hockey team of all times DEVILS is playing for Stanleys Cup which is what looser Canandiens call they playoffs trophy! Anyways I been waiting forever for this because I am so loyale TO MY DEVILS and I even watched a hockey match on TV that time back in Deceber because there wasent anything else on so I am a big fan! I cant wait to see my team finely win Stanleys Cup it's been a long time sense my favorite team won it all I used to like Detroit Redwings back in the olden days when they had that Russian goldie named Hashek but they got all looser after he left so now I can FINELY see my DEVILS my favorite team win it all again it is going to be great I garantee it you heard it here first Bucko!

June 7! Well I been looking at the USA today and doing a lot of intence reserch into the big race for the Trippel Crowne today and I decided that Sunnycide = looser! If you look at the facts and are really smart and cutting edge and ahead of the game and have a Genious system like me you can see that the awesome horse of the year is NOT Sunnycide like all them loosers keep saying it is Umpire Maker who is a CHAMP and who will win the big Trippel Crowne later today on saturday when I am typing this before the race not after! And anyways I use to love Sunnycide back in the olden days about 4 years ago when he was awesome and won all his races but after his last race he started acting all snooty and cocky like he think he all that do you know what I am saying! So I am glad that my favorite horse Umpire Maker is going to win and become the CHAMPION horse! GO UMPIRE MAKER NUMBER ONE WORLD CHAMP I GARANTEE IT!!!!!! Allso in the sport news is how the Great Rodger Clemmens got ROBBED of his 3000th win by looser Joe Torrey! Unreal I am so mad Torrey must GO NOW fire that looser Clemmens would of probaly won 4000 games by now if not for looser Torrey screwing everthing up! FIRE HIM NOW!!!! Allso it was very sad to see that Chinaman for the Cubbs break his head open even though he plays for looser Cubbs I stopped yelling at the TV and gave him a moment of silents when he was past out because I am a class act all the way Bucko so anyways get well soon He Chop Suey the chinamen from the Cubbs who is going to die from getting his head split open oh well at least it wasent anyone good!

June 6! Well get this loosers I am going to be rich I was talking with Billy Ray about how awesome Sunnycide is and he told me how I can envest in all of Sunnycide's champion baby horses that he has so that after they are borned they will get sold for millions of dollers this is great! This is called "Studd feese" by horse racing experts like me and Billy Ray and I only had to give him $100 dollers and whenever Sunnycide gets to knock boots with some hot girl horse and they have a puppy horse and it gets sold for a million dollers I get 100% profit! This is awesome I am going to be rich from Studd feese which is great because I am a Studd just aks the ladys bucko! Hahahah! Anyways this is just another Genious investment by me I am going to be so rich I will go and aks Billy Ray if he will let me envest some more money in the Studd feese maybe if I clean the walkin cooler and take his double shift this weekend he will let me do it it is so awesome to be rich and to be a insider in all this stuff like me too bad for you loosers that you arent part of the deal once Sunnycide starts pumping out them baby horseys look out jack I will be a millionare! Get ready for the blingbling Bucko!

June 6! Well the big news in the sports is how Sunnyside is going to win the big Trippel Crowne tomorrow! I dont watch the hose races too much but ever year I watch the Trippel Crowne race because that is where the best CHAMPION Horses all race! This horse Sunnyside is awesome and I been a big fan of his for like 4 years now! I told everone how he was going to win the Kentuckey Darby and then the Preknice and now the Trippel Crowne just like I called it I know a champion when I see one! I dont know whether Secertaryat or Settle Sloo is going to race against Sunnyside in the Trippel Crowne this year or not they are all old but they are still awesome and it would be good to see them come back and race so maybe it will happen! Who is that horse that won the Trippel Crowne last year I dont remember his name because he was no big deal he losted the other two races and only won the the last one of the three, the Trippel Crowne race! So we dont need that looser to run this year he is probaly at the Glue factory anyways that is what my grampa always use to say about the horseraces "Hey looser you are going to the Glue Factory after this race!" It was very funny and we would all laugh and laugh even though everone knows that horses cant work at factorys maybe they can carry a wagon or something but they cant pour Glue into bottles! Or mop up and sweep the floor like my granpa use to at where he worked! That is why it is funny to say! Plus allso it was funny to hear him yell it through his voice thing that he had to press up against his throte to talk after he had his voyce box ramoved from smoking too much cigars and from too much vodka all the time! Anyways so maybe I will go down to the OTB tomorrow and bet on Sunnyside to win the big Trippel Crowne race because he is CHAMPION and I never loose bets! But if they get old Secertaryat to race agaisnt him and he looses then he will be a choker and I will tell him to go to the Glue Factory like a looser and it will be funny and everone will laugh! So that is why horse racing is a awesome sport that I watch on TV ever year!

June 4! I have got so manny emails from desperete people saying Bandwagon Boy where are you we need you please update you page! Well why don't all you people shut up and get off my back! I am just on vecation why cant a very busy and importent CEO man like me EVER get to go on vecation what is you probalem what are you slavedrivers! Yo back off bucko I am relaxing and maxxing and chilling not illin with all my peeps and my homeys so cram that one loosers! I am getting all tore up on whisky all night long and playing lots of vedeo games and sleeping untell 2 in the afternoon ever day because the balland chain gots to work and I dont hahah so I am kikcing back bucko and then later in the week we are going to take advantege of that Grayhoun special to go and visit family well its the balland chains mother and stepfather but who cares I guess they count as family even though the old lady is a big whinner and gripper and they dont even have Cable so I will go to the bars to watch the NBA finales and drink vary manny 40s and maybe this year they will FINELY get Cable at they trailer park who knows but I told them to go and get a satalite dish but the old lady always say we cant aford it because she is on the distablity and her back hurt and all that do you know what I mean! Anyways she doesn't even know how to work the ramote so no way can they get a dish they are looser but viseting them beats working so anyways that is what is up with me so back off and give me a minutes piece what is wrong with you people cripes cant I even get a vecation! Beside there is nothing going on in the sports now anyways so who cares get a life back off loosers!

May 22! Well the big news is how they let a girl play golfs with men! unreal what a joke they let this femmi-Nazi golf with men so she can make some werdo femminest statement I am so mad! She aught to go back to the kitchen where she bellong! This is serious business they are playing for real out there not babyfooting around that girl is going to get herself hurt by playing golfs with men! She doesent know what she is getting herself into you need to be a trained star athalete to play the golf you can't just run out there in a skirt and think you bellong why do you think they play it at countary clubs! To keep out girls and other undasirables! Who does this Anka Sorensen chick think she is! She is going to hurt herself and when she does I will LAUGH because I alredy said it is stupid for her to golf! Why dont Anka Sorensen and the other femminazis just stay away and shut up I am so sick of hearing this chicl cry and whine on TV all the times! I hope she CHOKES and screws up and shows everone how women cant take it! Get back in the kitchen Anka you stink and are JEALOUS!!!!

May 22! Well the big news of sports is how the Great Rodger Clemmens is going for his 3000th win! He is the awesomest pitcher ever to play and he is about to set the record for most wins EVER! It is great to see this happen to a great champion and nice man like Rodger! That is why everone loves him and everone will be cheering for him to win his next one! Here is a pitcher of him pitching last night when he won another game!

He is awesome and it is going to be so great to see HISTORY made when the Great Rodger becomes the first man EVER to win 3000 games! Look at all the famous and best pitchers of all times and NONE of them ever won so many games as Rodger! Cyoung Award, Meriano Rivera, Randy Johnsen, Curt Shilling, David Coen, Duwight Goodan, Babe Ruth, Pete Rose, Noland Ryne, that old lefthanded guy, Phil Negro, Andy Petite, David Wels NONE of the best pitchers of all times has EVER won 3000 games! NONE! And now Rodger is going to make history it is going to be so awesome I will have to cut out the TV listings from the paper on the day he wins so I will have a suvanere to always remeber where I was watching TV on the day he won his 3000th game! It is like way back when Mark Maguire hit his 700th home run to beat out Sammy Soosa and became a Hero, I still have the ramote control clicker from the TV that I watched the news on and they showed him doing it maybe I will sell it on Ebay someday for a thousand dollers but for now I will keep it because it is so cool and maybe one day I will have Mark Maguire autograph it for me and then it will be worth even more money! Hey I will use the same clicker when i watch Rodger win the big game and make history and it will be worth even more money and I am going to put it on Ebay and I am going to be RICH! Yessssssss!!

May 21 Well the good news is how I am getting over having the Sars! Many people have died from this evil commy disease but not me I am strong and wirey and I am too tough to die from Sars bucko! But I was real sick and coughed and sneezed and hacked up loogies for a couple days! Unreal! Anyways I got better because of my harty constatution and I went out to the big movie I been dyeing to see! (Not really dyeing duh that is just a expretion!) Anyways of course the best movie of all times that I wanted to see was Matrex 2: Loaded! And so I went down to the movies at the big mall and I watched Matrex 2 and it RULED! It was very different from the first one and much funnyer! There was a big old crowd of people there to see it but most of them went to a different room mine wasent that crowded which is good because I like to stretch out when I am at the pictures and put my popcorn and jewjewbees in the cupholders and have enough room to take out my cellfone real quick and call people to tell them about the good parts! Anyways Matrex 2 was awesome even though it was all diffrent this time they dident have Kenu Reves probaly because he wanted too much money or maybe he is being in some other movie this time! But it dident matter becuase his character Neto Matrex wasent even in this movie! Instead the hero was this guy who work for advertizeing and he get fired from his