Upcoming Events!

Upcoming Events!

All Our Events Are:


BELOW IS A LIST OF SOME OF OUR PAST EVENTS: (Please see Reviews at the end.)

August 2011

May 2011

April 2011

March 2011

February 2011

January 2011

Please join us as we make wonderful all-natural, all-vegan, totally pure healthy items to sell! We've been working on Bath Items lately and will be adding some Beauty Items in during July! Every month we'll have a new theme!

Our MeetUps are free and there is also the opportunity to earn from the sale of the items we make if you'd like. We are an educational group as much as a production group, so come ready to learn about new healthy ways to use products which are good for you, the environment and the animals, too!

We meet at Life Savers Health Food Store in downtown Wheeling. Life Savers is a great little shop! We have MeetUps in Hartville, Ohio, as well. See the schedule for dates and times.


Friday, July 2, 2010 @ 11:00 a.m., Essentials of Life Holistic Enrichment Center, Hartville, Ohio (RSVP for address)

We're going to make liquid soap, which takes some time, so pack a lunch! Seriously...or else you can get take-out from numerous small restaurants close-by. Liquid soap takes a little bit longer than bar soap to make, but it's worth it! We'll finish it up the next time we meet.

Liquid soap has to be stirred and stirred for a very long time, so while we take turns at the pot, we'll also make a few other items.

First we'll check on the cocoa soap that we made at our last meeting. It should be ready to wrap! Then BATH FIZZIES are on the agenda! Hooray! (They are real fun to use!) We'll also be moving into Beauty Items with a nice Rose Petal Gel Face Mask. MmmMmm! Please join us if you are free.

And speaking of free, the program is free and it's worth a lot! We make totally natural and pure items of every nature (if you will pardon the pun!)...meaning that we make the highest quality products around! Plus we learn a lot and have lots of fun. There is also the opportunity to earn a percentage of the items well sell.

It is important you R.S.V.P., because sometimes we go off location, and also we need to prepare for an accurate number of guests. Hope you can make it to the We Can Make It Group to make it with us!

~Dr. Jody and Dean


We Can Make It Group!

Thursday, June 24, 2010 @ 2:00 p.m., Life Savers Health Food Store & More, 1320 Market St., Wheeling, WV 26003 - Phone (340)905-8721

We Can Make It Group member and author/illustrator Delia Wach (Dee) will be on hand to teach us some new ways of making our labels! The group will be designing and making the labels for the soap and the bath powder we just finished making. This promises to be a fun meeting for sure! (Of course ALL of our meetings are FUN!!!) Everyone welcome. If you're in the area, please come!


Friday, June 18, 2010 @ 11:00 a.m., Essentials of Life, Hartville, Ohio (RSVP for address - eolhec@aol.com)

We're going to make Cocoa Soap! That's soap using cocoa butter...the smell will be yummy for sure! Everyone welcome...Please be sure and R.S.V.P.


Thursday, June 17, 2010 @ 2:00 p.m., Life Savers Health Food Store & More, 1320 Market St., Wheeling, WV 26003 - Phone(340)905-8721

We're making bath powder using all natural ingredients! Great to use in weather like this! Everyone welcome. We'll also be checking on the soap that we made last week and get started on labels.


Saturday, June 5, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. - WE CAN MAKE IT GROUP!
Essentials of Life Holistic Enrichment Center, Hartville, Ohio

This week we're going to catch up on our soap making a little and we're also going to make a few new items, such as bath powder and a very nice face gel. Please join us for 2 hours of fun! RSVP to eolhec@aol.com



Also introducing THE WE CAN MAKE IT GROUP at Life Savers to YOU!

Dr. Jody Eshelman, ND, CTN, CNHP, D.D.
Thursday, June 3
2 p.m.
Life Savers Health Food Store & More
1320 Market St., Wheeling, WV

26003 - Phone (340)905-8721

I will be giving a presentation on Creative Healing to kick off the new We Can Make It Group in Wheeling, West Virginia. I will be talking about the role that group endeavors and creative activity plays in overall healing, and also about some very simple ways to incorporate healing into your everyday life throughout all the day and the night.

We were all created to be healthy and well, so let's all be co-creators with God and create a healthier life!

This presentation will be in Wheeling. I will be giving a similar presentation in the Hartville area soon.

This presentation is being sponsored by Life Savers and is free to the public. Come join us for a very fun and informative talk! Free gift and refreshments to follow.
PLEASE R.S.V.P. on MeetUp and by calling Life Savers at (340)905-8721


Saturday, May 29, 2010 @ 10:30 a.m. - WE CAN MAKE IT GROUP

Come learn to make natural products for FREE! We even have ways you can EARN!!! All of our meetings are fun abd productive, and everyone takes something home! R.S.V.P. if you'd like to attend. eolhec@aol.com


Saturday, May 22, 2010 @ 10:30 a.m. - WE CAN MAKE IT GROUP

The We Can Make It Group meets every week to learn how to make all natural items together to sell. We'll be making all sorts of natural products...everything from all natural soaps to natural remedy kits to dog treats and so much more. We always have a really great time!

Space is limited, so please R.S.V.P. if you're planning to come. We'd love to have you and we'll gladly make room!


Saturday, May 15, 2010 @ 10:30 a.m. - WE CAN MAKE IT GROUP!

The We Can Make It Group meets every week to learn how to make all natural items together. We're making everything from remedies to personal items and gifts. We're getting ready to open a shop pretty soon, and then we'll be opening our permanent place for making items. Right now we're meeting in a very small space, but we always have room for one more if you'd like to join us. We always have a really great time!

Please R.S.V.P. if you're planning to come by emailing us at eolhec@aol.com. We'd love to have you and we'll gladly make room!


Saturday, May 8, 2010 @ 10:30 a.m.

The We Can Make It Group meets every week to learn how to make all natural items together. We're making everything from remedies to personal items and gifts. We're making bath items right now, such as soaps, bath crystals, bath oils, after-bath splashes, etc.

Space is limited, so please R.S.V.P. if you're planning to come. We'd love to have you and we'll gladly make room!

For more information, please visit www.essentials-of-life.org/WeCanMakeIt.html.

Naturally Yours in Good Health,

Jody Eshelman, ND, and Dean Evans


Saturday, May 1, 2010 @ 12:30 p.m.

The We Can Make It Group meets every week to learn how to make all natural items together. Right now we're working on soaps and perfumes! (How fun!) We're getting ready to open a shop pretty soon, and then we'll be opening our permanent place for making items. Right now we're meeting in a very small space, but we always have room for one more if you'd like to join us. We always have a really great time!

We are also looking for other places to meet. If you have a place we could use, let us know.

Space is limited, so please R.S.V.P. if you're planning to come. We'd love to have you and we'll gladly make room!

For more information, please visit www.essentials-of-life.org/WeCanMakeIt.html.

Naturally Yours in Good Health,

Jody Eshelman, ND, and Dean Evans


Friday, April 23, 2010 @ 12:30 p.m., Essentials of Life Holistic Enrichment Center, Hartville, Ohio

The We Can Make It Group meets every week to learn how to make all natural items together. Right now we're working on soaps and perfumes! (How fun!) We're getting ready to open a shop pretty soon, and then we'll be opening our permanent place for making items. Right now we're meeting in a very small space, but we always have room for one more if you'd like to join us. We always have a really great time!

We are also looking for other places to meet. If you have a place we could use, let us know.

Space is limited, so please R.S.V.P. if you're planning to come. We'd love to have you and we'll gladly make room!

For more information, please visit www.essentials-of-life.org/WeCanMakeIt.html.

Naturally Yours in Good Health,

Jody Eshelman, ND, and Dean Evans


Monday, February 22, 2010, N. Canton, Ohio (RSVP for location)

Time for another covered dish dinner where nobody cooks! Just bring a dish prepared with raw fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds...nothing heated over about 110 degrees (and no meat)...preferably organic. You can bring something fancy, or something plain. It doesn't have to be a difficult dish to prepare. It can be as easy as grapes or as complicated as some of the gourmet raw foods dishes I've tried. The important thing is getting together and sharing ideas and experiences with one another and learning new ways of eating that have been around since the beginning of time.

Please bring your own table service and enough food to share with 6-8 people. Bring the recipe, too, if you'd like...we're all anxious to learn new dishes to make.

We'll gather at 6:30 to get set up and say our hello's, then dinner will be at 7:00. Dean's mom, Carol, is opening her home to us for the evening...she has a wonderful place with plenty of space, so please join us for an evening of fun! Her house is very easy to find. Just a short bit off 77, close to the airport. We hope to see you all there!

Naturally Yours in Good Health,
Jody and Dean


We Can Make It Group! (Arts & Crafts Cont. & Beginning Aromatherapy Session)
Friday, October 23, 2009 @ 1:30 p.m., Essentials of Life Holistic Enrichment Center, Hartville, Ohio

This group is for anyone who would like to learn the why's and how's to making their own natural products and also for those who would like the opportunity to take part in our marketing program in order to earn much needed funds for yourself, and also to help us in furthering the work of teaching people to teach people to teach about natural health!

This week we're going to continue with our packaging arts and continue with boxes and baskets and bags while moving into bottles to package our first products in! Bring in any old magazines you have on hand, and as always, paper bags and cereal boxes are welcome here. Other supplies welcome, too.....scissors, glue, etc.

In addition to the packaging project we will be doing, we'll also begin learning about the products we're going to make. This week we're going to start learning a little about Aromatherapy and some of the ways the first products we'll make can be used! (Your instructor is a nationally certified traditional naturopath trained in the practical and clinical use of essential oils. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn!)

For more information please visit www.essentials-of-life.org/WeCan Make It.html


Friday, 9/16/09 @ 1:30 p.p.
The We Can Make It Group!

The We Can Make It Group is a great group for people to come together and learn how to make natural products of every sort. There is no charge, and it's lots of fun, plus you can learn things you'll always use and come away with free products and/or a chance to earn money through helping to produce these products for sale.

This is an ongoing group. We'll meet every Friday at this same time, and we'll soon be adding more times. There are also opportunities through this for working from home, or holding meetings at your house or group. This program is suited not only to individuals, but also to groups looking for a way to raise funds. Please visit www.essentials-of-life.org/WeCanMakeIt.html

We're going to make more baskets this week! Bring along any paperbags and/or empty cereal boxes you might hav on hand. Knitted or crochet baskets might also be nice if this is your hobby. Natural fibers would be particularly nice, but anything you have is okay. This is a very customizable group! Scraps of material sewn together...any kind of way you can think of to cheaply and easily make attractive containers in which to package our kits we'll be making at meetups to come. We want this group to be fun and to reflect who we are!

What does making baskets have to do with natural health? Well, just getting together with friends is shown to be good for your health, as has engaging in any creative activity. But more than that, it's what we're going to make in the weeks ahead to put into the baskets which will be really good! We have lots of products we're going to make, so come on and join in the fun!!

R.S.V.P. to eolhec@aol.comfor location. Hope to see everyone there!


Friday, 9/9/09 @ 1:00 p.m. - THE WE CAN MAKE IT GROUP!

Do you like having fun? Meeting people? Exercising your creative talents?
How about making money? Learning about natural health?

We have a new group that is forming! You can be involved on any level you’d like.
What we are doing is getting together to make items to sell!

What kinds of items? Why naturally, all natural and holistic health items of every kind!
Tinctures, creams, ointments, spritzers, soaps, food items, elixirs, syrups, teas…
craft items, gift items, pet items, bath and beauty items, items for the home and garden…
decoctions, concoctions, lotions and potions! Come join in on the fun!

You don’t know how? We’ll teach you what you don’t know, for FREE!
We need people with talent in medicine making, arts and crafts, sewing, cutting, pasting, painting, drawing, stenciling, candle making, soap making, woodworking, baking, canning, label making, washing dishes, decorating, budgeting, marketing and lots of other cool things.

Come join us as we laugh and have fun, and learn about natural health!!!

For more information, please visit www.essentials-of-life.org/WeCanMakeIt.html.

Very informal and welcoming atmosphere....We hope you'll be able to come!

NOTE: Bring any brown paper bags or empty cereal boxes you might have on hand...We'll be working on making baskets to package the items we make!wink


BE SURE TO CHECK OUR FACEBOOK PAGE! Take a look at what's coming up next!!!



Thursday, October 1, 2009 at 7:00pm at the Essentials of Life Holistic Enrichment Center in Hartville, OH

Please join us for a time of amazingly delicious and incomparably healthy food, fun and new-found friendship. It is for everyone who may be interested, not just the already committed pure raw foodist.

Arrive anytime after 7 pm--we will eat at 7:30. Bring a Raw Vegan dish (no meat, no dairy, and not heated over 110 degrees, organic if possible) along with serving utensils. Please also bring the recipe for the dish that you're sharing, so we can all learn!

The food we choose to consume plays a vital role in healing the body, mind and soul. Raw food is rejuvenating...life giving. Cooked and processed food is hard on the system and devoid of most of it's nutritional value. It's lost it's vitality, or vital energy. Raw food cleanses the system and restores enzymes, vitamins and minerals which are essential for mental and physical health. It is vibrant with life!

Raw food enthusiasts credit their diet with imparting physical vigor, mental clarity, and exceptional health. By following natural hygiene laws through a raw food diet, the body is given the chance it needs to detoxify and heal from years of the standard American diet.

Mankind originated on a raw food diet. Nothing can be healthier than fresh, organic, raw foods.

Let's enjoy getting to know others who want to learn more about how to eat truly healthy! Life begets life, and raw foods are brimming with LIFE! I am a doctor of naturopathy, and in my opinion, there's really nothing better than this to restore our vigor and health!

Thursday, October 1, 2009 - 7pm (we'll start eating at 7:30)

R.S.V.P. for directions. If you don't have a dish to share, that's okay if you're in a rush. Or just stop at the store and pick up a dish...it's as easy as picking something up from the produce section. Please shop organic for this event as much as you can. (Pesticides and GMO foods aren't what we'd want for our health!)

Please bring your recipe along with your dish...and if you can, please bring a friend!

Hope to see everyone!

Jody Eshelman, ND


Sep '09 15 Tue 7:00 PM

Essentials of Life Holistic Enrichment Center

Silver Shield is one of the most versatile and powerful supplements available. Watch this short introduction intently as Dr. Gordon Pedersen reveals how silver works and how it can help you in your quest for better health by clicking here now, and then on Tuesday we'll watch a longer more detailed video and discuss various uses for this.

This is a very informal gathering of friends and friends of friends....so feel free to bring friends along...Everyone should know about this!

Please RSVP so we can adequately prepare.

Naturally Yours in Good Health,
Jody Eshelman, ND


9/9/09 @ 7p.m.

Herbal Wellness Hour - Essentials of Life Holistic Enrichment Center, Hartville, Ohio
R.S.V.P. to Jody Eshelman, ND at allnatureworks@aol.com

Want to learn more about how to stay naturally well? Come to an Herbal Wellness Hour!

With so many concerns about health, rising costs, and the side effects of surgery and chemical drugs, more and more people are returning to natural ways. Join us for a very upbeat and informative gathering with friends as we learn how to incorporate a simple plan of natural wellness into our lives!

Join us on Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2009 at 7 p.m. to learn more. R.S.V.P. TODAY! allnatureworks@aol.com



All Natural HealthWorks! and Essentials of Life Holistic Enrichment Center Present--

An Aromatherapy Workshop: "Love Potions & Massage Lotions!"
Saturday, February 16th, from 2-5 p.m. in Hartville, Ohio.

RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE IN ADVANCE! Send a check for $30 to Mary Jo Eshelman, ND, P.O. Pox 174, Hartville, Ohio 44632 to reserve your space today, or payments can be made through PayPal by clicking here.

Come learn the why's and the how's of making your own love potions, massage lotions, and other aromatherapy products at home. As a Doctor of Naturopathy, Dr. Eshelman is trained in clinical aromatherapy, and will share with you not only the aphrodisiac powers of certain combinations of natural fragrances, but some of the health aspects, too! Don't miss this fun and very informative workshop! Ticket sales end February 14, so make your reservation today! For more information, write to us at allnatureworks@aol.com

Then from 7 - 10 p.m. on that same evening (Saturday, Feb. 16), we will be having Dancing and Karaoke with Denim & Diamonds as your musical host!

Denim & Diamonds has thousands of songs from which you can choose, so you can hear the music you want to hear! Come sing, laugh, dance and HAVE FUN!!! Tickets $5 to anyone buying online! Purchase your tickets TODAY! ($10 for mail-ins...please see the mailing information above.)


7/19 and 7/26/07

All Natural HealthWorks! and Essentials of Life Holistic Erichment Center Present--
A Celebration of Life!

107 E. Maple Street, Hartville, Ohio (The Old Yankee Peddler Bldg. right in the Center of Town)
Thursday, July 19 and Thursday, July 26 5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

OPEN HOUSE Come in and say HELLO!
Drop on in and watch a video or two, enjoy some popcorn, have a relaxing massage and meet some old and new friends! There will also be activities for children throughout the day. We’ll have drawings and prizes every half hour until 8:30, at which time we’ll be hosting a DRUM CIRCLE! Come feel the rhythm of life and join in on the FUN!


5/18 - 5/20/07

a 3 Day Adventure - May 18-20, 2007
Join us for 1 event or attend the entire weekend.

2:00-5:00 pm Holistic Natural Health Workshop - $10
6:00-7:00 pm Gratitude Dinner - Please RSVP - $10
7:30-10:00pm MOVIE: THE SECRET - Come find out what we know!!

9am Music, Movement & Meditation
10:00-10:45am OUR VISION *
10:45-11:30am Let’s talk about THE SECRET *
11:30-12:15pm TREASURE MAPPING * All 3 for $10!
Join us for lunch $5 (& also for dinner later!) RSVP
1:30 – 3:00 HOLISTIC HEALTH FORUM - $5
3:15-4:15 pm INTRO TO AROMATHERAPY – Free!
5:00-6:00pm MANIFEST HEALTH - $5 (6:00 dinner - $10)
7:30-10:00pm DRUMMING for WELLNESS! (and FUN!!!)

8:00-9:00am Peace Walk at Quail Hollow
10:30am-12:00pm Essentials of Life service & dedication
1pm – 5:00pm We Can Make It Group!!!
6 pm Dinner (please RSVP) 7pm Watch a movie that could change your whole life!
Wellness Consults, Reiki sessions, Angel Card Readings & More!

Workshops only $5-$10 each & Many events are FREE!
(Love Offerings are Gleefully & Gratefully Accepted!)

This Adventure is to Benefit:

Event location: 107 E. Maple St., Hartville, OH

For more information: Write to us at allnatureworks@aol.com



  • “ This is a great group for anyone, regardless of prior knowledge of natural health. We will explore a wide variety of topics. There's no end to what we can learn! ”

    — Jody Eshelman, ND on Jun 3, 2010.

  • All Natural HealthWorks! (Hartville)

    “ It's a great way to meet others in the area that think like you do and like to eat healthier. You can get some good tips on recipes too! ”

    — Karen Russell on Oct 1, 2009.

  • All Natural HealthWorks! (Hartville)

    “ It may get you to thinking more mindfully about what and why you eat. ”

    — Karen Kreger on Oct 1, 2009.

Reviews from

We Can Make It Group - Hartville on Friday Jun 18, 2010

Meetup Rating
5.00 5.001
  • Jody Eshelman, ND
    We made cocoa soap AND bath powder, plus we had some fun decorating containers. The cocoa soap smells and works really great. It's a little bit harder to cut than the other soaps, so the bars might not look as nice as the others, but wow is it a nice soap!

    — Jody Eshelman, ND

  • Reviews from

    We Can Make It - Wheeling on Thursday Jun 17, 2010

    Meetup Rating
    5.00 5.001
  • Jody Eshelman, ND
    We had a good time making bath powder! We talked about how talc is proven to be carcinogenic and then we made two very nice powders from arrowroot, cornstarch, baking soda and essential oils. We also checked on the soap that we made last week in our group,and wow does it lather up good and leave your hands feeling SOFT and squeaky clean! We also talked about ways to market our products. It pays to come to our group!

    — Jody Eshelman, ND

  • Reviews from

    Creative Healing on Thursday Jun 3, 2010

    Meetup Rating
    5.00 5.001
  • Jody Eshelman, ND
    We talked about the healing benefits of exercising our creativity with others in a group setting, and about the benefits of making and using all natural products. We decorated some jars to fill with bath crystals, aromatherapy candles, or whatever else we would like, and we also made some nice little essential oil perfumes to take home. We had a really fun time! Next week we're going to start making soap, focusing on bath items in June.

    — Jody Eshelman, ND

  • Reviews from

    We Can Make It Group! on Saturday May 1, 2010

    Meetup Rating
    5.00 5.001
  • Jody Eshelman, ND
    We worked on cutting and packaging the soaps we've already made and picked out a few future projects. We're going to continue with bath items next, i.e., liquid soap, bath crystals, bath oil, etc. We had a very good time!

    — Jody Eshelman, ND

  • Reviews from

    We Can Make It Group! on Friday Apr 23, 2010

    Meetup Rating
    5.00 5.002
  • Jody Eshelman, ND
    We made some lip balm, solid perfume and a hot oil infusion to go into an ointment, plus we decorated some jars...it was fun!

    — Jody Eshelman, ND

  • debra jackson
    i had fun learning how to make lip balm and perfume.....

    — debra jackson

  • Meetup Rating
    5.00 5.001
  • Jody Eshelman, ND
    This group has such great potential...I hope more people will take an interest real soon! I am going to postpone scheduling more meetings until I get a time lined up that will work out better for a few others who have expressed an interest in attending. I hope to hear from more people on this!

    — Jody Eshelman, ND

  • Reviews from

    We Can Make It Group on Friday Oct 16, 2009

    Meetup Rating
    5.00 5.001
  • Jody Eshelman, ND
    There were only two of us but others have expressed an interest. Even with only two it was very productive and FUN! Just getting together and laughing, talking, creating, learning was an afternoon very well spent!!

    — Jody Eshelman, ND

  • Reviews from

    The We Can Make It Group on Friday Oct 9, 2009

    Meetup Rating
    5.00 5.001
  • Jody Eshelman, ND
    Small in numbers but big in fun! We worked on making baskets from paper baqs...gotta have something to package the products in once we have made them, and recycling bags into baskets works great!

    — Jody Eshelman, ND

  • Reviews from

    Raw Food Fest! on Thursday Oct 1, 2009

    Meetup Rating
    5.00 5.004
  • Tiffany Embreus
    It was very fun and informative! The food was wonderful! There was such an awesome array of different and creative items. My boyfriend and I were very satisfied and full after our plates of samplins! It really opened my eyes to different dishes that can be made without cooking all the nutrients out of your food. I am waiting anxiously for the next one! Thanx!

    — Tiffany Embreus

  • Jody Eshelman, ND
    Our first Raw Food Fest was AWESOME! It was a small but intimate gathering of like-minded people and enough delicious raw food left over to feed many more! (I'm still nibbling today!)

    — Jody Eshelman, ND

  • Karen Russell
    The food tasted great and it was nice to talk to like minded people.

    — Karen Russell

  • Karen Kreger
    This is a lifestyle that is new to me. I ate a lot of different foods that were delicious. I don't think I could do this all the time but it could be part of my lifestyle. This was a nice, interesting group of people and I really enjoyed it.

    — Karen Kreger

  • Reviews from

    All Natural HealthWorks! (Hartville) September Meetup on Wednesday Sep 9, 2009

    Meetup Rating
    5.00 5.001
  • Jody Eshelman, ND
    We had a really great time...covered a lot of the basics of how the body works to stay well and talked about ways to support its efforts at this. It was a lively discussion and we had lots of fun while we learned!

    — Jody Eshelman, ND

    Jan 24 4.00 4.001
    Nancy Cleaver I attended Raw Food Gathering on Monday 1/24/11 @ 6:30 PM. The food was great and my hosts were interesting. Hope to attend other meetings to swap natural health info.


    5.00 5.00 Essentials of Life Holistic Enrichment Center

    Beautiful neighborhood in a very nice area.
    — Tiffany Embreus

    Saturday, October 3, 2009


    4.00 4.00 Essentials of Life Holistic Enrichment Center

    The meeting was held at a nice, comfortable place. It was a very warm atmosphere.
    — Karen Russell

    Thursday, October 1, 2009


    5.00 5.00 Essentials of Life Holistic Enrichment Center

    Great location for me as I live 5 minutes from this center. The place was comfortable and decorated pretty. I liked it there and felt at ease. I think other people would like to come here as the hosts were very nice people.
    —Karen Kreger

    Thursday, October 1, 2009

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    Notes from the Naturopath