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luving life

This is mee...

\\MILEna*//14//Single..Not looking.//joan//

Respectss to..

The bellaz.

Sigrid.Michelle.Cayla.Sarbear.Vaneesa.Jessica C.Mandaa.Monica.Marina.Fatima.laura.Jennifer.Casey.Jean.Bella.
Ariel.nicole.Stepahnie dolan. Candice.Selesha. lol sorry kids. i dun remember the rest=)

The belloz.

Junior pish.Chrisssy poo.Tarrick.Cass.Paul.Chris.Nick (zaga)Jon.Gabe.Wynton.Chad.rico.mark.blair.gian carlo.Matt.michal.jason.claudio.colin.kenneth.dominic.ASSSS.ASSan.
Dee.nicho.richard.mitchell. micheal cardi and cordi.
matt lemos. leo. lestar. Camilo.
sorrry if i missed yu but itss summer lol i forgett =)

whatss goin on with me..

oh my my my boyz r soo confusing. Yu think yu found wun thats diff frum most of em. but he isn't.. dun b fooled. ohh well i'll live ..i alwayss do. The rest of my summer hass been awesome! lol the only thing i regret was not talkin to thosee boiz that stoppeddd right cassy? lol danm he wass finee =) lol i spend most of my days at land with cass. caca cuz yu kno were really cool. i've met a lot of new friends. Sadly i lost some too. but oh well i was fine without them befor. ill b fine with out em now. kk enough bout thiss. ill write more later.