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what is cringe clothing inc.?

My name is Melissa and i was really bored one day and i started a clothing line. now it hasnt been exactly started yet due to name and money problems. but now i have a name and i have money no thanks to the movie theatre..bad place to work. anyways. as soon as i get everything all ready i will have pictures up of it all. so you all can see and can order it through my spiffy ordering thing i havent come up with yet. i have a feeling most of my ordering isnt going to be done online cause thats weird. but i just have it up never know. but i do plan to sell my clothes to many of my friends who will help me out and i plan on getting my clothing line in some little store or somewhere or i dont know. but just wait, cause one of these days you will see a cringe shirt and you will say "whoa. i have seen that online before, and now i really want to buy a cringe shirt." SO when all is ready i will make everything more buisness-like...enjoy, and since there is nothing to do at the moment go ahead and click on some of the links they are cool...have fun. ~ mel

links cause my site is boring so far

bored? go
so you wanna
drive-thru records
less than jake